Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 648 Knowing People (Combined Chapter)

Bo's attack disappeared without a trace, and the fists and kicks of the other helper were extremely fierce, and the two sides even cooperated. Even if it were a warrior like Su Cheng who had experienced the baptism of the battlefield, he would either suffer from this set of attacks or be punished on the spot. Suffered heavy losses.

But he swung the knife in the direction indicated, and a spark flashed, illuminating the short blade in Bo's hand. The next moment it was hit and flew away.

The force of the sword suddenly continued at the cutoff point, and the force was unstoppable. The white hair on the forehead of the new man in black who took action was blowing, and he quickly stopped his hand and jumped back to avoid the sweeping range of the broad and huge blade.

In mid-air, a piece of rag fell.

But it was the corner of his clothes that had just been cut off.

With just a simple shot angle, Su Cheng turned around and survived from a desperate situation! Even he himself did not expect that such a knife was actually swung by himself just now.

Easy and freehand.

Before the warrior could be overjoyed and surprised, the next instruction came to his ears again: "Pingzhong, three steps... retreat!"

Su Cheng's figure retreated violently.

The chest armor in front of him collided with the short blade, causing a stream of sparks to illuminate Bo's petite figure.

The next moment she was forced to lean over.

Because the samurai's sweep is coming again!

Immediately afterwards, the man in black, who was good at boxing and kicking, struck again...

In this way, Su Cheng followed the orders and instructions in his ears, whether it was the angle of the slash, the measured force, or the pace of his body... He was one against two for a while, without losing the slightest chance.

Moreover, every battle between the samurai felt more and more enjoyable, as if the already outstanding swordsmanship had been further perfected and harmonized based on the original.


He shouted angrily.

When the sword was slashing, the enemy hit the middle of the back of the sword with all his strength with both fists. This was the empty door that Su Cheng deliberately covered up.

But this time, as he exerted more force, the generous cleaver not only did not deviate from its trend after being hit, but instead directly shook the enemy's palms away.

No more flaws!

"Whoosh." At the critical moment, Bo grabbed his companion's collar and pulled him backwards, thus dodging the fierce sword blow.

Don't leave your hands here.

There seemed to be a hint of surprise in the pupils of this anti-slavery man, whose face was covered with only his eyes exposed.

Su Cheng gasped.

Half exhausted and half excited.

The voice of instructions was getting closer and closer, becoming clearer and clearer... and he had already recognized that it was the swordsman from during the day!

Only then did Su Cheng realize and confirm.

It was not a coincidence that the opponent was able to stop him with one strike before, nor was it due to all of his strength.

Although the authorities are obsessed with it, watching from outside the battlefield can sometimes reveal many flaws that the duels themselves cannot detect.

But if someone can give him a few words of advice like this, he can fight against an enemy twice as powerful as him... Doesn't it mean that his insights and sword skills alone are worth the weight of his other self?

This is no longer something a master can describe.

Shi Cha finally crawled out from under the heavy curtain and witnessed this scene: from a distance, a swordsman wearing a bamboo hat and long clothes walked over step by step. Behind him, a slender and vigorous man The big dog was jumping happily and followed closely.

Naturally, Su Cheng could not hear the other party's voice alone.

But for Shi Cha, this was not as surprising as it was for Su Cheng... His pupils trembled slightly, realizing the outcome of chasing the herd merchant.

Everyone is safe and sound.

What about the samurai who followed orders?

"Oh my God..." Tang Darui, the owner of the Skeleton Station and a drifter, felt his legs weak with fear. He couldn't believe what he saw in front of him, "What happened?"

Under the bones of the giant beast.

The fully armored warriors, with their hands tied behind their backs, were pushed to the ground and forced to kneel in a row.

In the eyes of the drifters, these symbols of the most violent armed forces in the Union City can only grovel at this moment.

That was since Tang Darui ran the inn.

Things that are unthinkable.

Behind the samurai.

They are a group of people dressed as ordinary herdsmen.

However, hidden deep under their furs was a set of black robes, tightly wrapped around their solid muscles and iron-gray steel prosthetics.

A female doctor in a white robe hummed a tune to help take care of the soldiers after the fierce battle. She was the military doctor accompanying the team.

But most of the work she does is not life-saving and healing like ordinary doctors.

Instead, they were repairing broken machinery.

The trainee doctor of the Ember Order finally started training, but Dr. Zhong felt that he still couldn't defeat her. It happened that the reformed warriors of the order were going to go on an expedition with the grand leader. Lu Meng could even treat ordinary injuries by himself, but what happened to them Once the mechanical prosthetic part wears out, it still needs maintenance.

So, he simply handed over this new apprentice who was quite talented and proficient in the interdisciplinary subjects of flesh and blood and machinery, but had just a little bit of quirks, to Lu Meng to take care of him—she was more or less willing to listen to what he had to say.

The old warrior thought that what he was planning to plunder was an ordinary, defenseless animal herder.

But who would have thought.

Different from ordinary merchants.

There is no idle person in this team.

However, at a cursory glance, technology hunter Chad was not among them.

"Your Excellency...watched the chess without saying a word."

The man in black, who was being supported by Bo, stood firm and looked at the approaching swordsman. He raised one arm in an upright stance, but his whole body remained motionless, looking like a master. .

Su Cheng could not help but see that his excitement was put on a cold plate.

He had witnessed the swordsman's amazing skills, but he was still so calm... Could it be that he had some hidden card?

Thinking about it carefully.

With the help of the swordsman, Su Cheng was able to fight two people alone, but he could not really hurt the two of them.

Sometimes, he thought he had played a wonderful sword, but every time he was about to attack, the enemy barely avoided it.

It was very thrilling.

The warrior dragged his sword and took a few steps back in the direction of the swordsman, taking a defensive posture.

Also defend the master's house.

Su Cheng was not an ignorant person. After many fights, he had guessed the identity of the other party.


Those thugs who tried to subvert the empire, incite the people, and do not work.

In the past, the warrior could only learn about the other party's behavior from official newspapers, but he did have an understanding of their strength.

The ghostly movements of the gods should not be underestimated.

If the swordsman is only superior in his insights, but his own strength is not much stronger, they may not be able to suppress the other party steadily when they join forces - this situation is not impossible, some people are born to be more suitable for teaching rather than practice.

A good teacher produces a good student, but there are always students who are better than the master.

"It's too late to say this now." Lu Meng walked forward and stood side by side with Su Cheng. He looked at the warrior and smiled.

"I'm already in the game."

In everyone's ears, the two anti-slavery people obviously wanted to persuade the swordsman of unknown origin to retreat and let him not get involved in this matter.

But his words made it clear that he would stand with the attacked.

At that moment, Su Cheng was touched. Although he was on the battlefield, he still clasped his fists towards him, thanking the other party for his help before, and also admiring his choice.

Only Shi Cha suddenly trembled all over.

He thought of something.

The two "anti-slavers" looked at each other, and before they could react, Bo turned his wrist and two silver lights burst out.

They rushed straight to Su Cheng and Lu Meng.

"Be careful!"

Su Cheng immediately warned, and at the same time blocked the silver light in front of his chest with his sword.

In the previous fight, he had seen it. This was the short blade thrown by the female anti-slaver.

Although the blade was thin, it fluttered like a butterfly in the air, and its whereabouts were strange and uncertain.

It was hard to guard against.

The flying blade came very fast. Su Cheng wanted to help Lu Meng take it together, but he only had time to block his own one, and watched the rest burst towards the opponent's forehead.

The warrior was not very worried. Even in the most extreme case, if the opponent's strength was only comparable to his own, he could still dodge... But the next moment, something happened that surprised Su Cheng. The swordsman did not draw his sword, but went straight to the silver light with his bare hands.


Hold it tightly.

"You..." Su Cheng just had time to speak, and saw Lu Meng's palm slowly open - it was not a sharp short sword, but just a round ordinary Kai coin.

Denomination 1.

On the other side, the object that hit Su Cheng's blade also fell down with a clang, and it was also a Kai coin.

No difference.

Realizing that he was fooled, Su Cheng dragged his sword to chase, but when Bo threw two Kai coins in the air, she and her companions were still seen...

At this moment, where is there anyone?

It seems to have disappeared out of thin air.

"Don't bother." Lu Meng stepped forward with a knife and pressed down on Su Cheng's shoulder, who was still trying to search. "If the anti-slavers want to leave, no one can stop them in this environment."

Night, chaos, skeleton ruins...

It is their natural stage.

Lu Meng's definition is not wrong. At the beginning, two anti-slavers were injured and hid in Shark Village. Several major gangs searched together but found nothing.

If he hadn't relied on his understanding of the background and interpersonal relationships to find the two hiding among the dancing skeletons, it would have been difficult to find them just by reconnaissance.

"Hush--" He whistled, and Xiaogu rushed out in the dark.

Su Cheng knew that this was a mountain dog, which was best at hunting and searching, and he couldn't help much if he went up; and if even the mountain dog couldn't find the anti-slavers, then they could only accept the defeat.

Seeing this, he didn't say anything more.

Not to mention that they had to worry about the other party setting an ambush.

The two anti-slavers did not lose their fighting power, and they did not flee in panic.

"I'm sorry, the master was frightened," Su Cheng helped Shi Cha up, "and old man Shi En..."

The warrior didn't actually understand the situation.

He just came to rescue the master when he saw the chaos.

Now that he knew that the old retainer of the master died at the hands of an assassin, he still felt that he was loyal to the master and died because of this - I guess the master must be sad at this moment.

Su Cheng took the initiative to take responsibility.

Although, after being assassinated by anti-slavers, the head of the family was able to escape unscathed, especially when the guards were almost all left... Such things are rare in the entire confrontation between the United City and the anti-slavers. If you don't worry about retaliation, you might be famous if you tell it out.

However, Su Cheng still had a trace of doubt and relief in his heart: the whole thing made sense logically, but the timing was a bit too coincidental.

At this time, Shi Cha suddenly pushed away Su Cheng's support, staggered a little and stood firm.

He first forced himself to encourage the warrior with his eyes, and then looked around.

"This..." Su Cheng had been immersed in the battle before. Then he followed his master's line of sight and discovered those fellow warriors who were captured and waiting to be punished. He was shocked.

And Shi Cha had already expected it.

He narrowed his eyes and finally focused on one person, it was the swordsman who had just come to support him.

——Lu Meng.

The noble prince strode forward, getting closer and closer to him, but suddenly his speed slowed down until he stopped completely.

Seven steps away.

Lu Meng looked at him quietly.

Su Chengze's pupils suddenly dilated as if he remembered some dusty memory.

Sure enough.

Just like the etiquette in his memory, Shi Cha suddenly bowed down, clasping his hands over his shoulders and raising them above his head - this weird posture was exactly what the lower nobles did to the superiors in the aristocratic families of the United City. What a great gift.

"Master..." The sword-wearing nobles in Northern United City have almost died out. The new robe-wearing nobles are more casual and philistine. Su Cheng has not seen such etiquette for a long time, and Shi Cha is in the north. The image of a businessman does not reflect his title.

But after all, Shi Cha comes from a noble family. Although the family has long been ruined, the more his family falls into decline, the more his tutor pays special attention to such red tape, just to maintain the last bit of dignity in terms of face, so Shi Cha is now It was done with meticulous attention to detail.

But after he finished his salute, he didn't get up and still maintained his appearance.

This exerted so much physical energy that Shi Cha's body trembled slightly, but he still did not dare to speak.

"Boss Shi, what do you mean?" Only then did Lu Meng speak.

Su Cheng noticed that when faced with the salute of a nobleman, the swordsman looked calm. Not only was there no flattery or arrogance in his tone, but he also seemed to take it for granted or not care at all... This was not something that could be disguised by pretentiousness. , but I think so from the bottom of my heart, without any fear.

he realized.

No matter what the identity of the other party is, it is never as simple as I thought at first.

And his master, Shi Cha, obviously noticed this earlier than him.

"It's because I'm blind." The noble's body was still trembling slightly, "But with all due respect, I don't know your identity, and I don't intend to disturb your 'itinerary'..."

At this time, a chuckle interrupted him:

"Kone said you have the ability to recognize people, and now it seems that's true."

Shi Cha was stunned when a plastic card suddenly fell to the ground, right into his line of sight where he leaned over and didn't dare to look up.

I saw a line of text imprinted on it:

Merchants' guild, secondary franchise.

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