Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 637 Old Friend (Combined Chapter)

They walked on the prairie during this trip. The grass was long and yellow, but it showed a kind of tenacity. It did not fall down under the blowing wind of autumn, and only the beginning of frost condensed on the tips of the grass.

There were no soldiers around, but there were more than a dozen waiters wearing black clothes with silver patterns on their backs. They were all believers in Ember.

Chad learned some information about this religious order from Ji Hai. He knew that they were mainly responsible for engineering and education. On the surface, they were quite peaceful... but among them, there was also a protective army that wielded force. Not to be underestimated.

The congregation divided into two rows behind Lu Meng and moved forward slowly, like extended black wings. The autumn wind occasionally lifted their robes.

However, I saw that at least one of the exposed limbs, whether it was the upper arm, palm, or left leg or right foot, had a metallic color.

Replaced by mechanical prosthetics.

Judging from this feature, they can also be recognized as the elite of the Skitarii.

Most of these people are veterans of hundreds of battles, but because they were seriously injured in a certain battle, although they saved their lives, their bodies were disabled and they were unable to set foot on the battlefield again.

It's so severe that you can't even survive.

It wasn't until they met the Ember Order and learned their identities that the senior management prioritized the treatment and selection of suitable limbs for replacement.

The mechanical prostheses that Lu Meng had purchased and prepared before were basically used on them, and the quality was at least [standard] or [high] grade. It can be said that just one limb costs more than a normal soldier to arm—— But correspondingly, among the various armed forces, this team has the highest loyalty to the Grand Commander himself.

At this moment, Chad saw that such a team came to accompany him, and he screened away the others, which showed the confidentiality...but he still kept himself here.

Somewhat uneasy.

He straightened his mind and expressed his doubts: "Your Highness the Red King, with all due respect... I don't think it is a good idea to take over the mess in Aikang Town at this time."

"Huh?" Lu Meng looked at him in surprise: "Isn't Aikang Town your hometown? I didn't expect that objections would come out of your words."

The current manager of the Beifeng Clan, Bo Wei, was also born in Aikang Town. After the Blood Rebellion, he was liquidated and sold to Shandi by the nobles. He escaped from being a slave and gradually rose to the position of commander.

However, at that time, Aikang Town was still divided and dominated by the major lords and nobles. Bo Wei happened to catch up with the period of chaos and had no friends, so he naturally had no good impressions of the local rulers.

But he married a wife and had children in Shendi, and he had taken things lightly in Aikang Town. He had already regarded the Beifeng clan as his destination, and he had no intention of revenge against the slave owner who once sold him - after all, he was so young. In the past, people must have abandoned this ruins long ago and ran away so far that they couldn't find it even if they tried to find it.

On the other hand, the younger generation who grew up in Aikang Town have never experienced the Blood Rebellion or aristocratic rule. For them, this city-state is just a place where they grew up. Although it is abandoned, it is impossible to be emotionless. .

That's why those mourning mine hunters care so much.

"Of course I hope Aikang Town can get better, but I can only tell the truth." Chad lowered his eyes, "I am very grateful to you for saving my friend. Because of this, I dare not have extravagant hopes."

He knew that the Red King could understand the hidden meaning.


Even the base city-state in the Depression Lagoon is at a loss, let alone the swamp and Shen.

Rather than investing costs in a foreign country that is bound to improve, it is better to use already scarce resources for local development.

"I see," Lu Meng chuckled, "You are quite upright."

When the Ai Mine Hunters who had left heard that he was planning to take over Ai Mine Town, they were extremely surprised and very grateful to him... but they had never considered it from the opposite standpoint.

It's not selfish, it's just human nature when good news comes and the last straw comes.

Chad is still unique in this regard and can actually think the other way around.

However, this is also because he has a deeper understanding of the situation in Shandi through Ji Hai, and then he does not have so many restrictions.

"You may have guessed why I want to keep you in's not just to let you catch up with old friends." Lu Meng looked into the distance and said, with a strong wind behind him, "but to ask you to come again by the way." Come back to Aikang Town with us."

Chad nodded: "Lead the way?"

As a former royal seat and mining capital, Aikang Town is quite large. An ordinary satellite city is sometimes equivalent to a small town.

In addition, the city-state was abandoned, many houses collapsed, streets were blocked, barricades and fortresses remained... the internal environment was already quite complex.

Plus the surrounding mines and caves...

Take technology hunters like Chad who were born in Aikang Town as an example. They only live in the outer city area at the edge of Aikang Town. They were originally the places where the lower class people lived. But now it is easier for them to contact the outside world and have the opportunity to go out and stand out. .

But the most prosperous inner city is almost in ruins. There are rumors that the people inside are already dead, but some people hear noisy and weird sounds from inside from time to time at night... Even Chad is just I visited Ji Hai and Lu Jin once in the past, but I didn't know much about them.

Presumably Ji Hai had already told the Red King in front of him this news.

Ji Hai himself couldn't leave Shandi, so it was up to him to do this favor... Chad had already expected it, and he had no objection.

As long as he doesn't go deep into the inner city, he should still be able to play a big role.

Regarding this point, Lu Meng just laughed, as if he agreed but also seemed non-committal, and said: "Chad, you don't understand the situation, and it's normal to have questions... This trip is going to the Ai Mine. Anyway, sooner or later you will know the inside story. It’s okay to meet in advance.”

Inside story?

Chad's doubts became more serious, and when he was about to continue speaking, he heard the sound of a bone flute coming from the sky, as loud as a bird's song.

It is the bone sound of a tame animal.

A transport team, winding like a long snake, gradually emerged from behind the withered grass line. Stout and tall camels were among them, arranged in a dense row, and kept walking under the guidance of the sound of bone flutes.

There are mountains of packages on their backs. These camels are the best quality camels domesticated by wandering tribes. They are fatter than the camels of the general chamber of commerce, but at this moment they are actually a little weighed down by the cargo on their bodies. It has to be a bit strenuous.

The wide soles of the feet lead to a deep pit with each step.

The leading man was wearing armor and walked all the way fully armed. This should be a huge consumption of physical strength - but in Chad's eyes, he didn't even have time to notice this, he was just shocked by the other person's figure. arrive.

It's really too tall.

The female Shaq with her horns standing upright and her belt with a segmented ax like a sword, juxtaposed with the camel, was actually a bit taller than these camel beasts.

Title Warrior, Giant Ryan.

A team from the Kingdom of Shake.

Seeing that he was an acquaintance, Lu Meng took the initiative to greet him with a smile on his lips: "Giant Rui... I didn't expect Bayan to ask you to come over and escort him."

Ryan punched the human with the etiquette of a Shaq warrior: "Long time no see, nameless one...or should I call you the Red King?"

"It's up to you." Lu Meng smiled.

Ryan looked at the appearance of the young man in front of him: he had obviously not changed much. At most, when they entered the dense forest together, the other man was dressed like a swamp man wearing a bamboo hat and linen clothes. Now he is doing as the Romans do, wearing a fur cloak from the Shendi grassland.

But if you really want to say that nothing has changed...

The actual situation is turned upside down.

Ryan didn't know where to start feeling for a moment: at the suggestion of the other party, she went back to the country to report the news to the chief advisor and ask for support... Unexpectedly, when she heard about the situation of the Nameless Ones again, they had already taken care of the entire jungle. , became the king of the swamp.

When she had the chance to meet again as a special envoy... why did you even win the dodge land?

"If you hadn't come over to take a look, I'm afraid you would have conquered the entire Eastern Continent," Ryan said with a joking tone and a hint of regret, "Back then, I couldn't do it at the Thunder Arena because I had to cooperate with the acting. After deciding the winner, I kept looking for a chance to fight again, but I didn’t expect..."

They have achieved war level.

Even the bellicose Sharks couldn't get any interest in such an absolutely irreversible contrast.

However, only Shaq warriors, who have a bold personality and do not shy away from fighting, would frankly express their regret for not being able to challenge the duel again in this situation.

"Then wait and see. I look forward to the day when you become one of the five." Lu Meng did not answer the question directly, "On your side...has your title been restored? Are you still a hundred regiment guard now?"

He remembered that Ryan had mentioned in the past that she had actually been revoked from the title of 'Giant'. She only continued to call her that way because of habit and fame, memory and address. She rarely mentioned it in person to avoid scars.

But when he opened his mouth, he called out Ryan's title with a hint of probing, and the other party accepted it naturally.

Hearing this, Ryan smiled bitterly and shook his head. It is not an easy task to be promoted to war level and enter the team that can be called the Invincible Five. Not everyone can be as unknown as you. Those who are generally perverted...

But then, her interest rose again and she nodded: "Yes, I have met Her Majesty the Queen again."

Ryan's titan title was originally given by the Stone Demon. After being challenged and failed in the duel, he was forced to choose between giving up the title or cutting off his horns... This was a huge shame for a Shaq warrior. People often cannot bear it and may directly choose to commit suicide.

However, there was something fishy behind that duel. Giant Ryan failed to exert his full strength, and the title warrior opposite belonged to a certain five-man general, but she was a rare friend that Bayan could use.

Also influenced by Bayan, this female warrior was able to bear the humiliation and give up her title, and she happened to be able to re-join the Thunder Arena with this identity, thus joining the game between Sikun Town and the Lord of Dashan City.

Only then can we get to know Lu Meng.

"Speaking of which, it's all thanks to you." She smiled.

The reason why he participated in the operation deep into the swamp was because he needed to make a contribution, solve the kingdom's food route and find Princess Seto, so that Bayan could further facilitate his operations... Unexpectedly, he was solved by the unknown person.

Ryan thought he didn't contribute much, but that was the reason. They were once comrades in arms, and Bayan also took the opportunity to help him regain his status as a titled warrior.

That's why it's called thanks to the other party.

Lu Meng naturally didn't care about such small details, but he heard Ryan say: "But I didn't go back to Admark's Hundred Regiment Guards... Now to a certain extent, I am a 'free agent' just like you." ”

That is, regardless of position and status, just referring to the Shaq warriors, the giants and the nameless ones are both wandering warriors outside the kingdom.

"Oh?" Lu Meng's heart moved.

Dozens of methods of "poaching" and "making money" suddenly appeared in his mind... But then, he also understood the deep meaning of the hornless man who arranged all this.

Although Bayan restored Ryan's reputation, which was his duty as a superior and friend, he did not continue to place him in the Hundred Guards... This was not in his interest as the chief advisor and prime minister of the kingdom.

In theory, he was short of manpower, and the more powerful generals he could trust around him and the higher the position he was placed in, the more stable his position would be.

But now Ryan was sent out.

This was also the reason why Lu Meng was surprised at first.

Unless... Staying in the Hundred Guards would not only fail to cultivate power and add sand, but on the contrary might become the target of public criticism.

Sending Ryan out was to protect her.

It was also to preserve the living force.

'Has the struggle at the top level of the Shak Kingdom reached this point? ' Lu Meng said secretly, "Speaking of which, the people Bayan could use originally, the Skeleton Group, Ryan... now I have dragged them to Shandi..."

He looks more and more like a lonely old man.

This makes him feel a little guilty.

However, as long as the Stone Demon Queen does not fall, Bayan, the chief advisor, will be safe and sound, and there is no need to worry about losing power-this is why he dares to make these operations.

From another perspective, Bayan is willing to send his confidants and friends to Shandi for "refuge"... It is also a trust in Lu Meng.

What's more.

Lu Meng actually helped the chief advisor a lot openly and secretly.

For example, now these-

Old friends met and exchanged greetings for a long time. Chad couldn't say anything on the side, so he had to turn his attention to the transport caravan that came.

Probably food... He looked at the package on the back of the camel and said to himself.

The swamp is a large grain-producing area, and a lot of staple food has been transported here since the connection with Shandi.

Judging from the scale, this caravan is not big or small compared to the average caravan - but is it worth the Red King's attention to come and greet him personally?

The Tech Hunter was thinking.

Suddenly he found something wrong.

The bulging mountain-like package seemed to flash a ray of light in the sun. It was the gap in the stretched linen, revealing the color of metal.

Look at the outline again...

If it was an ordinary thing, Chad might not recognize it... But this little arc, people on the whole continent will definitely recognize it.

That is Kai coins!

Kai coins for a whole caravan!

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