Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 608 Reunion (Combined Chapter)

The cold and cruel words floated in the air, and the temperature in the Black Stone Hall seemed to drop several degrees.

Indeed, since the Blood Rebellion, the town of Ai Mining has experienced decline. Now, if it wants to revive, it can only rely on the power of the technology hunters. Even if it can never return to its former glory, as long as it can survive for a while, let itself and the people around it live this life safely... This is a rare hope.

Just like a drowning person, he will not miss any opportunity to stick his head out of the water.

Whoever wants to take their straw, they will fight for their lives.

——But Shandi is not the same.

There is not even the glory of Ai Mining Town. Except for a few areas, the major tribes even live a wandering life following water and grass. Drought, white disaster, bandit disaster... and the most deadly beast disaster, without the magnificent barriers left by the imperial city-state, the long-necked beasts will only drive straight in again and again.

Born in the grassland, buried in the wilderness.

This is the life of most herdsmen.

And fate.

Until the coming of the Red King.

At this moment, all the technology hunters deeply felt for the first time what kind of burden the man standing in the center of the hall, wearing a black robe and holding the core in his hand, was carrying on his shoulders - that is the vast dense forests and grasslands, the lives, survival, and future of countless families.

Now the towns in the flash land have begun to take shape. For the first time, they have gained the hope of breaking free from the cycle of life and death. At the same time, they have seen the picture promised by the hero in the pastoral song, and have what they want to build and protect... But everything is still unstable.

If you win the qualification of the relay station, you can get technical support from the technology hunters and even the mechanics behind them. In the process of construction, it is inevitable that there will be interaction, which will greatly speed up the project - relying on hard work and enthusiasm alone is not enough to make a magnificent town rise from the ground in this wasteland with nothing.

Who wants to take this opportunity.

They will also fight with you.

Lu Beiyou held hope in the hand that handed over the intelligent core at the same time.

"This was originally a sacred object of our Ashes Cult, so it was placed in the center of this auditorium... Even if its scientific research value is not considered, if possible, I will not give it to others." He looked at the sphere, his vision was blocked by the brim of his hat, but everyone present could imagine the reluctance in his eyes, "This is a heavy blow to faith."

"But..." The young man's tone suddenly became cold, "Some people don't want us to cooperate, and deliberately create chaos and conflicts in Flash... Whether it is to delay time or to sow discord, I don't care - now all we need is a final decision!"

To be blunt, the intelligent core can make up for all contradictions.

Deng Li's face was instantly stung... He heard that the other party was pointing at him.

If the riot tonight is caught in a debate about whether it is because of the poor security of Flash or someone inside the technology hunters, it will only lead to endless shirking and shifting the blame.

Once a dispute is formed, Black Scratches will inevitably have concerns when deciding to set up a station, and the plan can be delayed.

But Lu Beiyou's statement is very clear.

The truth can be investigated later.

But I want the result of victory or defeat now!

The hearts of the hunters in Aikuang Town sank to the bottom of the valley... When Dengli stood up and spoke in a provocative manner, they also felt that it was a bit inappropriate and unreasonable, but they did not come out to stop it like the two leaders Romi and Liu Si.

Because, although the other party was a little rash.

It was in their interests.

It was in the interests of Aikuang Town.

No matter what the truth of the beaked gorilla's out of control was, as long as the situation was disrupted, the gap between the flash land and the technology hunters would be bigger, and the possibility of the completion of the relay station would be reduced... For this reason, they could even draw hatred to themselves.

So they acquiesced.

Unexpectedly, Lu Beiyou had no intention of solving the case at all.

Instead, he took out the trump card directly.

Nothing is more powerless than seeing hope and then losing it again... The Aikuang hunters wanted to refute something, but they couldn't say anything.

Yes, as the other party said.

Reviving their hometown is indeed the dream of these people... But isn't the Red King also entrusted with the same hope?

Who is superior and who is inferior to us?

Why should we give it to you?

Relying on humility, pity and charity... But before that, who has ever pitied us?

In this world, everyone can have their own dreams... But just like a school of fish struggling in a mud pond that is about to dry up, if you relax a step, you will lose the nutrients you rely on for survival, and in the end you can only step on those shattered ideals, wishes and hopes, inch by inch.

——The only thing the hunters lament is.

There has never been a person like the man in front of them in Aikuan Town who can carry the burden of this ruin... Since the outbreak of the Bloody Rebellion, this city-state has been abandoned.

Now, once again.

The pale moonlight shone through the well-designed dome of the hall, looking extremely holy. The young man in black robes just stood there, the corners of his clothes fluttering without wind, and the ember patterns on them glittering... They were only a few steps away from each other, but they felt that the real distance was far away.

The first fire illuminated the flashing land.

But not them.

The silent night, silent.

"I think there should be no objections," Lu Meng's tone returned to its former calmness, but it still tore through the atmosphere like a blade, "Tomorrow early morning, I will send you all away, all the way to the black scratch, along with the intelligence Core - carried by the Wolf Riders."

Such a precious thing cannot be handed over to a group of outsiders, and the team will be led by someone he trusts.

The reason why the smart core is not sent directly to Black Scratch is that on the one hand, it requires the sponsorship of two high-level technology hunters, Luo Mi and Liu Si, who support him. On the other hand, it is a bit unpleasant but straightforward to say: No matter what , since they choose to shelve the dispute, these technology hunters who receive hospitality through off-site means will also be "escorted" safely.

Otherwise it won’t look good in appearance.

After saying that, he made a gesture and put the blue sphere back into the prismatic compartment - the stone pillar where it was located was as tall as a person, and it was effortless to embed an intelligent core into it.

Lu Meng clapped his hands this time.

With a mechanical creaking sound, the stone pillar slowly descended. If it sank into the ground, there would be almost no difference in appearance.

Seeing that the matter was settled, Liu Si, who was silent, secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

He didn't want to look at the expressions of the mourning mine hunters - as the leader and former companion, he didn't want to take pleasure in the other's loss.

From now on, I can only stare at the slowly descending stone pillars.

He couldn't help but make a calculation in his mind: To be able to realize such a mechanism, there must be a sensor hidden under the floor that is linked and equipped to receive sound waves...Have their mechanical level developed to this point?

Is it the interpretation of the intelligent core?

The areas covered by the intelligent core are often linked to ancient local technologies left behind.

That combined with the characteristics of the swamp.

It should be in the fields related to biology and agriculture. I haven't heard of any mechanical engineering miracles there...

Just as the technology hunter was bored and thinking, a voice suddenly broke the silence:


All eyes turned to him.

"Ka." Lu Meng stomped his foot again, and the stone pillar stopped falling, and together with the blue sphere above it, it paused in mid-air.

——It’s Deng Li.

This hunter from Aikou Town was no longer as impatient and blushing as before, and looked at the young man in black robe with a calm expression.

Lu Meng: "Is there anything else?"

"Mr. Lu... no, Red King." Deng Li said slowly, "I only have one last question."


"If you are really willing to hand over the intelligent core to the headquarters, then we are willing to admit defeat." Deng Li said slowly, and suddenly raised his hand: "But how are you going to prove that this intelligent core is genuine?" ”

Following his gesture, the light blue sphere stood quietly in its stone pillar compartment like a handicraft.

The moonlight is soft.

The words of the technology hunter are very convincing.

"You mean..." Ji Hai rubbed his chin, "When you technology hunters rested in the white tent, and then you were attacked by the beak-billed orangutan, during which you happened to escape... because before that, during the night vigil, you had already Something strange was discovered.”

"That's right." Chad nodded, "I was on duty at night and found traces of unusual creatures. At that time, I judged that they were beak-billed orangutans that are common in the Skeleton Wasteland, and then I took out the gas bombs I had exchanged and prepared in advance from my backpack. Chased him."

"At that time, there was only one."

Chad took care of it, so the other teammates didn't take it too seriously.

As a result, he escaped the crisis of being captured by the tribe led by the old orangutan.

"Then what?" Ji Hai asked.

"I caught up with the orangutan and killed it..." With the biological weapons and Chad's skills, it was not difficult, "but... that was not an ordinary beak-billed orangutan."

"Its fur is pure black."

It is larger and more powerful than the ordinary white beaked orangutan...but far inferior in IQ. It can be said to be full of wild cruelty.

"It stands to reason that this kind of black beaked orangutan will only appear in a small area east of the gray continental shelf, close to ancient ruins..." Chad's expression became solemn, "This is not their activity range."

Hearing this, Ji Hai's face also changed color slightly.

He recalled that when the orangutans were provoked to riot, he also tried to use his abilities to appease and tame them, but in the end it was to no avail.

They can only suppress it with the help of the force of the skeleton group.

At that time, Ji Hai thought that his ability was far inferior to that of the Red King, so he kept a straight face in order not to show his cowardice... Now it seems that there is another hidden agenda.

Although Chad is not a Shendian animal trainer, he has traveled across the country, especially deep into the Gray Continent, so he has a better say in this regard.

After he killed the black beak-billed orangutans and returned, he found that all his teammates had been attacked by a group of white beak-billed orangutans. He didn't know the cause, so he could only rescue them first.

What happened during this period?

"Such important news," Ji Hai grabbed the technology hunter's collar and shook it desperately, "Why didn't you tell our people earlier!"

"Wait a minute!" Chad has a strong physique, but he can't bear it. He hurriedly said: "I came here to find you, but at that time I didn't know whose tribe this was from Shandi... What if? If it’s your father or someone from the merchant guild, isn’t that just throwing yourself into a trap?”

Blocked by animal disasters.

They didn't know yet what happened in Shen.

As for later, Chad mistakenly believed that the leader of Shendi was an evil human-skin machine... It was even more impossible to reveal anything.

After hearing the explanation, Ji Hai couldn't help but be stunned, and let go of his friend - memories came to his mind:

"... Lukin, Chad... they should all be your friends."

"I made a friend named Chad in the Depression Lagoon. He is a technology hunter..."

It was Chad who, as a technology hunter and from Aikang Town, told Ji Hai some of the facts about the Blood Rebellion.

When Lu Beiyou took him away from the big tent, he had promised to help him find those friends who had evaded capture in the past... The news that Lu Jin was behind bars made him sad, and Chad's whereabouts were unknown, and the place he was going to was... They were all dangerous places. To be honest, he didn't feel any hope of seeing each other again. He only regarded it as the comfort given by the other party.

But I didn't expect it.

I can really see one of my friends again in this way... And as Chad said, if his father, Wuma Baimei, failed to see clearly the plans of the Chamber of Commerce, Shandi would still be under their control. Even if he comes, the two of them will probably miss each other and face many difficulties.

This is also...are you okay with it?

he thought.

That man really never lies.

"You and Lu Jin, two and one, got into trouble and didn't know how to cover it up. As a result, both of you were wanted by the United City... If I hadn't been loyal, I would have tied you both up in exchange for bounties. Why would you be like now? It's such a tiring job." Chad, who was usually quiet, was reunited with his friend after a long absence, and he was speechless for a moment. "Do you still remember the laboratory we found in Aikang Town? It's probably the same as yours. It is related to the disease, I have put the materials inside..."

Ji Hai didn't know whether to be moved or melancholy for a moment. He suddenly remembered something and held down the stumbling tech hunter again: "Wait a minute for this! Chad, have you told other teammates about the discovery of the black beaked orangutan?" ”

Chad paused: "No."

In his gut, he shouldn't do this.

This time, the team members of the Tech Hunters were complicated (including himself), and it was difficult for him to distinguish the positions of everyone in them... And because of the ancient martial arts, Chad could feel that there were many powerful masters in the team. They are no less prosperous than themselves...but they were actually successfully attacked by a group of beak-billed orangutans, which is also very strange.

"Speaking of which, can you let these big bats down..." He bared his teeth, and the two big land bats next to his face let out a simultaneous sigh, "...they're quite heavy."

Ji Hai's physique was completely inferior to Lu Meng's. Without these land bats, the appearance would not be able to support the First Fire robe.

The technology hunter also sighed in his heart.

This friend's ability to tame animals seems to have become stronger and stronger since they accidentally broke into that laboratory... but he contracted a strange disease again.

I don’t know if it’s a curse or a blessing.


Ji Hai pondered and said casually: "You almost killed our Beak-billed Beast. I want to bring you to justice——"

"Hey, why don't you forget about the old relationship so much!" Chad was anxious, "Besides, if you hadn't come in so quickly, I would have prepared to withdraw after I poisoned the monster and fainted, and not only escaped to the wall, but I didn't even have time to get the can... …I really want to say that you are also half responsible!”

"It's good that you didn't tell anyone the news!" Ji Hai interrupted Chad directly. He clarified his thoughts and completely understood Lu Beiyou's intention - so he quickly told the last step he was told, one word at a time. One word was relayed to this technology hunter: "Don't worry about anything else, just do as I say..."

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