"How are you going to prove it's true!"

As Deng Li's words came to light, even the hunters from Aikang Town were a little panicked. They all stepped forward to grab him and whispered: "Deng Li...that's enough!"

In everyone's eyes.

This technology hunter just couldn't accept the facts and ended up acting rudely.

They were equally sad inside.

But it’s too inappropriate now——

But, it's too late.

"Haha... Do you think my patience is infinite?" A low laugh came from under the hood, but there was no warmth in the tone. "After all, I am willing to take out the intelligent core, but I just want you to do it." It’s a testimony, and I don’t want to create any complications—whether it’s true or false, the people with the black scratches will naturally have a way to detect it, and it’s not anyone else’s turn to question it, and I don’t care whether you want it or not!”

His voice was not loud, at least two levels lower than Deng Li's questioning tone, but to human ears it was as if a lion was roaring.

Everyone was shocked.

Those who were relaxed couldn't help but take a step back - and these angry words were not even directed at them.

"I respect you...but what I respect is the uniform you are wearing, the Black Scratch Town, the watchmen, and - the end of the world!" Lu Meng stepped out, and the floor creaked. If it weren't for the engineering The material used is black stone with both hardness and toughness. I'm afraid it has shattered on the spot. "And you... who are you?"

The light is overflowing with murderous intent.

It sends chills down your spine.

Only then did they realize that the young man who looked harmless and even friendly on the outside was actually a violent beast in his bones, a man who conquered the swamp forests and swept across the grasslands in one fell swoop. Fanatic.

It was the kind words exchanged before that covered the eyes of others.

Taking out the intelligent core in exchange... It was very difficult for him to think about it, and he would not make such a decision unless he had to.

in his heart at this moment.

I'm afraid he's already burning with anger like a frying pan that's about to explode at a moment's notice.

It's just that it hasn't burned through that calm exterior yet.

And the person who faced its power directly - Deng Li, who had never wavered in his expression whether he was guiding public opinion on the foreign procedure, actively provoking and creating friction, or when he just raised questions, now his eyes seemed to have been shattered and he was trembling crazily. .

He went limp.

He ran directly into the arms of his companions behind him. It was only thanks to the support of several mourning mine hunters that he didn't collapse to the ground, and his momentum dissipated instantly.

At this scene, even Romi and Liusi did not dare to step forward to stop it - they had no doubt that the unknown person was traveling north... The Red King would use this name to interfere with his mourning again and again in the next moment. Ore hunters tear it apart, even if it damages the other party's reputation among technology hunters.

On the other side, Wen Jin, the hunter from Lake Town who had spoken before, held down his knife and opened his mouth, but in the end he didn't dare to say anything.

This time.

But you can't get in between them——

Unexpectedly, Lu Meng stopped.

He turned his palms, and held the silver card between his fingers again, and slowly raised it. The reflected light was even a bit dazzling, making everyone present unable to see clearly the sequence of numbers on it: "It's a pity... I have to give it 'A face.'

At this time, the Watcher's Silver Card in people's eyes was no longer a stepping stone for Lu Beiyou to establish cooperation with technology hunters, but on the contrary - it became their own life-saving talisman.

Can get a silver card.

It means that you have accepted the goodwill of the technology hunter...correspondingly, you must also give a certain degree of return.

Everyone suddenly remembered that the person who decided to give this card to Lu Beiyou... Sword Master Alke.

This face is for him.

Perhaps when they first obtained the Silver Card, the comparison between the two sides was extremely different, as if it were heaven and earth... But today, they are actually on par.

I don’t know if the Sword Master had anticipated today’s scene when he made this decision.

"I thought that with the knowledge of a technology hunter, after seeing the intelligent core, I should be able to guess what field of knowledge it records." Lu Meng snorted coldly, "You guys have already seen it. Xiao Gu? That giant white wolf... In addition, if you stay for a while longer, I will have the opportunity to invite you to visit the latest progress made by the medical department - and they are all the results decoded from the core."

This should originally be self-evident.

"However, if you want to see it, let me give you one last glimpse... of the working principle of the intelligent core." He breathed out, "This is also its last operation in Shandi."

As soon as he said this, everyone in the audience was shocked.

Liu Si was the first to react from the solemn atmosphere before, his heart beating wildly: "Really? Mr. Lu... Red King, can we see the operation of the intelligent core?"

For him, who is obsessed with ancient strange technology, there is probably nothing else in the world that can compare to witnessing this scene with his own eyes.

And those mechanics, after getting the intelligent core, wanted to hide it under their bed and never show it to others when interpreting it.

No chance.

"The intelligent core is neither a book nor a memory chip. It can even be said that as far as a core is concerned, there is nothing in it." Lu Meng did not respond to him, as if his interest had waned, and he just said to himself. : "However, it already contains all the knowledge in related fields...or, it can be 'learned'."

He turned and walked back.

Came to the stone pillar.

Pull out a cable from the compartment and hold it in your hand.

"To decipher the core of intelligence, what is needed is not 'reading' but 'asking'. Ask the questions you want." At this moment, he suddenly became like a scholar instead of the explosive fanatic before. The air around them relaxed instantly, and people could start to breathe freely again. "However, the questions that researchers need to ask must also be extremely accurate - the more detailed they are, the greater the energy consumption, computing time, and equipment support required by the intelligent core." The fewer, the more useful the answer will be.”

A philosopher once said that as long as you are good at asking questions, you can get all the answers in the world - which proves that they have been buried in your heart.

Regardless of human beings, this sentence is extremely accurate when used to describe intelligent cores: they do not store all ancient knowledge, but simulate the process of deriving and obtaining this knowledge - it can be said that each core It can be compared to the top genius scientists in their respective fields, and at the same time comes with a miniature laboratory of civilization on the scale of the universe.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to achieve such a small size and dare to claim to include all the skills in this field.

The skill of asking questions is the key to interpreting it.

For example, you can ask an energy core how to drill wood to make fire, and it may give you the answer in an instant; and if no conditions are given and you just ask how to achieve controllable nuclear fusion, it will answer it internally. Carry out a complete simulation operation from scratch, and finally output all processes.

And this time may be hundreds or thousands of years, so long that the civilization that asked the question may have independently explored and mastered this technology.

But if you have mastered all the pre-processes of a certain process, input them all and then ask about the last step, the calculation speed will be much faster.

This is the beginning of the problem.

The premise is that your front-end is absolutely accurate.

If you want to bypass these prerequisites and obtain the entire process directly from scratch, you can also perform violent enumeration and disassembly - that is the importance of the so-called [laboratory]. At the same time, it needs to provide a large amount of energy to accelerate the calculation of the intelligent core. .

It can be said that as long as one needs to carry a series of intelligent cores covering various fields, and the energy supply is absolutely sufficient and almost unlimited-then the owner can instantly copy a complete set of civilization fruits that he wants in any corner of the universe.

Of course, "questioning" is not just a matter of speaking, but a set of specialized input signals. The encoding method of this signal is exactly the ancient language that has long been lost and no longer used.

Of course, the intelligent core can also understand today's common language through calculations... but the closer the language family is to ancient languages, the more computing power of the core is saved and the interpretation time can be accelerated.

Everyone saw that Lu Meng connected the cable to a synapse on the surface of the blue sphere, and there seemed to be a slight lightning flash flowing into the sphere.

They know that this auditorium is not a laboratory, and the energy provided by the other party is limited, so the intelligent core can only answer the simplest questions - these questions may have been known to the other party's researchers and are not confidential.

But as long as the smart core starts working.

It proves that it is genuine.

The electric light flowed into the sphere and seemed to go out for a moment, as if it had penetrated into stone.

But the next moment, the blue surface suddenly lit up, emitting regular strobes.

Someone was heartbroken.

"The signal has not been input yet. It will give the answer later." Lu Meng turned his back to them and touched the groove of the stone pillar sideways: "If you can't understand the code, there is a speaker here..."

Liu Si held his breath and took a step forward unconsciously, just hoping to witness this magical scene. Romi and other technology hunters from the depression lagoon also followed closely behind.

As for the mourning mine hunters, they had no such interest at all and gradually fell behind them. Deng Li even closed his eyes tightly, as if he could not accept the reality and did not want to look at the glowing sphere.

Undoubtedly, this is the intelligent core.

Only one step away.

"It, can it still talk..." Liu Si was a little at a loss, "What will happen to it if I say hello to it?"

He is always calm.

At this moment, everyone is starting to say stupid things.

"You will lose an opportunity to ask questions." It was a friend's voice, whispering behind him.

"That's right... I don't know what question Mr. Lu entered."

Liu Si unconsciously rubbed his hands.

While he was waiting quietly, his sensitive intuition as a warrior suddenly exploded. He was very familiar with that feeling... a gust of wind!

Among everyone, Liu Si was the most excited and the one closest to Lu Meng and the Intelligent Core.

In an instant, the hunting robes fluttered under the moonlight, and with the reflection of the weapons, several figures jumped directly over him, and several of them rushed towards Lu Meng.

The remaining one pounced towards the core!

"Stop..." Liu suddenly became alert and immediately pulled out the long knife from his waist... He instantly thought that it was the hunters from Aikang Town who saw that the situation was over and wanted to step forward to snatch the core... How could they do such a stupid thing!

If they accept the reality honestly, even if their wish fails, they may be punished, but at least it can end with dignity.

But if you are so irrational that you go to war with each other...

There is absolutely no room for change!

Before he finished shouting "Stop", Liu Si's hands moved even faster - as the leader of this team of tech hunters, he also had legion-level strength, but when facing the beaked gorillas before, the whole team was ambushed, and he was alone and besieged without the support of his good partner Romi, so he was captured.

Even so, he killed and injured several of them, and was considered the last one standing.

But just before he took action, someone was faster - it was Lu Meng who bent down to get the speaker.

He turned around, and the white hair on his forehead under the hood moved slightly. Facing several figures rushing over, the young man did not meet them, but flashed past them directly.

In an instant, he came to Liu Si.

"Uh, I don't..." Liu Si looked at the knife in his hand, and before he had time to explain, he felt a sharp pain in his waist, as if he had been hit hard, and then the whole person was spinning, and the surrounding scenery was rapidly receding.

But he was thrown out.


There was a loud noise.

Then he fell.

The tech hunter who rushed to the intelligent core was hit directly by Liu Si's body, pushed dozens of meters away and pressed to the ground.

The leader had a flesh pad to cushion the impact.

He was not injured.

But the place where he was hit was in great pain, and his head was spinning.

He resisted the confusion and struggled to get up.

On the other side, the tech hunter who had rushed forward missed the target and immediately changed his target in a moment of distraction, reaching out to the intelligent core that was close at hand.

But, the next moment.

A black shadow flashed before their eyes, like a ghost, standing in the middle, his robe vibrating, and the ember pattern falling like silver ash.

It was Lu Meng.

He moved quickly, planted his feet firmly, and almost in an instant, he completed the accumulation of power in his arm muscles, twisting and turning like a dragon and flowing water, and the lines vibrating on his sleeves were clearly visible - and then, he punched.

The huge force that could compress the air hit a tech hunter's chest directly, breaking his ribs and piercing his heart and lungs.

At this moment, his chest seemed to be glued to Lu Meng's fist.

The next moment, release.


The tech hunter's back exuded air, causing him to flip backwards and hit several of his companions.

Like the collapse of dominoes, a series of tech hunters soared into the air, followed by crackling bones.


The cable was pulled off the intelligent core, and the surface of the blue sphere was instantly extinguished, and the light fell into silence.

Liu Si came back to his senses at this time, but his companions were lying on the ground all the way.

What are the hunters in Ai Kuang Town doing!

He suddenly looked at the other party's figure.

Then, he was stunned.

Then he slowly turned his head... In their original position, several hunters in Ai Kuang Town were still holding Deng Li, and they met his sight.

Equally stunned.

It's not them...

It's the Wedi Xiehu Town!

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