Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 647 Night Attack (Combined Chapter)

After hearing what he said, Shi Cha stood up in shock and yelled angrily: "What stupid thing are you doing..."

"You're the one who did the stupid thing."

The old man spoke unhurriedly, but the firmness in his words interrupted Shi Cha: "The head of the family...this is the boy of the Shi family."

"Do you think that after earning so many Kai coins and buying back our ancestral home, the aristocratic families in Kaidun City will look at us differently? Do you think that after bringing this group of silks, gold and silver treasures back, the Scrap Master They will wait for you to meddle in their property..." He pressed forward step by step, "Do you think you can stop being slaughtered by others?"

"Actually, it's just the fish on the chopping board that suddenly resurrected into a fat sheep - and they will eat even more happily."

"Shut up!" Shi Cha was completely furious. Of course he knew this, but what really made him angry at the moment was the other party's unauthorized assertion. "It's not your turn to speak!"

This is transgression.

However, the scolding, which was a hundred times harsher than before, had no effect this time.

The old warrior Shi En looked at him with a hint of sarcasm and disappointment in his eyes: "I chose you originally because you are the eldest son of the Shi family... But now it seems that you are really not as good as your younger brother."

In fact, when he learned that Shi Yuan failed to compete for the position of the head of the family, but collected the money and left the Shaq Kingdom alone, he regretted it: to outsiders, this was trampling on the rules and not following the rules, but in the circle of sword-wielding nobles , there is no such concept.

They are the ones who set the rules.

Advocating rules is to trap others.

And flout the rules.

It is to transcend it.

The younger brother was uneducated, but deep down he seemed to understand this truth better, and he would not admit defeat even at the last moment.

On the contrary, Shi Cha, who had clearly ascended to the position of head of the family, went to join the system established by their archenemy, the Merchant Guild in South United City. He said he was doing business, but in fact he could only pick up the leaks from the upper levels. marginal interests.

It's just a cold soup.

This time, it was Shi En's last test to see if this kid still had that hard work and ruthlessness: his targets were just some herdsmen. In the past, when Southern United City was strong, he would not be able to stand up to them. You can only surrender as a slave.

However, he didn't even dare to start with this.

How could he not be disappointed?

Of course, no matter how useless Shi Cha is, the deal is already done, and the head of the Shi family cannot be replaced. Shi En himself can only push him in advance to force him to accept this situation.

"The coins and goods you brought back this time are of little use..." the old warrior chuckled, "but if you switch to beasts of burden and offer them to General Tianxin, you will definitely be appreciated."

Kaidun City is the forging capital, and half of the world's newly-made armors come from it. To sell them to all parts of the world requires a lot of transportation capacity.

In his opinion.

This is the only way to revive the Shi family among the aristocratic families: even if you are a waste, in Kaidun City and the Southern Empire, as long as you can get a glimmer of appreciation from Tian Xin Li Zheng, no one will dare to look down on you anymore.

The rest is useless.

Shi Cha was furious. He regarded this clan uncle as a close confidant of his retainers, so he discussed with him his views on the future appreciation of the value of beasts of burden... But he did not expect to hear this business analysis in Shi En's ears. It all became a matter of favor.

Moreover, he desperately discovered:

I am indeed still too young.

Not as good as the methods of these old people.

If it weren't for Shi En's sudden attack, he wouldn't have known that he had been shunned behind his back, and that even the newly hired wandering warriors could be deployed privately by him... Speaking of which, when he was recruiting, it was this person who The specific work presided over by the clan uncle.

Now, no matter whether he used coercion, inducement or deception, when he looks back, the raw rice has been cooked.

Moreover, even if Shi Cha can still maintain his position as the head of the family afterwards, Shi En's own status will definitely be different from the past.

Is it the obsession to revitalize the family or personal ambition, or maybe they have been mixed together... Shi Cha can't tell this. As for the herders and merchants who were targeted, he doesn't feel any suspense or consideration. necessary.

He just thought.

It's a pity that the other party is so cautious and always keeps a distance from them, and the leader behind the scenes has the same knowledge as himself.

But it’s the same as myself.

I didn't expect the background of this world.

There are no rules at all.

Seeing his appearance, Shi En knew that the other party had given up struggling, and there was a hint of joy and pleasure in the old warrior's cloudy eyes.

He knew that in the eyes of these young people, he was already old and about to die, and was a product that was about to be abandoned and eliminated by the times.

Just like the sword-wielding nobles who disappeared in North Union City.


This is the South.

Then it’s still the world of old people like them!

The foundation is unshakable.

If you want to touch, you need to weigh how much you weigh...


A sigh.

Shi Cha, Shi En, and the old and young of the Shi family were suddenly stunned at the same time, because the sound was not made by them.

And, although it is magnetic.

But it was a female voice.

There is a third person in this camp!

Shi En was the first to react. Even though he was not well-known in Kaidun City, he was a former hooded guard after all, and he used to protect his master's family.

The old body retreated like a vigorous monkey.


Several coins ejected and hit the oil lamps hanging in the tent, including the one in Shi En's palm.

The bottle exploded, fuel sprayed out, touched the wick, burned into a huge spark, and then disappeared in an instant.

The camp suddenly became bright. At this moment, when the old warrior saw Shi Cha's back, his shadow suddenly moved.

It's like coming to life.

She was meant to be alive.

Let’s not talk about Shi Cha’s strength in general, but even Shi En didn’t notice that there was an uninvited guest hiding in this very close place.

their conversation.

All ears.

When the camp fell into darkness, Bo's petite figure completely dissolved into the night like ink sinking into water.

Shi En's hand was burned by boiling oil, but he did not relax his vigilance at all.

On the contrary, a sense of crisis suddenly rose from the bottom of his heart - the old warrior remembered the shadow and legend that shrouded all the nobles in the United City.


However, although the anti-slavery rebels were all elite soldiers and generals, they were few in number after all, and those who could be targeted by them were only the high-ranking officials and nobles of the empire.

With such a poor settlement as the Shi family, they are not even qualified to be its target.

Therefore, Shi En has been working as a hooded guard for many years, but he has never actually encountered an assassination attempt by an anti-slavery person.

Just listening to their legends one by one.

Fear gradually overwhelmed my heart.

He did not sit still and wait for death. With a clatter, a thin and thin knife appeared in his palm. It was stored close to his body. Once it was unsheathed, it tore Shi En's coat directly and swung it in front of him.

Not as old as he appears.

The movements of this hooded guard are still as agile as when he was young, and even have a touch of sophistication.

But it was all in vain.

His reaction couldn't be faster.

But you can't grasp the opponent's position at all!

Shi En's vision, which was already a bit old, seemed to be obscured by ink at this moment, and it was hazy, but the surrounding air was not disturbed at all, and there was no longer even the sound of breaking wind.

Deathly silence.


Blood flowers bloom.

If Shi En hadn't been stabbed in the back, he might have thought that the black shadow before was just an illusion caused by his nervousness!

However, once you enter the assassin's territory and you fail to notice it, what you see and hear may really be illusions, arrangements made by the other party to confuse people's minds.

Its actual hiding place.

No one can detect it!

A series of sounds of flesh being ripped open, blood spurting out, and countless spring-like wounds appeared on Shi En's body in an instant - Bo's true strength may not be much higher than his. Every time, he would seize the flaw and escape with a single blow. Duel, Shi En might even be able to overpower her.

But this anti-slavery person’s approach was not Jaeger’s style.

If you can't be like a poisonous snake, you will kill with one blow.

Then he will be devoured and die.

The initiative is completely in her hands.

The young head of the family, Shi Cha, pushed away the desk and hurriedly backed away.

It wasn't until the moment Bo took action that he felt a breeze slipping past his sides, almost undetectable, and his stealth ability was as strong as the ghost of the tarsal bones.

When he thought of this anti-slavery man, sitting cross-legged behind him, with the restrained and sharp ninja sword in front of him, he could stab his heart at any time... Shi Cha's cold sweat gushed out like spring water, soaking him. Wearing luxurious single clothes.

Taking your own life is easy.


Why didn't she take action?

The same question also erupted in the heart of the old warrior. After all, Shi En's physical strength was declining, and he might still be as brave as before for a while, but after being stabbed a few times, his strength was like a balloon that had opened its mouth and deflated in an instant.

At stake.

In panic, he completely abandoned everything and shouted quickly: "The master of the house is behind you!"

Hearing this, Shi Cha almost fainted with anger - although if the hooded guard died, as the head of the family, he would not be able to escape, but the other party's move was actually to use himself as bait to gain a moment for him. A moment's chance to escape.

Not to mention the loyalty and bravery of the hooded guards.

This uncle has always adhered to the philosophy he has always believed in his heart.

No wonder he is a veteran of several dynasties.

However, Bo in the shadow turned a deaf ear and swung the sword silently one after another. As an anti-slavery person, her goal was not like the noble family master, but just to show mercy.

The moment Shi En shouted those words, the sharp blade cut his trachea. With the warrior's physique, he not only died on the spot, but he couldn't help but cover his throat in fear. Can't make any sound.

Only then did he have a moment of regret.

But not for anything else.

But if he hadn't mobilized the rest of the warriors and asked them to chase the leaving herders, perhaps this anti-slavery person would not have been able to sneak into their camp - at least not so easily.

More importantly, Shi En realized that he had never considered being attacked and assassinated before. That was because decades of inertia made him know that the dilapidated Shi family would not be targeted by enemies of this level...

However, with the new head of the family returning triumphantly from the north, in an absolute sense, they are no longer what they used to be and have the qualifications to be taken seriously.

Even if it's just casually.

Ironically, their enemies recognize their value before they themselves do.

Bo twisted her wrist, and a butterfly-like short blade flew in her palm.

She pushed forward.

It is about to be sent into the chest of the old warrior.

But there was a sudden gust of wind in her ears, and she was startled and turned over.

A powerful knife passed through her forehead and cut off a few hairs.

Then, the whole tent collapsed.

The supporting pillars broke into two.

"Master!" An urgent voice sounded, and a warrior in armor rushed in with a broad and huge blade. It was Su Cheng.

Shi En covered his throat, and blood gushed out.

But a complex joy appeared on the face of the old man.

——As a hired warrior that Shi Cha personally found, he could not find a way to bribe him for the time being. To be on the safe side, he did not order Su Cheng to participate in the action, but found an excuse to let him stay away from patrol.

But he unexpectedly became the only and strongest warrior left here.

He did not know the situation, but saw the master's tent turned off in the distance and realized something was wrong.

He hurried over.

The caravan was already in chaos.

On the other side, Shi Cha, who was pressed down by the tent, was also in a complicated mood. On the one hand, he felt regret and anger for not seeing Shi En being killed by the assassin; but on the other hand, he relaxed and collapsed immediately after thinking that he could save his life, and he couldn't get away even if he struggled.

Su Cheng quickly judged the situation, and even if Bo had high stealth skills and could confuse people's sight, her figure would stand out as the tent covered the sky.

He didn't wait for her to escape.

The warrior stepped forward and slashed!


His cleaver fell to the ground again.

Su Cheng's throat choked, and a turbid air directly pressed into his heart and lungs, and he almost vomited blood.

His flaw was hit again.

This time, it was another black shadow that fell from the sky, stepped on the wooden pillar that was about to collapse, and kicked off the middle of the warrior.

Damn, how can everyone see it?

Unlike the encounter with the swordsman during the day, this enemy was very skilled in boxing and kicking, with steel embedded in the tip of his boots, and he did not hold back at all - obviously, the other party had a companion!

During this delay.

A splash of thick and fishy blood splashed on the tent cloth that completely covered the ground, soaking from the inside out.

Bo took the opportunity to kill Shi En.

The tent cloth cracked open, fluttered in the wind, and a figure seemed to jump out of it.

But then it disappeared into the night.

Su Cheng's premonition came true again, and the alarm bells behind him rang loudly!

With his strength, he might be able to tie with the other party's newly appeared companion, but if he was attacked by two people at the same time, he could only die on the spot.

Not to mention, he still had a flaw exposed.

I don't know if this is a coincidence, but if the other party can really see through it...

"Upper left."

At this time, a voice sounded - it sounded so familiar to Su Cheng!

He didn't have time to react, and his body subconsciously swung the knife according to the other party's instructions!

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