Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 636: Above the War Level (Combined Chapter)

At this time, Tin Fist's voice was still cold and mechanical, but people could hear a trace of real sadness from it.

The Bee Prince noticed that in the Land of Ashes, there were probably only a handful of people he could call his former comrades.

Although Tin Fist himself never mentioned his background, with Mr. Gray's ability to talk and his understanding of each other, he also guessed:

The other party was a skeleton, and he had such strength... I'm afraid he had a high status in the Second Empire, which was dominated by skeletons.

The Second Empire had been destroyed for a long time, but there were still some clues about the important figures in it because they had caused a huge impact.

However, Gray never found Tin Fist among them, as if the things about him were deliberately covered up and kept silent; there was no mention of a skeleton who was proficient in martial arts in the records - after all, this school was invented by humans and existed to stimulate the potential of organisms, and Tin Fist was the outlier among them.

Even so, his martial arts have reached the peak of history... From this perspective, he is really a "talented" skeleton.

However, these kinds of cover-ups themselves just show the special status of Tin Fist in the Second Empire. Otherwise, no matter which country or regime, an unknown person will not attract the attention of the official, let alone deliberately eliminate your traces for you.

It can make such a Tin Fist so important.

In addition, the body can be equipped with an intelligent core to assist them in combat or work...

The answer is already obvious.

The marshals of the Second Empire.

But compared with the other party's identity, the fact that they actually died itself is even more incredible... You must know that these marshals are not skeletons without exception, and their natural life span has no value worth measuring for them.

On the continent today, the major kingdoms also have many famous generals. I won’t say much about those who are far away. The anti-slavery base is in the southern continent. The reason why it has not been able to continue to expand its influence is that General Tian Xinli Zheng of Kaidun City guards one side and has become a major concern; and Dashan Mukai of the Shak Kingdom has outstanding military exploits and surpasses all five people. If he hadn’t been caught and temporarily exiled, it would have been almost certain that he would become the next king; on the other hand, although Stark’s senior judge Seta has no single-handed record, from the fact that he occupied Stark and confronted Dashan Mukai’s Scone for many years in the past, the two sides are also on par...

Such people are still in the war level, but they are the top ones. It’s good for every big country to have one or two, and ordinary forces can’t even hope for it.

The Second Empire has five!

Of course, there may be only four now...Mr. Gray said silently in his heart, and then said: "Is he killed?"

Tin Fist nodded.

Things became more terrifying.

Although at their level, conspiracies and tricks may still work, the person in charge of the execution must also be quite powerful, or even not weaker than the other party.

In Gray's opinion, he couldn't think of any other candidates... internal strife?

"Need me..." He spoke slowly.

He could feel the importance of Tin Fist, otherwise he would not return to the Ashes for this. If the other party wanted revenge, he could make a plan for the other party.

But he was interrupted by Tin Fist.

"That's it." The bone man shook his head: "It's all in the past."

The anti-slavers were a little stunned.

Then he heard: "My current comrades... are you."

-And this is my own business.

The bone man silently added a sentence in his heart, hidden in the deepest part of the memo of the memory chip, and then sealed it up, and didn't intend to mention it again.

These grievances have nothing to do with the anti-slavers. The warriors have thrown everything away and devoted themselves to this ideal that seems childish and ridiculous in front of the powerful and noble people. They have already shouldered too much.

How could they be sacrificed for their own private affairs?

"In comparison -" Tin Fist's voice suddenly sounded like the roar of metal, "Marian's revenge... we must avenge him!"

It was indeed the sound of metal - the sound waves vibrating from this skeleton's voice generator even blew away the large amount of dust close to him into ash.

It was also transmitted to the hearts of every anti-slaver.

Of course, they remembered this revenge: Marian was an honest skeleton, and in human terms, he was even a little honest and not good at speaking. He was not as skilled in martial arts as Tin Fist, but he had memorized all the martial arts simulation essentials. In this way, when Tin Fist left or couldn't help, it was this skeleton who accompanied the members of the organization to teach more skills. Perhaps because he had been a servant, he was obviously a war-level strongman in the eyes of the outside world. As a mentor, he still kept the habit of patrolling every night and waking up students to prepare for washing and brushing his teeth when it was time. He enjoyed it... There were many young anti-slavers who were adopted. They lost their parents and even grew up under the care of this skeleton.

How could I forget?

Mr. Gray stood silently... He knew that the Skeleton Man was not without emotions.

The reason why Tin Fist did not show it was firstly because of his own character, and secondly because as a leader, one should be strong, not self-pitying and resentful all day long. Otherwise, everyone is watching you, and even you can't hold on, how can you lead them?

After reporting the death of Marian, Tin Fist's performance could even be said to be a little dull, but with Gray's understanding, he still heard the true feelings.

Otherwise, we will not immediately ask whether countermeasures have been taken and encourage them.

Although he has said that the anti-slavery cause is not driven by hatred, and revenge for one family cannot change the overall situation... But behind these truths, what cannot be washed away is that they have been accumulated one by one. Blood debt.

Thinking about it this way, although Xiquan didn't say it explicitly, he should have a pretty good impression of Lu Beiyou, who objectively helped them take revenge.

This is best.

At least Tin Fist wouldn't hold him accountable for using the gift given to him by the other party as a weapon and lending it to him... The Bee Man Prince scratched the corner of his mouth.

Anyway, I have never seen the boss use it before.

All with fists.

After the crowd became excited, Mr. Gray also took the initiative to calm everyone's mood, and then said: "It's getting late... let's go."

"Besides, I also want to hear what you have learned along the way." He finally looked at Xiquan and said with a smile.

"Yes, yes." Everyone became excited when they heard Mr. Gray's words, and gathered around him. A little girl of seven or eight years old even grabbed Xi Fist's robe and jumped on top of him. Around her neck, she hugged the skeleton man's head - but despite her young age, she was already an official member of the anti-slavery group and was very good at disguising herself as a beggar.

"Okay, okay, I'm just going to say it... just block my camera." Xiquan wanted to push the opponent away, but was afraid that his mechanical skeleton would hurt the little girl's delicate arm, so he seemed a little panicked for a moment.

This made the young man and woman next to him laugh out loud, and then pretend to scold their daughter - after such a long time, the anti-slavery people are no longer just a secret organization, they also have their own life inside.

"Thank you, brother Xiquan." The little girl let go of her hand, kissed the bone man's head, and said with a smile.

Brother... Gu Xinxin said goodbye to brother, and calling him grandpa was more or less the same. However, when he searched the word definition database, he felt that even if he was the grandpa of the other person's grandfather... he couldn't keep up.

He didn't say anything, he just carefully wrapped his arms around the opponent's legs and said in a relaxed tone: "I went to the Gray Continent first this time... Speaking of which, I also met a young man who was quite talented in boxing. He just ran. It was a little slow, and it was still being chased by the beak-billed beast... It was said that two of the monster's teeth were broken..."

"Then was he eaten?" someone asked curiously.

"You are stupid," another person put his arm around his shoulders, "How could we let the beak-billed beast eat people when our brother Boxer is here... On the other hand, it's not bad if he eats it."

"I don't eat meat..."

"Good talent?" You Wu Chi thought, "How about being with Jagbi."


Tin Fist's eloquence was not good, and was even basically anecdotes, but the anti-slavery people still enjoyed listening to it. In the end, you and I were talking, and the companions even started chatting among themselves... Stober's poor mountains and rivers, The sky was filled with dust and snow, and on the winding path, this group of wanderers gradually disappeared into the depths.

Outside the city, on the grassland.

"You said you met a Skeleton Man?" After listening to the Tech Hunter's retelling, Lu Meng, who was walking at the front with his hands behind his back, raised his eyebrows and looked back in surprise, "He also taught you boxing skills."

"...Is there any problem?" Chad shrank his neck and asked with some uncertainty.

Ever since he experienced what happened before, he felt a sense of awe and fear when he looked at the red king... mixed with a little guilt for misunderstanding the other party.

When he pretended to meet Deng Li, he was quite surprised. The other party was actually led by the lines he had prepared in advance... and at that time, he didn't even know what happened in the black stone auditorium of the order.

After getting the full picture.

Even more shocking.

Then I thought about how the other party had easily broken through my ancient language encryption before...

The combination of all the manifestations was so miraculous... that when he came into contact with the Red King, when the other party asked a question, he thought he was questioning himself, and his first reaction was not to answer, but to first Check to see if there is something wrong with your memory - maybe others know better than you do.

"It's nothing." Seeing his reaction, Lu Meng probably knew the whole story. He shook his head and turned around, "This is a good thing... You can also call this your opportunity."

Chad has a very good foundation in melee combat skills, which cannot be achieved overnight, but if he can meet with the skeleton man to give him some guidance and lead him to the ancient martial arts pioneered by Gartwood, his future growth and improvement will be even faster.

No wonder Ji Hai once said that the opponent could lurk on the tower and hold his breath and concentrate for at least twenty minutes... It was precisely because he had mastered the breathing method to reduce the impact of the poisonous gas.

It’s not that Lu Meng wanted to ask for advice from Chad—it wasn’t that he couldn’t save face, but that Diwu, the authentic descendant, knew him. Although he almost had a fight with Tian Xinli Zheng after the last assassination mission, it would take a lot of money to take a detour to get rid of him. It's been a while, and I haven't returned to Shandi yet, but it was still very easy to communicate with him before.

He only paid attention to this matter because he heard about the skeleton man... Tin Fist.

On this continent, there may be some debate about who is the strongest creature with humanoid form. After all, you have to actually fight to know. There may even be restraints and various limiting considerations between the two... But there is no doubt that Tin Fist must be the strongest. One of the most competitive players.

A legendary existence above the war level.

Break the limit.

This is very far away from Lu Meng, and there is no feasible way to reach it... The only thing is that there are any standards.

That's probably the production team's own father cheating.

Beyond the maximum level limit of 100.

"Tin Fist passed through the Gray Shelf, and may even have gone deep into the Dark Sky or even further. According to Chad, he also encountered skeletons in human skin." Lu Meng thought, "But compared with the whistleblower I want to disguise, ordinary skeletons in human skin can be seen at a glance... The advantage is the large number and steel bones."

However, neither Chad nor Tin Fist seemed to pay special attention to this phenomenon. At most, they just felt disgusted and disgusted, and eliminated one case after another... This indirectly confirmed that their scale is different from what Lu Meng knows, and there are not enough now.

It is still in the early stages of development.

Otherwise, Zero Two would not have come all the way to the Flash Land to steal human skin.

So that the world was deceived and did not regard it as a sufficiently threatening disaster.

"This time going to the south..." Lu Meng thought, "The probability of encountering them should be very low, but it cannot be ignored."

On the other side, Chad was still a little uneasy.

Not only all the Mine Hunters, but also all the Tech Hunters, now only Chad is left in the Flash Land.

In a sense, this is considered as leaving the team without permission. If the organization knows about it, points will be deducted or even punished... But in the previous alien procedure, Chad also cast a vote against it and won in the end. In theory, he really has the right to leave the team.

After all, the original mission failed, and he did not apply to join the new commission.

Of course, these are all side stories.

What Chad really cares about is the Mine Town.

He is also one of them.

Although the purpose of this trip is not to come to the Mine Town specifically, but to find friends, it does not mean that he does not care.

The reason why he did not get involved is just because he knew that it was useless to use the power of the depression lagoon, so he naturally did not have any interest in it-this point, he who was once friends with Ji Hai and Lu Jin, saw it more clearly than other Mine Hunters.

But Chad also learned from Ji Hai that Shandi is still under construction, otherwise it would not seek support from Black Scratches. The main industry of the other base swamp is the cultivation of staple food rice... One is mainly livestock and the other is tropical farmland, neither of which can be considered a high-end industry. Although Ai Mining Town is abandoned, a lean camel is bigger than a horse, and it is almost the same as poverty alleviation.

Relying on them to rebuild an abandoned industrial city-state is really... incredible.

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