Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 629: No evidence after death (combined chapter)

The letter sent by the president was brief, and due to the limitation of intelligence gathering, many details would inevitably be missed... But with Yamudu's ability, even if he only looked at the outermost appearance, he could infer the general picture of the incident.

Then, he was so depressed that he wanted to vomit blood.

"What did my predecessor do in the swamp that was worth the two sides' concern."

Fortunately, they are bee people, otherwise even if you say that the other party insulted the two ladies of South Union City, it is possible... or even not necessarily such a big reaction.

Unfortunately, the "real" Yamudu is dead, but no news has been brought out.

There is no evidence after death.

South Union City assumes that he knows everything.

But he doesn't know!

They do look the same, and the training and education they received are no different... but it is impossible for them to communicate with each other.

The key point is.

I can't clarify it myself.

It was precisely because the predecessor who participated in it was dead that he had the opportunity to succeed in his position... This is a secret that cannot be leaked. It can be said that it is impossible to explain it clearly.

"Is it the Lord of Blood himself who can alarm Tianxin Lizheng and assassinate him... Deng Li returned to the country with valuable information, and there must be many guards around him. Ordinary assassins can't succeed at all." Yamudu pondered and reviewed in his mind, "But the timing is clever. It can be said that they are worried about the news leaking and came to silence him, or it can be said that they are in order to prevent Deng Li from being questioned and deal with the trouble in advance-but the information that should be revealed must have been conveyed long ago..."

The more he thought about it, the more confused he became. The more he sorted out his thoughts, the more he felt that the truth had many possibilities.

Since he came to power.

This is the first time he has encountered such a difficult situation.

After the spy in the shadows dealt with the confidential letter, he just looked coldly without saying a word, until a drop of sweat rolled down Yamudu's face, he suddenly said: "My lord, leave the edge town."

"What did you say!" Yamudu looked up suddenly, "You want me to leave here... then where can I go?"

The president sent him out for training, which seemed to be a test, but in fact it was also an opportunity.

This means that he can truly grasp the power.

In the Merchant Blade... even if people openly respect this waiter as a god, everyone knows in their hearts that in this city-state, there is only one real master!

I just shared a little bit of the man's majesty.

It's different in the edge town.

Although he is still the shadow of the president... but a shadow will only be covered up when it is close enough to the master.

Once he is far away.

It may not be impossible to make his own decisions.

Just like the sword noble Jinyi here, he dared to listen to orders and not to announcements even when facing Long En in the past. It was Yamudu's personal operation that changed this situation.

Now, Yamudu has the final say in Edge Town. This kind of power is not even brought to him by the Merchant Guild. The resources he can mobilize are not included in the cards that the president originally gave him... It can be said that this is his base.

Moreover, if he leaves Edge Town.

What about his original layout?

He also needs to ambush the Lord of Blood and sweep away the shadow covering his identity and his heart...

"Return to the Merchant Blade." As expected, the spy said the answer that Yamudu was most reluctant to hear. The Bee Prince laughed in anger, grabbed his chest, and pulled him out of the shadow behind the door: "When will it be your turn to talk to me?"

He stared with bloodshot eyes.

To be honest, Yamudu has been unhappy with this spy for a long time.

No one would be too happy to have such a person who comes and goes without a trace and always appears suddenly without anyone noticing.

The spy was exposed to the light, and the vague haziness that originally enveloped him also dissipated.

He was not wearing the uniform of a waiter, but a lacquered nightgown, which was tight and tight, revealing a streamlined and powerful line.

I don't know how this spy could hide in the mansion of Mrs. Jinyi without being alerted by the hooded guards.

In Yamudu's eyes, he looked like an assassin of anti-slavery.

This made him feel cold.

However, facing Yamudu's rude actions and questioning, the spy did not resist at all, and remained as submissive as before.

"Because, if you don't leave..." He rolled up his left sleeve and showed his arm to Yamudu, "I can't confirm that I can guarantee your safety."

I saw a bloody wound that penetrated the spy's slender arm, deep enough to see the bone.

Yamudu was startled: "Assassin?"

Judging from the skin and flesh that had just rolled up, the injury was not long ago.

"I have dealt with it, but I am afraid of disturbing you." The spy nodded, and then rolled up his sleeves to cover the wound.

The fabric immediately became darker.

It was soaked.

The spy turned his hand back and spoke calmly, without any change due to the pain of the wound. It seemed that he was talking about a topic that had nothing to do with him. However, Yamudu was secretly shocked.

An assassin who could sneak into the noble mansion must not be an ordinary person... What he didn't expect was that the spy in front of him dealt with the other party so easily. His strength was not bad.

Yamudu's own level of martial arts was average, and Long En had never arranged for his master to teach him. After feeling the threat to his life, he subconsciously let go of his hand and asked, "What's going on?"

"The plunderers are currently besieging the city. Although the order in the edge town can still be maintained, it is inevitable that there will be a mixture of good and bad. This week alone, there have been 320 murders, smuggling, fraud, collaboration with the enemy... there are countless more, and the guards in the city are unable to Maybe being busy is the best time for the enemy to take action." The spy lowered his head and slowly reported, "What's more important is that you have occupied the edge town. Although Mrs. Jinyi bowed her head... there are more. People are not convinced.”

When Yamudou heard this, he understood immediately.

——The remaining sword-bearing nobles.

These nobles who do not belong to the merchant faction, even if they dare not openly rebel and attack his representative, can secretly stir up trouble when someone with intentions appears, making it convenient.

For example, South Union City people.

Now that Edge Town has fallen under the control of the merchant guild, Northern United City is dominated by robe-clad nobles. In contrast, Southern United City, guarded by great lords such as Grace and Meilin, as well as General Tenshin Rizheng, is faintly It became their ideal hometown.

And where the orthodoxy lies.

If the North and South United Cities were just separated before, now they can even be said to be in opposition to each other.

And this trigger... is actually "self"?

"What do they want?" Yamudou felt his headache getting worse, "Kill me?"

"I tortured the assassin." The spy continued calmly, "He confessed that his first purpose was to kidnap you... Assassination is only the last option, but I think the two results are almost the same for adults. "

The bee prince frowned, vaguely feeling that the other party seemed to have something on his mind.

Others don't know it, but Yamudou is very clear about his own situation - once he is kidnapped, the guild will never really rescue him as a favorite, and the guild leader has many people to replace him.

It is no different than death.

However, if South United City kidnaps him, they will definitely torture him in every possible way, trying to get out information that he doesn't know at all... With his small body, he simply can't last more than a few rounds.

The end is death.

At most, he was praised for his loyalty and backbone.

The other party's words do make sense.

"As for the Lord of Blood..." The spy has not yet finished his words, "Forgive me to say it bluntly, he has seen through your arrangement - if you wait like this, there will be nothing but wasting time and putting yourself in danger. "

Yamoudou fell silent.

He wanted to refute, but couldn't come up with anything reasonable and beneficial.

Things have come to this point.

If you can no longer see who is causing trouble, your life will be in vain:

Yamudu controlled Edge Town and set up an ambush on the only road between the ground and the black scratch. However, the opponent failed to move as he expected for a long time, and something happened in the direction of South Union City.

Regardless of the purpose of those sword-bearing nobles, the final result is to force themselves out of Edge Town. When Mrs. Jinyi regains power, even if she cannot be as independent as before, she will not be able to faithfully implement his policies.

In this way, the passage is opened again.

At this time, if Shandi sends another person to Black Scratch...he will be unable to stop him.

Judging from the performance of the incident, the Lord of Blood, Lu Beiyou, was not too involved and only responded passively... However, judging from the results, not only were the traps originally set against him solved one by one, but the final situation was also What is most beneficial to him.

If anything, it's luck.

That would be too insulting.

Not only was he insulting the Lord of Blood, but he was also insulting Yamudou himself.

After a long time, the bee prince exhaled a breath:

"I lost."

Just admit it, there's nothing to be ashamed of.

Maybe it's really what the president said.

He still needs to practice for a few years.

Yamudou immediately decided to follow the good news and leave Edge Town, abandoning the land he had conquered and all previous preparations... No matter what, his life was still at stake.

If the predecessor who was buried in the swamp left him with only this status and a scapegoat, there was only one lesson left for him:

No matter what, stay alive.

In contrast, he would rather play it safe than do something stupid like getting involved in the situation.

"I didn't realize it before, but your thinking is quite clear." After thinking about it, Yamudou calmed down and even felt a little refreshed. He felt that the spy was quite pleasing to the eye, and he patted the other person's face. Shoulder: "If you are interested in working with me... Just be my staff. There is no need to be as dangerous as today, going through life and death."

This spy is calm when faced with problems, and his opinions and analysis are penetrating and straight to the point. He has no reservations about himself. He is a talent that can be made.

Although he was sent by the president.

But externally, they are one and the same - Yamudou has the power to recruit talents, so he cannot always rely on the resources of the guild. It is time to develop his own power and recruit suitable people.

"Don't dare. I will obey Master Yamudou's orders in everything." The spy lowered his head and said respectfully, but did not object. "What's more, I am here... for you."

Flash to the ground, beak-billed beast tower.

The technology hunter's chest and waist were covered with thick bandages, making him look like a white half-mummy.

Wen Jin knew that he had an extraordinary physique, so in order to control him, he used the knife quickly and with a simple blow, but also used many deadly blows when using his strength.

Behind him, followed six tech hunters from Ai Mining Town... After that night, everyone was separated and taken to a dark room by Sora for interrogation.

The person in charge was a petite masked woman, but her eyesight was so sharp that she seemed to be able to see through people's hearts. The way she asked questions and induced them seemed to make people tell the secrets of their previous lives... As for the investigation outside and what happened, they didn't know.

He was not released until today.

There is a saying that was invented by the Red King locally... This is a political review.

It stands to reason that privately detaining a tech hunter is a very rude act. If the headquarters knew about it, the black scratch and the inner ring might even issue a solemn protest and strong condemnation... But when thinking about what happened before, even these hunters themselves had no objection.


A powerful cry.

The long neck leaned down again to greet these guests and fulfill its elevator duties.

Looking at the huge beaked beast head in front of him, Liu Si took a deep breath, grasped the edges and turned over, stood firmly, and said nothing.

The tech hunters followed.

But there was no more playfulness.

The long neck rose rapidly, causing a gust of wind to echo in the tower, and then reached the attic.


The young man in a black cloak sat at the desk with his back to them. He had a circle of brown wolf fur around his neck, but he was not luxurious but majestic, and his white hair was as pure as the moonlight.

After hearing the voice, he stood up.

Facing the crowd: "Please."

The same people, the same place, the time between them was only a short moment if measured from the perspective of a lifetime... The corners of the other person's mouth even had the same polite smile.

However, the state of mind felt by the tech hunters was completely different.

The number of people who could come to meet was even reduced by half.

If there is something that can be said for sure, it is that this time, none of them had the same complicated secret thoughts as last time.

As the only remaining leader, Liu Si sat down first, his face as usual.

As if nothing had happened.

But when he sat down, in addition to a cup of strong Baimei sake, there was suddenly an oil paper bag in front of him.

It was pushed over by Lu Meng.

"Autopsy report." He said, "Maybe you will want to know."

Wen Jin, Zhu Li, Wang Chi... and then Luo Mi, a thick stack from top to bottom, each document has a corresponding name written on it.

It is called an autopsy report, but it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a research report.

According to Dr. Zhong, even he was amazed, and for this reason, he urgently recruited interns from all fronts to participate and broaden their horizons... just as teaching practice.

It is just like in reality, no disease grows completely according to textbooks.

No matter how much ancient science books or even intelligent cores introduce, they cannot replace the value of examples.

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