After repelling Li Rong, Lu Meng swung his hand with one hand, and the heavy mace turned in an arc, throwing off all the hanging sticky meat.

The mace is one of the few [blunt weapons] in the game that can cause "bleeding" attacks. If he were a normal person, he would have fainted and fallen to the ground just because of the blood loss.

But there is no way.

Just as the Sharks are good at strength, Sons of the Scorched Earth like him are good at speed and stealth, and Soldier Bee's combat experience improves extremely quickly... This is because the racial coefficients have all changed together.

When he faced off against the red swordsman, Lu Meng discovered that in addition to his madness bloodline, he also had some fish-shaped human genes mixed in - he was already very thick and tough.

After the Red Swordsman, the transformation of Southern United City is nothing short of reaching the extreme in another latitude, and may even have touched upon some of the hidden truths of ancient times.

Lu Meng said before that he was difficult to deal with, and it was precisely for this reason.

However, before he could deal with this monster that coveted the intelligent core, the momentum on the other side suddenly rose.

Wen Jin and Li Rong revealed their true forms at the same moment, but his form seemed to be different - not at all similar to Li Rong's rage. The technology hunter was still standing where he was.

With his nail clippers.

Press the blade walker's long sword.

He actually used the large armor pliers that had mutated to the point of being completely inhuman to clamp the handle, and small appendages stretched out from the tiger's mouth to wrap around it.

Locked the grip tightly.

Like a warrior meditating and waiting for the sword to be drawn - he was originally a warrior from United City, but now he was covered in carapace, and saliva flowed out of his mouthparts that could not be closed, making him look weird and horrifying.

[Race: Alpha fish-shaped human]

As an original confidant and a gifted seed, the transformation surgery Wen Jin received was different from others: his genes came from the elite of the fish-men, and he could even use blades and weapons like intelligent creatures, retaining his extraordinary abilities. skill.

The Alphas were mixed in with the huge army of ordinary fish-shaped people. Mrs. Merlin didn't know how many soldiers and hooded guards she lost just to capture them... But it was worth it.

The moment Li Rong used his body to delay Lu Meng, Wen Jin no longer concealed his momentum and strength.

A windless and automatic coercion.

Rise suddenly.

The hearts of everyone present stopped for a moment. No one except Lu Meng could remain calm... not because of the opponent's monster-like body, but because of its own strength.

However, this illusion passed quickly.

When it's about to reach the top.

Stopped abruptly.

Others may not be familiar with it, but Lu Meng has experienced it before: in Shark Village and Iron Dome, he and Big Green of the Hound Gang were in the same state, charging back and forth while surrounded by enemies, as if they were at their peak.

They are all one step away.

War grade seeds.

Otherwise, Meilin would not have spent so much energy and materials on him. With Wen Jin as the core and supported by the rest, this is the key to their team's confidence in completing the mission.

However, the technology hunters didn’t expect it either.

Whenever Wen Jin was ready to attack and kill with all his strength, Lu Meng would always avoid him or even fight back - once could be said to be a coincidence, but again and again, it can only explain his background. Deep as the sea.

He swung the knife.

But it was like hitting a thick barrier.

Even if the Blood Lord is extremely famous, the reality is that it is difficult to live up to his reputation, but they never thought that this was the kind of foundation that a newly promoted war-level person could achieve... Miscalculating this point was also the reason for the failure of the plan. .

Wen Jin also looked at the intelligent core.

He is much more conscious.

Unlike Li Rong, he fully voluntarily accepted the fish-shaped transformation surgery after knowing all the consequences - for the chance to be promoted to war grade!

Wen Jin, although he originally had hope.

But it's not even close.

He is not a genius, and he is even ranked at the bottom of the order of war-level training by the lord... Otherwise, how could he be sent out to be a chess piece among the technology hunters.

They all seem to be just one step away.

If you really have to take this step, it will most likely be as far away as the abyss of heaven, and you will be shattered to pieces.

Then, be smashed to pieces.

Therefore, when Mrs. Meilin's envoy found his almost forgotten chess piece, Wen Jin did not hesitate at all.

I agreed immediately.

And the result is quite gratifying... He has never been so close to the war-level realm in his life, no, not even in his next life.

Just, after the surgery is done.

Wen Jin was still stuck at this step, as if he was infinitely close, but still unable to reach it.

Lady Merlin told him:

This is because the entire operation is still only a half-finished product, and unfortunately they cannot move forward... because they have lost the intelligent core.

Intelligent core!

If you want to go further.

Then take it back yourself.

Wen Jin roared and drew the knife, making an inhuman scream. His thick armor pincers actually grasped the handle of the knife like a dexterous hand.

The golden blade flew.

It seemed as if he was rushing forward with his entire body.

If possible, Wen Jin didn't want to completely transform into this form - as a technology hunter, he had basic qualities, and he knew without even thinking that it would be almost impossible to reverse the transformation after being completely transformed into a fish-man, and the consequences would be endless.

However, his target is the intelligent core.

That is something that can create miracles!

For example, at this moment, even if it is just a small relic that was interpreted in the past, the blessing brought by it makes Wen Jin burst out with unprecedented power.

Perhaps, relying on him alone.

It is really enough to compete with the war level!

Some sad mine hunters recognized the situation, gritted their teeth and stopped hesitating, holding weapons and going forward to stop these former companions, the later "betrayers"... and these two crazy monsters.

But in an instant, they saw the black-robed young man stretched out a finger and pointed at themselves - that was a gesture of stopping.

The mace disappeared again in Lu Meng's hand.

Facing Li Rong, who was crazy regenerating and had a strong physique, plus Wen Jin, whose strength increased and almost touched the threshold of the war level, the pressure he felt at this time was even greater than when he was besieged by the entire team at the beginning.

No wonder the opponent was fighting to the death.

In a way that almost burned his life and future, he condensed the most brilliant and tragic offensive in his past life - how could this be compared with those who were sure of victory and hesitant?


Time seemed to freeze, Lu Meng clenched his hands, and then a huge blade with a handle of two feet appeared in his hands.

It was slowly pulled out.

It seemed to be sheathed in the space behind it.

It was even longer than Lu Meng's tall figure, broad and heavy, and the blade was as black as a mirror.

Long cleaver.


He got ready.

"But chose the wrong path." A sigh came out, flowing into everyone's ears, and it seemed that nothing was heard clearly.

Then it was as if countless figures overlapped on him, with all kinds of skills, integrated, and the essence remained the same - the young man's hood was blown away by the strong wind, revealing his cold face and white hair, and whispered words that only he could hear: "Since my life as a 'human' has ended here... then the only value left is..."

The sound of the wind overwhelmed it.

Time flowed again.

Like a mountain rising out of the clouds, and the stars and the moon rising.

The sword light swept out!

[Melee skill: machete]

[Level: 80 (Peerless)]

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