Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 645: Strange (Combined Chapter)

The warrior with scars on his face was named Su Cheng. He didn't know why he had such an uncharacteristic impulse... Maybe the strange premonition he had while waiting accounted for a large part of the reason.

For people like him who have experienced life and death, sometimes what they can really rely on is not the ordinary senses of sight and hearing, but the whim.

This premonition has saved Su Cheng many times on the battlefield.

However, those experiences in the past were not as difficult to distinguish as they are today.

Seeing his patron take a step back, Su Cheng breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time, he also had a slight change in his mind towards Shi Cha:

He didn't know the situation in Southern United City. Judging from his own experiences, in various northern city-states, the situation was changing, and there were many cases where nobles and young masters had their families destroyed because of their temporary domineering behavior.

It can be said that it is not uncommon.

The traditional aristocratic power in Southern Union City is even more stubborn. There are clear distinctions between nobles, commoners, slaves... and there is a huge force of servants to maintain this system. I think people who are high up will act more unscrupulously and do not need to be scrupulous.

Shi Cha is an alternative among them.

It's no wonder that he was able to make a fortune in the north after leaving Kaidun City.

The leader of the Chamber of Commerce brought out a small mazha and sat down on the spot, but a large number of attendants immediately gathered around him, taking the disassembled parts and surrounding Shi Cha to assemble them.

Gradually, a marching tent with gorgeous patterns was set up directly on his head.

Covers the sand and cool breeze.

Shi Cha picked up a leather bag and took a sip first, and then started to wash himself with the poured water. There was an empty wall in front of him, which was just right for him to take in the scene in his sight.

Meeting here means that the other person is going to the depression lagoon just like me.

They just don't know whether they are going to their hometown or... that Mine Town?

Shi Cha shook his head and made a judgment based on his own business experience:

Aikou Town is somewhat unlikely. Although the town still maintains the appearance of a city-state on the surface, the inside is no different than a ruins. The goods of this group of herders are beasts of burden. How can the people of Aikou Town need these... ...They have stopped producing refined steel ore for a long time now. Even Kaidun City has to take a detour from other places to purchase raw materials. Aikang Town now has no goods worth transporting out. It is said that the original caravan beasts should Those who were slaughtered and shared had already been slaughtered.

It's better to sell some food.

The only value of Aikang Town now is probably the solid wall on its periphery that has not completely collapsed. It can still protect some of the people inside when the beast disaster strikes, and some caravans may also go there to stay.

In this way, they are on the same road as me...

"Half a day..." Shi Cha thought, "should be enough."

The rest of the warriors were already exhausted. Only Su Cheng, carrying his sword and armor, slowly walked around the perimeter of the post station, leaving behind a series of crisp sounds of footprints and armor clashing.

He looked over the ruins of collapsed skeletons.

While sighing in my heart.

This is the first time I have seen such a huge ancient beast corpse. The partial skeleton that has survived is even more majestic than the noble mansions of some lords. Most of the places are collapsed ruins, inaccessible and piled up. Just like a hill, what the drifters can use is only a very small part of it.

The largest remaining creature today is the Leviathan. They live in the extreme northwest of the continent. Because they almost live together with the cannibalistic painted tribes, not many adventurers have penetrated into its territory...the rest of the place. , legend has it that traces of Leviathan were also discovered in this equally barbaric wasteland of bones, so much so that Emperor Tengu ordered samurai to search for and capture him.

The southern cities reacted extremely nervously to this, thinking that it was Long En who wanted to extend his hand into their sphere of influence in the name of the emperor, otherwise he would not have issued such an unreasonable and wasteful order.

You must know that an elder-stage beak-billed beast is already considered a giant beast. Its neck is long enough to cross the high wall of a city-state like a ladder. That Leviathan can directly flatten a city-state to pieces.

As the emperor, Tengu nominally possesses the most elite samurai corps in the empire, but just relying on them to capture such a giant beast...

Are you kidding me?

It's just that the sword-wearing nobles in the south were busy for a while, but in the end they didn't expect that this order was actually true, and there was no conspiracy.

This makes them even more angry.

Su Cheng looked at the bones of this ancient beast at close range and thought that there was such a relic in his mind. Even if there was no Leviathan in the Skeleton Wasteland, it is not surprising that people and even the emperor of the empire were like this when such rumors spread. Gullible.


The samurai was suddenly startled when he heard a gasping and growling sound coming from his ears. Immediately, the hair on his back stood on end and he pulled out a long broad-bladed sword.

This was a trophy captured from the Holy Kingdom. It was a combat chopping knife. Although the quality was not high, it might get scratches if it collided with the swords of his companions, but Su Cheng didn't care.

On the battlefield.

The knife doesn't have to be sharp, it just needs to be able to cut through the bone seam between the necks.

And, just like people.

The knife only needs to be cheap enough.

It doesn’t hurt to use either.

What made Su Cheng nervous was that although he was pacing and watching, the habit he had developed on the battlefield was still there. Even if his mind was not on defense, he could not let something approach without knowing it.

In this wasteland of bones, the sounds of beasts are heard again...

How can you make him not nervous?

Sure enough, looking along the edge of the blade, I saw a slender and strong bone wolf crouching low and slowly approaching him, its cheeks puffing up and down with its breath, revealing its terrifying fangs.

Boneyard wolf?

But it's not brown-red, but gray-black.

Before Su Cheng could react, the bone wolf jumped out and instantly covered a distance of seven or eight meters, as if it was flying in the air and taking off.

The incident happened suddenly, and the muscles of the warrior's arms were all tangled. Without any time to think, he swung his sword with his backhand and slashed upwards. The strong wind blew away the sand and dust on the ground, as if forming a circle of pure land.

Although this beast was terrifying, Su Cheng was not afraid at all... But the next moment, with a clang, he felt his wrist go numb, and a strong force pushed from the side, directly knocking away his sword.


The generous machete hit the ground. Su Cheng was stunned for a moment. He immediately reacted and turned his head to look at the direction of the force.

I saw a tall man wearing an iron hat on his head, holding a saber in one hand.

About to sheath it.

Just now, he sent his sword forward, hitting the weak point of Su Cheng's slash, directly deflecting the entire sword's movement.

The force he used was not very strong, and he seemed to be doing it casually. He mainly relied on the warrior's own strength, but this also made Su Cheng's strength stagnate and his throat felt blocked, as if he had swallowed something and was stuck and couldn't spit it out. , very uncomfortable.

"What are you doing!"

Su Cheng's face was angry.

He was facing danger and was about to kill the wolf. The person who came out to stop him at this time was almost no different from the enemy...

The swordsman pointed with his hand.

Su Cheng suddenly realized that although his sword power was blocked, the bone wolf just rushed towards him... but it didn't hit him?

He quickly looked in the direction indicated by the swordsman.

I saw that the vigorous bone wolf had landed five or six meters behind me, and was now grinning at the bone wall of the inn.

"I'm afraid it's taken a liking to this bone." Lu Meng pressed the long knife back into its leather sheath and cursed with a smile, "I don't think it's ever been hungry before."

Xiaogu's pupils were completely occupied by the thick bones of the giant beast. Where could there be any trace of other people or things?

At this moment, Shasa was so excited that saliva dripped from his mouth and fell to the ground.

He didn't care about Su Cheng at all.

"I'm sorry, is this your dog?" Su Cheng realized the misunderstanding and saluted with his knife.

But then he realized...

Did this dog jump directly over my head?

It also spanned a distance of more than ten meters.

I'm afraid even the bone-burying wolves in the wild are not so strong.

"Yes, mountain breed."

Lu Meng nodded.

Su Cheng understood immediately: It is said that the top mountain dogs are good at sneak hunting, so they can approach him quietly, and they are not only physically strong, but also intellectually smarter than ordinary dog ​​breeds...


I saw the small bones biting the ribs of the fossilized giant beast. It had a huge mouth, and its fangs penetrated the shell and nailed the bones, and then... got stuck.

The bone wolf was stunned, hung in the air by himself, twisting wildly and letting out a horrified whine.

Su Cheng: "..."

Although the opponent's target is only the smaller rib among the bones, it comes from a giant beast after all. It stands like a natural embracing cylinder. Although its teeth are sharp, its upper and lower jaws are not long enough. Why? Maybe you can bite it open?

Feeling and legendary mountain dog intelligence.

Not quite consistent.

"Stupid dog." Lu Meng pressed his forehead helplessly, stepped forward to hug Xiaogu, and helped him escape.

He did know the reason.

Apparently Xiaogu hadn't fully adapted to his original size after leaving the white wolf state, and he thought he was the giant wolf.

That can be broken in one bite.

But if that was really the case, Lu Meng wouldn't let Xiao Gu play around. After all, letting him take it apart and take it away was no joke.

Su Cheng was also amused by the big dog's naivety and smiled. He quickly put away his knife and rushed over to help support Xiao Gu's hind legs to prevent his teeth from being pulled out by his own weight.

After a lot of work, with the combined efforts of the two, Xiaogu was "rescued" and fell to the ground.

Xiaogu snored, sneezed, and then ran away.

Slipping away.

What a shame.

What's more, these bones are full of stone powder, and there is no bone marrow that I love...

Looking at its back, Lu Meng smiled, put down his bamboo hat and prepared to catch up slowly.

"Your Excellency." Su Cheng held the knife upside down and raised a fist at him, "Are you the guard of this herdsman?"

After the episode of rescuing the dog was over, the warrior recalled the scene just now, and his heart felt more and more... The moment when the other party stopped him seemed random, but if you savor it carefully, it was extremely subtle.

Whether it was the timing and strength of his attack, or the control of his sword's power.

All just right.

As a warrior who is good at swordsmanship, Su Cheng naturally knows that there will be flaws in his slashing process, but he has reached this level. Already know how to make use of strengths and avoid weaknesses, and cleverly hide empty doors in hidden places.

Normal opponents cannot detect it at all.

Although he initially thought he was dealing with a ferocious beast and was unprepared, which increased the chances of taking advantage of it... But judging from the results, Su Cheng still admired this swordsman.

At least much better than his colleagues.

Judging from the other party's attire, he also has a dog that guards the house, tames animals, and shepherds sheep.

Su Cheng thought in his mind.

With his strength, even if he is a guard, he should be a leader-like figure among them.

"Guard..." Lu Meng said, "You can also say that."

Seeing that the other party's promise was vague and he seemed unwilling to talk in depth, Su Cheng didn't care. Instead, he hesitated slightly and said, "Do you think... is there something wrong with this inn?"

He thought again of his previous premonition.

That sense of crisis when you peek ahead, as if your own life is threatened.

It's like a battlefield.

"Something's wrong?" Lu Meng replied smoothly, "No."

If the mission and secrets of this group of people are revealed... then nothing seems to be right from the outside, and nothing is normal.

If you let people know.

He's standing right here...

Something is really wrong.

"That's it..." Su Cheng was a little disappointed. It seemed that the other party didn't notice anything strange.

It seems that he has good strength and an understanding of sword skills.

Perhaps just like ordinary caravan guards, they have actually experienced very few fights, and even if they have, they are only with roadside robbers, so their premonition of real life and death crises is not as strong as their own...

"In that case, it's okay." Su Cheng sighed briefly, but didn't take it to heart. He just cupped his fists again and reminded: "But you should be careful when walking in the Skeleton Wasteland. At least you can rest peacefully in the depression lagoon..."

The samurai did not intend to express his unique premonition and perception: he thought that he had done his best to meet people in a strange caravan and do this by chance.

Both sides may be heading in the same direction, but in the wasteland, the wariness between these two teams may be the deepest.

It is impossible to travel together.

So Su Cheng understood what the other party meant by setting off overnight in half a day - not only to mediate the conflict, but also to warn him to stay at this skeleton station on their way.

Don't think about following me.

Both sides need to distance themselves.

"That's natural." Lu Meng replied.

Su Cheng nodded and turned to say goodbye - for this warrior, after realizing that the other party was not his "fellow traveler", he had no intention of continuing to talk and make friends.

However, when Lu Meng passed by him, his keen sense noticed that Su Cheng behind him was slightly turning his wrist. Judging from the magnitude of the force... it seemed that he was unconsciously recalling the action of swinging the knife.

Lu Meng smiled and remained silent.

Let him go.

On the other side, the aristocratic caravan settled down. The boss Tang Darui invited several core people to the inn for a meal. Shi Cha half-pushed and half-stepped into the giant beast's mouth.

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