Two sticky human skins fell to the ground, and the faces were obviously the appearance of Wen Jin and Li Rong just now...but now they were as pale as if they were dead, and they looked like the shells of toads or venomous snakes.

Standing there.

They could no longer be called human beings.

They were covered with shells like insects or aquatic products, and there was a row of spikes piercing through their chests and abdomens, like hooks and arms; and the originally powerful hands of warriors became abnormally large until they exploded, protruding a pair of claws.

It was the same change that happened to Julie before her death, and even because of the secret preparations, both the speed and degree of the change were far superior to hers.


A gurgling sound sounded, like drowning.

But it was the mouths of the two monsters opening and closing, spitting out the mouthparts used for sucking.

It was like a creature crawling out of hell.

At the same time.

A foul smell spread out, with a strange green color, as if it were real.

Anyone who smelled even a little bit of it would have their stomachs churning and vomiting: if I had to describe it, it was like a dead fish rotting endlessly in sewage.

This time, even Lu Meng couldn't help but frown and took a step back... He should have gotten a breathing filter from the priest of the sect.

For him, whose sense organs were now extremely sharp, this was nothing short of torture.

At the same time, from the bottom of his eyes.

A trace of barely perceptible disgust flashed.


Before the roar stopped, the monster that Li Rong had transformed into had already rushed forward without hesitation. Its movements were extremely fast. If it had been this fast just now, Li Rong might not have been able to rescue Wang Chi in time.

But, this obviously came at a price.

As its body approached, you could see the flesh and blood constantly wriggling and boiling in the cracks of its shell, bubbles bubbling out, and spewing out a strong fishy stench-the original human body was still reacting violently with the drug that triggered the mutation.

Li Rong still had a long knife on his back, but with his current consciousness and the degree of physical changes, he could no longer use it. He waved his huge claws and grabbed forward!

Lu Meng stretched out his hand to his waist and used the skill [Skillful Hands] to quickly find a weapon from a backpack that was like a small warehouse - in just a moment, the handle appeared in his palm again.

This time, it was a fine steel mace.

The spikes rolled.

Without any skills, he poured all his strength into a swing, leaving a meteor shower-like flash in the air, just capturing the trajectory of Li Rong's forward rush.

The shell exploded.

If this shot hit a normal person, it would be enough to twist half of his body into meat paste like a meat grinder - but Li Rong's abdomen just had a big hole, and the shell was shattered and peeled off, revealing various mutated and inhuman organs inside.

At the same time, a series of prompts flashed before his eyes:

[Lower limb loss coefficient, lower bleeding rate...increased hunger rate]

[Speed ​​increase bonus, swimming increase increase reduced]

[Chest and abdomen HP x1.5, limb HP x2.0...]

[Race: Normal...]

"Fish, fish-shaped people!" The hunters in Aikuang Town saw their appearance clearly, their faces suddenly turned pale, and they shouted in horror despite the stench.

They thought that Li Rong, who had stopped them before, had been transformed into a monster, but they didn't expect it to be this strange race from the extreme south.

They live in the vast ocean like aquatic animals, so they are called fish-shaped people. Some people say that the deep sea is their home, but they can also come ashore.

The area of ​​the ocean is far larger than that of the land, and no one knows how many fish-shaped people there are in the world: if it weren't for the fact that they would start to rot and stink after leaving the water, and had to rely on their own strong regeneration power to maintain life, dying and repairing at the same time... they would have occupied the entire continent long ago.

Instead of just curling up on a small "fish island" south of the Skeleton Wasteland like now - even so, after the decline of Ai Mine Town, the remnants of this city-state were often harassed and slaughtered by the scattered fish-shaped people.

Suffered from them.

However, today -

they are watching a human who originally belonged to their compatriots, transformed into a fish-shaped person alive... So, did these monsters really only come from the ocean before?


Li Rong was knocked away with great effort.

Its internal organs were broken, and a scarlet thick liquid flowed out, and it was in tatters. Even if it was fully activated in the fish-shaped state, it was obviously not Lu Meng's opponent as a "human".

The smooth black stone ground reflected the hideous shadow, and its eyeballs with bulging eyelids reflected the precious blue core.

The sphere was not big.

But it occupied Li Rong's entire field of vision.

- To be honest, he regretted it.

He regretted turning into a half-human, half-ghost monster that almost made him vomit when he first saw it in the Tech Hunter's files.

Becoming a fish-shaped man certainly gave him unparalleled power. He had also thought about what the Mine Hunter had thought about. He had also wondered why the fish-shaped men attacked villages and towns and plundered humans before...

In addition to eating, could it be for "reproduction"?

If an ordinary person who was powerless could fight fully armed soldiers with his flesh after becoming a fish-man... then what about these elite warriors who were already extraordinary?

The United City told him the answer.

Use themselves.

Li Rong roared and raged... Yes, he regretted it. Becoming a fish-shaped man also meant that he could never return to a normal life. It was okay to stay in the depression lagoon, but once he went on a mission, his body would emit a fishy smell all the time. Liu Si had complained more than once that he should take more showers so that the smell could be suppressed... But Li Rong knew that it was not because the dirt was washed away, but only when it came into contact with running water would the inside of his body stop rotting.

For this reason, he could only suppress it with the freshener exchanged from the headquarters, and even if he left it alone, he could feel his body transforming step by step into a real fish-shaped man.

Maybe one day, he would completely throw himself into the arms of those monsters, live underwater all day, and eat raw meat and drink blood like a beast... But this was definitely not the life he was originally promised!

Wang Chi accepted the transformation of the Shak people, Julie, that crazy woman, had already given up everything for revenge, Xiang Feng was for... But he himself, just wanted to pursue power and stand out among the technology hunters!


It was all because of the intelligent core.

Because it was taken away, Mrs. Meilin, who was wandering in the end, could not carry out the next experiment... Their transformation plan was only a half-finished product.

In order to truly complete the evolution.

Or just return to the original self.

They must take it back!


The fish-shaped man looked at the blue sphere.

It made a drowning sound.

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