Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 630: Solving the puzzle

With Liu Si's character, if he could come into contact with such a valuable research report in the past, he would definitely be extremely excited and regard it as a treasure... However, at this moment, when he saw the familiar names above, indescribable complexity flashed in his eyes, but He took it and handed it to a technology hunter sitting next to him and said, "We'll just accept these..."

If nothing unexpected happens.

These autopsy reports will also be used as one of the scientific research samples provided by Shandi and become a bargaining chip for their deal with the black scratches.

compared to material benefits.

It will have more weight.

As for Liu Si himself, he really didn't want to know again what strange changes had actually occurred in the bodies of those companions he had been with day and night.

This only made him feel more horrified and sad.

"There are only a few questions left that I would like to ask the Red King to help answer..."

"I knew you wanted to ask this," Lu Meng nodded, "Just right, there are some details that I need to discuss with you -"

About the orangutan uprising.

It is a distortion drug. Orangutans are originally the more intelligent among wild races. However, after ingesting this drug, their thinking will be purified, making the orangutans become ferocious and savage. Evolving in the direction of depravity.

The most significant change is in appearance.

It's their coat color.

From white to black.

To the east of the Skeleton Wasteland, in the vast wilderness areas such as Stober's Adventure and even the Garden, there are such wild black beaked orangutans... Now that the discovery of the distortion potion makes people have to associate the two together.

Are the two different groups of rhinoceros orangutans naturally evolved subspecies, or are they due to an ecological disaster that broke out many years ago?

"To promote distortion, the effective concentration of such agents requires internal injection, or at least long-term immersion...the higher the concentration, the faster the transformation time, and the starting point of the real detonation must be before they enter the flash ground."

With the strength of the Lake Town hunter team, it was impossible to capture the beak-billed orangutan without mercy - in fact, according to Chad's testimony, black beak-billed orangutans had already appeared in the surrounding area at that time.

Maybe it's an experiment.

It was also at that time that they injected the drug into the orangutans they came into contact with.

And with the existence of the inner ghost, no matter how vigilant the remaining mourning mine hunters are, they will be misled and fall into the siege.

As for the smell that follows, although it also contains ingredients of distortion medicine, if it permeates the air, it will only make ordinary beak-billed orangutans temporarily restless, and it will soon be blown away by the wind.

The real key function is to attract the deformed orangutans, just like the smell of alcohol to an alcoholic. This will not help them control the black orangutans, but will make the person who releases the drug a priority target.

Therefore, the camps of the technology hunters were the only ones really affected by the disaster; those who attacked them happened to be the same ones who had been in contact with them.

In terms of creating confusion and directing attention, the purpose has been achieved.

Afterwards, the Chico Wolf Cavalry once again captured these violent beak-billed orangutans - they had all turned black and became extremely ferocious.

It is impossible to continue working as a laborer.

However, Lu Meng is not depressed at all: to some extent, black beaked orangutans are much more precious than ordinary species.

They are adjacent to the Skeleton Wasteland, and as long as they can endure the temptation, they can catch as many white-billed orangutans as they want.

But those who want to catch the criminals have to be thousands of miles away.

Not to mention the long journey.

It is even more dangerous.

This time, the reverse came to the door.

The black beaked orangutan has a violent nature, and even Ji Hai cannot tame it - but this is not a problem for Lu Meng.

It's just another kind of burying wolf.

They cannot be used as laborers, but they can be used as biological weapons. Each one is a rare "strong general"... But Lu Meng currently does not have that much energy to design matching beast armor and weapons.

Just leave it to others to raise.

Let’s talk about it after it’s domesticated.

"Could it be that at that time, they had already thought of using the captured beak-billed orangutans to send them into the city to cause chaos..." A mourning mine hunter asked, "That would be too incredible..."

Romi and others could have noticed the existence of the beaked orangutans early on, but if they were to predict the wolf cavalry that captured them... I am afraid only the legendary Auckland or Narko could do it.

——There are only gods.

"That's not necessarily true." Lu Meng looked at Liu Si, "Do you still remember when Romi communicated with you afterwards and told you about his experience?"

Liu Si nodded.

He also confessed these memories to the other party's investigators.

"He said that he encountered a beak-billed orangutan in the tent, and the other party disassembled his crossbow... However, this is impossible." Lu Meng said slowly, "The beak-billed orangutan's upper limbs can use some simple tools. With training, you can do some delicate work—but you can never be able to remove the arrow from Romy's crossbow without alerting anyone."

If you want to say why.

He was using the Eagle Crossbow.

After being judged by Lu Meng's panel, this was even a masterpiece-level eagle crossbow.

This will pose a certain threat to him.

And prepare to use it to crush the intelligent core.

With Luomi's achievements and points, it is definitely impossible to obtain such a treasured crossbow through conventional means - undoubtedly, its source is the master behind it.

Of course, there is no such thing as handing over this eagle crossbow... Only the noble forces with the background of the United City can give such a precious collection as a mission equipment.

It's a coincidence.

Lu Meng has currently obtained three masterpiece-level crossbows, all of which were surrendered: he kept an old world crossbow for his own equipment, and its versatility is most suitable for his fighting style; a spring crossbow is currently given to Cang Cui for use. This sharpshooter is extremely talented and skilled, but he is a worker bee, and his visual range is a shortcoming - and the spring crossbow has the shortest range, focusing on the violent armor-piercing power at close range, giving it to him can just bring out the greatest value.

As for this masterpiece-level eagle crossbow, no one in Lu Meng's team can use it well for the time being. He himself can activate it, but the interval between activation is long enough for him to rush up and chop down the enemy, and the practical value is not high when combined.

It can only be kept at the bottom of the box for now.

Even Romi, who had undergone biochemical transformation, was still a little awkward in using it, and could not be called perfect. If a beaked gorilla could understand its structure, it would be too gifted.

Others might not have noticed the strangeness at first, but Lu Meng, who had raised beaked gorillas, knew their limits too well. Otherwise, he would have trained them into gorilla shooters and sent them to the swamp to be trained by Cang Cui.

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