Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 646: A Profitable Investment (Combined Chapter)

"...What number?" Shi Cha couldn't believe what he heard, "Two hundred and fifty thousand yuan per head?"

"Not just for sale," Cone replied, "at least twenty-one sets."

After accepting the hospitality from the boss Tang Darui, Shi Cha was not in a hurry to leave. Instead, he tried every means to get in touch with the herders who originally lived here.

Then offered to buy their pack animals.

Unexpectedly, the price offered by the other team leader was quite unkind.

"Do you know the market situation?" Shi Cha suppressed his displeasure and said, "Even in Heft, the asking price for a camel of such age and physique would not exceed 200,000 Kai coins, and it also has It has to be when there is a shortage of buyers and the chamber of commerce has its own power.”

In addition, many factors such as price, travel distance, freight, and feeding costs must also be considered.

Although Shandi is a major livestock province, the quality of the beasts of burden it cultivates is also of high quality, and is well-known in other parts of the continent... However, the output is much higher, there is ample competition among tribes for supply, and they are sold nearby.

The selling price of a top-grade beast of burden may not be much higher than elsewhere.

If it were replaced by a remote mountainous area or an abandoned ruin like Aikang Town, let alone intact beasts of burden, it would be a waste of everything but slaughtering them and selling the beast meat pound by pound, and the total price would be much higher.

But as soon as you open your mouth, you get hundreds of thousands of coins.

And they are also sold in groups.

Isn’t this a price hike?

Cone smiled. As a member of the Farstrider clan, he had just completed a beast of burden deal not long ago, so of course he knew the market conditions.


The instruction I received was not to sell the beast of burden at will.

He easily figured out the opponent's psychological price, and on this basis, he increased it by another 20 to 30%, which was enough to repel him.

However, Cone did not expect at first that when the aristocratic leader of the Chamber of Commerce came to them, he was really just talking about the business of buying and selling beasts of burden.

"Have you ever thought that at the price you mentioned, all these beasts of burden can be sold even in the depression lagoon, and then they will have to walk for at least three days." Shi Cha did not give up, "But if we directly By changing hands with us, you don’t have to worry about finding a buyer, and you save a lot of time..."

Cycle and cash flow are king.

"Boss Shi has thought well about us." Cone said slowly, "But can you tell me - why are you so anxious to get this batch of beasts of burden?"

Hearing this, Shi Cha's heart skipped a beat: "There's nothing to be anxious about. I'm doing long-distance business. The bigger the caravan is, it's normal to add some beasts of burden, and I just met the opportunity..."

"Haha, Boss Shi, this is a bit dishonest." The corner of Cone's mouth raised, "I'm afraid you are worried that in a short time, the trade routes between the north and the south will be cut off at an accelerated pace, and bandits and wars will be rampant... Whose business will it be? The more capacity you have in your team, the faster you can get out of danger and capture a larger market share.”

Even if Shi Cha no longer personally manages the caravan trade and instead hoards and raises the purchased beasts of burden, when the demand for beasts of burden increases in the future, the selling price will naturally rise.

It will be sold when the time comes.

You can also make a lot of money.

The so-called "Spring River Plumbing Duck Prophet", based on his judgment of various previous situations, Shi Cha's business sense is indeed keen.

After listening to these words, the eagerness and anger about the price on Shi Cha's face disappeared - this was originally the strategy he used to bargain.


It's unbelievable on another level.

"Unexpectedly, you know it very well." He said, "That's why you choose to come south to do the beast of burden business at this time."

The department is noncommittal.

But I heard Shi Cha say: "Who taught you these words?"

"Boss Shi, what do you mean?"

"It can be seen that you have indeed run the beast of burden business, and you are indeed a herdsman from Shandi... But you have never had the experience of leading such a caravan or presiding over such a large-scale trade before." Shi Cha looked up and down at this person. An animal trainer, with a hint of determination in his eyes, "Perhaps most people can't see it yet, but if you really get on the stage, you will show your timidity in some small details."

He came across shopping malls.

What is most needed is the ability to recognize people.

However, this is only a small problem. The other party is probably a butler-like character.

Among the chamber of commerce bosses that Shi Cha has met, there are also many who do not like to appear in the public eye, but only play a role in decision-making and planning behind the scenes.

He just felt a little curious - he had traveled to two places and had just returned from North Union City, so he was able to detect the wind direction in advance and had the opportunity to make this information gap. However, he casually settled in this wilderness inn, and he unexpectedly encountered Someone who has the same insights as you.

The animal trainer in front of him was not the one in charge.

Then there must be someone with expert guidance behind it.

Cone did not refute, nor did he reveal any more information. In Shi Cha's eyes, it was regarded as acquiescence.

He turned and left.

"Boss Shi, don't you insist anymore? If your guess comes true, even at our current price, you will still make a profit by then, right?"

"That's not much."

Shi Cha didn't even look back.

This is a risky investment, with great uncertainty. If the situation does not develop as he expected, a high-priced beast of burden that he accidentally bought may fall into his hands.

The premium offered by the other party is too high.

Instead of making a small fortune from buying and selling, it would be better to find other animal dealers.

Shi Cha believes it.

There are only a few people who are as sharp and decisive as the boss behind the scenes.

Sometimes people who collaborate are too smart.

Not a good thing either.

At night.

"Master, the business has not been concluded?"

An old man opened the curtain and walked in slowly, holding an oil lamp in his hand.

He was the old warrior from before, but he was not a mercenary recruited by Shi Cha in North United City, but someone who had been loyal to the Shi family from the beginning and was a hooded guard from the previous generation.

He is also the only one left.

According to blood relationship, he is also equivalent to Shi Cha's clan uncle.

"Yeah." Shi Cha nodded, "This time I don't really want them to go with me."

If the other party's destination is also Kaidun City.

Doesn't it mean that when they get there, they will form a direct competitive relationship with themselves?

Now that the agreed time has been reached, the herders have already set off from the Bone Station and headed towards the depression lagoon.

However, Shi Cha's caravan did not move in immediately. Firstly, the drifters needed to reorganize their barracks, and secondly, they also needed to leave buffer space for the herders.

This can be regarded as a tacit understanding and rules for different teams to meet and coexist in the wasteland.

"In that case..." After listening to Shi Cha's words, the old warrior suddenly stretched out his other hand and slashed downwards, "Why... not?"

When he did this, his figure was very stable, not at all like an old man of his age, and the oil lamp held in his other hand did not tremble at all, and even the wisp of flame went straight upward.

The light reflected in Shi Cha's eyes: "This is the territory of technology hunters."

"Master, you spent so much money to hire so many wandering warriors, but they haven't tried their hands on them along the way." The old man lowered his eyes, "And those people are halfway there now. As long as they act quickly enough, they can use technology." The hunter couldn’t react either.”

"Besides, even if Depression Lagoon is aware of it."

The old man circled a gesture.

Round coin.

"...You know, there's a way around it."

"I'll think about it again."

"Master, what else can you think about? Others may not know yet. From the day we joined the guild, we have known their history - it is better to buy than to sell, and to sell is better to rob. If there is no business with huge profits, so what? Maybe make a fortune?"

"If you really want to revitalize the Shi family, the current resources alone will not be enough. When you return to Kaidun City, not to mention purchasing property, even the up and down management will cost a lot."

After hearing these words, Shi Cha fell completely silent. Of course he knew these things.

Seeing his appearance, the old man took advantage of the situation and pursued him: "If we don't make a decision, it will be difficult to catch up with them when they go far away, and the probability of being discovered by technology hunters is getting higher and higher, making it even more difficult to hide... "

"Okay." Shi Cha waved his hand, "Uncle Clan, you don't need to persuade me."

"This matter ends here."


"I have not experienced the splendor of the so-called Shi family like you, and I don't know what a real aristocratic family is. In my memory, the Shi family is that old house. Except for the entrance hall for receiving guests, the other rooms It was so dilapidated that there was no one or time to repair it... Even the guest room was much more luxurious and spacious than the master bedroom, because my parents wanted to entertain those 'big shots' from above and couldn't lose the dignity of the sword-wielding nobles in front of them. ”

Shi Cha recalled his childhood full of cobwebs and fly ash, the sunlight leaking through the broken tiles and casting beams of light.

"But in fact, who doesn't know the real situation in our family? Those guests will be polite and restrained in front of you, but they are unscrupulous in front of the children - it's just that they forget that children as young as seven or eight are already fully capable of listening. You have to understand what they say and take notes.”

Or maybe, they know.

Just don't care at all.

Because any discerning person can see that the Shi family can no longer sustain the next generation.

The final situation of a dilapidated aristocratic family will not be much better than that of ordinary civilians - because the latter have little money to squeeze out, but the former at least still have the inheritance of their ancestors, just like rotting corpses waiting to be divided up.

Listening to Shi Cha's words, the old man's body trembled slightly, but it was because of anger.

Undoubtedly, he, the former hooded guard, felt great shame that his master's family had fallen into the same situation.

Hard to blame.

"Uncle Clan, I don't mean to blame you." Shi Cha looked at him, and his tone was no longer addressing a minister, but treating an elder like a junior to an elder as in the past, "I'm very grateful that you didn't choose my younger brother. I am not as adventurous and adventurous as he is. Without your help and protection, uncle, I would not have been able to reach North United City alive, nor would I be where I am today."

"It's just that you are still a little too eager..."

At this point, Shi Cha stopped talking, as if he realized that he had made a mistake.

But the implication of his words is also obvious.

Unlike his young family head, this clan uncle is old and has experienced the Shi family's transition from prosperity to decline. The gap is huge.

More unforgettable.

And more importantly, after returning from this trip, Shi Cha was confident that he would slowly start a business in Kaidun City and gradually revitalize the family's industry and status... But given the longevity of his uncle Shi En, he probably wouldn't be able to wait any longer.

Shi Cha didn't know Shi En's exact age. As far as he could remember, he looked old and frail. As a hooded guard, he might have been supporting the family since his grandfather's generation.

But no matter how strong he was, he couldn't be as strong as their general Tian Xinli Zheng who guarded Kaidun City. His body functions would eventually run out.

If he couldn't see the revival of the Shi family.

It would be a permanent regret for him.

"But I don't want to take this risk." Shi Cha suppressed his sigh and said, "If there is anything I learned from the president... it is that when you reach a certain level, stable growth is more important than huge profits, otherwise the merchant guild would not want to whitewash and cover up its early experiences."

Any black industry will eventually land.

The real way to make money is always within the rules - because they can make the rules.

You see someone making a lot of money.

But you don't see that in addition to the successful one, more people have fallen into the abyss.

Shi Cha couldn't help but think of his younger brother Shi Yuan, who failed in his bid for the inheritance and somehow hooked up with a slave trader from the Southern Hunter Gang.

He said he was going to the Shak Kingdom to enjoy the benefits of the new policy.

But in fact, he was probably doing the slave trade behind the scenes.

This is of course a very profitable business, and it is also legal in the Southern United City, but in the Shak Kingdom... Shi Cha knows his younger brother's character. If he has really become rich and successful, it is impossible for him not to return home to show off.

He may even decide to compete for the position of head of the family again.

Now, there is no news.

Shi Cha was not interested in knowing what the other party's final outcome was. He just signaled the old man to withdraw and called the other hired warriors: "Get ready, go to the post station to have a good rest for a night, and then discuss the next plan..."

Unexpectedly, after hearing his voice, the always respectful old warrior Shi En did not move.

The lights jumped and the figures flashed.

"Huh?" Seeing that he was still standing in front of him, Shi Cha raised his head in confusion, and at this time he suddenly felt something was wrong.

According to his orders, several warriors will guard his tent.

Shi Cha did not deliberately conceal his last words. With their strength, they can hear the order. Even if they don't need to be conveyed by their uncle, they should come and wait.

"...Where are they?"

The old warrior, who used to be a hooded guard, raised his head and met Shi Cha's gaze. In his cloudy pupils, there was a light flickering, whether it was from the lamp or something else, which made him feel cold.

Then he heard:

"I'm sorry... 'Master'."

"They have already started."

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