Love Apartment: South Wind Passage

Chapter 363 Good night, Guan Gu

Everyone in the apartment paused, and then they pretended nothing happened and continued to eat breakfast.

However, from Nanfeng's perspective, everyone's ears at the table were getting longer and longer, and began to spin around like antennas.

[What a bunch of gossipy guys. ]

Nanfeng, who knew all the truth, thought to himself.

Zeng Xiaoxian's heart skipped a beat when he heard Yifei's words. He was nervous, but there was still a hint of expectation: "Then I didn't do anything weird last night, did I?"

"You were dirty and smelly last night, isn't that weird enough?"

Yifei glared at Xiaoxian: "Do you know that the skirt I wore last night was very expensive? I can't wear it at all after you hugged me."

Zeng Xiaoxian could only smile and apologize: "Sorry, I'll compensate you if I can't."

"Forget it, just think of it as my bad luck last night." Yifei snorted.

Xiaoxian continued to ask: "Then nothing else happened when I was eating egg fried rice last night?"

"I don't know."

Yifei said casually: "I was only responsible for making egg fried rice last night. The rest was done by Nanfeng. It has nothing to do with me."

Nanfeng almost spit out the breakfast in his mouth.

Comrade Hu Yifei, you are really brave!

Seeing everyone looking at him, Nanfeng could only smile and nod: "Yes, yes, I will basically take care of you three from now on."

"Oh..." Zeng Xiaoxian was a little disappointed when he heard this.

But no matter how disappointed he was, he could never make Xiaoxian muster up the courage to confess to Yifei now.

Yumo shook his head repeatedly when he saw Teacher Zeng's disappointing look. She looked up at Yifei and asked a question that everyone wanted to know.

"Yifei, what do you think of the date last night?"

"He has a good appearance, education, job and family conditions, but I just don't feel anything."

Yifei said lightly: "He is neither as smart as me nor as strong as me. He also likes to express his own opinions when watching movies. I passed him up when I came back last night."

"That's good."

Xiaoxian murmured to himself.

Yifei raised his eyebrows and asked, "What did you say?"

"I said... I said the weather is really good today."


Everyone sighed when they saw this, and then continued to eat breakfast with their heads down.

Teacher Zeng is a hopeless person.

I really can't help him!

Zhang Wei looked at Nanfeng: "So how did we end up in 3603?"

Nanfeng rolled his eyes at Zhang Wei: "Who told you three to go crazy in the middle of the night? In order to prevent you from disturbing other people's sleep, I had to drive all three of you devils to my suite."

"Where did you sleep last night?"

"I didn't sleep."

Nanfeng spread his hands: "I couldn't sleep because of the noise in other rooms. If I stayed in the dubbing studio for a night, I was worried that you would all go crazy and I wouldn't be able to hear you, so I just stayed up all night on the swing chair on the balcony to process the audio.

"I might have to go back to the bedroom to catch up on some sleep later."

"Thank you for your hard work. "

Zhang Wei and the other two smiled awkwardly.

After understanding everything that happened last night, everyone continued to eat breakfast happily.

[In his inner world, Nanfeng dressed up as Detective Conan and spoke to the bow tie.]

[Do you feel that the latter part is missing something, and it is a bit anticlimactic?]

[Yes, the truth is often hidden in those little secrets that people don't want to know.]

[Then let's start the last time to go back in time. This time we will go back to the time when I just tied up the sleepwalking Zhang Wei.]

3604, Zhang Wei's bedroom.

At this moment, the sleepwalking Zhang Wei has been tied up on the bed. In order to complete this operation, Nanfeng and Curry Sauce had to sacrifice the four-piece set of sheets that Zhang Wei had used for several years.

"Taifu, why are you tying me up!"

Emperor Zhang Wei was under pressure from graduation, and even though he was extremely powerful, he could only be tied up obediently.

"Stop talking nonsense, this is called a small punishment and a big warning, a punishment for your ignorance. "

Nanfeng still said in the voice of Zhang Wei's teacher: "You should be tied up and sleep obediently now. I will give you a master's degree certificate when you wake up tomorrow."

"Really, Master."

Zhang Wei was overjoyed: "Don't lie to me, can I really graduate successfully?"

"I am your teacher, how could I lie to you?"

Nanfeng sighed, he gently patted Zhang Wei's forehead and eyes, and the murmur in his mouth was like a sleeping tune.

"Don't worry, you will graduate successfully.

"You are excellent, very excellent, you are the most outstanding and talented student I have ever seen."

Under the comfort of Nanfeng, Zhang Wei's tense body slowly began to relax, his voice became smaller and smaller, and the time he spent thinking became longer and longer.

"Really? Am I really, really good? But I'm afraid..."

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid."

The rhythm of the south wind gradually slowed down along with Zhang Wei's heart rate: "Every night of tension and worry will eventually pass, and tomorrow will be a bright and glorious day.

"Queen Mother, beloved concubine, Chrysanthemum, Little Millet, and everyone, we will accompany you step by step towards the light.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, walk slowly, even if you fall, we will wait for you."

Zhang Wei's breathing gradually became even and long, and his frowning brows since sleepwalking began to flatten.

He said almost in a delirious voice: "Thank you, Master.

"Thank you... Nanfeng, and everyone."

Nanfeng stood up and snapped his fingers, waking up Curry Sauce who was standing next to him with his eyes closed and nodding.

"Curry, I didn't expect you to be able to sleep while standing, you are amazing."

Curry Sauce yawned: "That's right, this is my unique skill."

She looked at Zhang Wei who was sleeping soundly: "So Uncle Zhang Wei fell asleep like this, he shouldn't wake up again tonight?"

"That's not necessarily true."

Nanfeng shook his head: "Sleepwalking is a very complicated thing. Zhang Wei's psychological pressure is only the inducement of sleepwalking, not the determining factor. No one can say whether he will continue to sleepwalk later."


Curry Sauce nodded, not quite understanding, and she couldn't help laughing at Zhang Wei who was tied up.

"I guarantee that if Uncle Zhang Wei wakes up and finds out that we cut his sheets to use as ropes, he will cry."

Curry Sauce imitated Zhang Wei's tone and wailed, "Oh, this is the sheet I've been using since high school. I'm dying."

"Don't worry, I have plenty of spare four-piece bedding sets. As long as you send him two sets tomorrow, I guarantee that Zhang Wei will call me godfather just like Ziqiao."

"Then why don't you cut your spare sheets to use as ropes?"

"Just kidding, my things are very expensive, okay."

Nanfeng pointed at Zhang Wei's sheets that had been washed to the point of turning white: "Besides, in my eyes, Zhang Wei's sheets can be cut and used as rags, but this stingy guy is still using them. It's a good opportunity to change them for him."

"That's right."

The two locked the windows of Zhang Wei's bedroom and used a rolling pin to jam the windows tightly, so that even if sleepwalking Zhang Wei opened the window, he couldn't push it open.

Curry sauce muttered: "Is it absolutely safe like this?"

"How can there be absolute safety in this world? Even if we tie Zhang Wei up tightly, we can't do anything if he bites his tongue to commit suicide in his dream."

"Bite his tongue to commit suicide..."

Curry sauce thought about it and opened Zhang Wei's closet to find a clean sock.

"One, two, three, four, five... Why are there only five socks?"

Nanfeng pointed at Zhang Wei's feet: "Aren't there two more?"

"But seven socks are not right." Curry sauce looked at Zhang Wei's seven socks carefully again, "Wow, these seven socks are all different styles."

Nanfeng didn't care: "Zhang Wei, some things are not right and they are right."

"Okay." Curry sauce randomly picked a sock and stuffed it into Zhang Wei's mouth, "Done."

After the two settled Zhang Wei, they were ready to leave Zhang Wei's room. At this time, Meijia had already settled Yu Mo and went back to take a shower.

Just when Nanfeng and Curry were about to open the door, the voices of Guan Gu and Youyou came from outside the door.

The two looked at each other, and with a sly smile on their faces, they quietly opened the door a crack. Nanfeng and Curry Sauce squinted their eyes and peeked at Guan Gu and Youyou outside through the crack of the door.

"Guan Gu, I'm already at the door of the bedroom, just take me here."

Youyou gently pushed Guan Gu's support and stood against the wall: "I'm not drunk like Teacher Zeng and Yumo, I can take these few steps."

"How can that be, Nanfeng asked me to take you to the bedroom."

Youyou raised her blurred drunken eyes and stared at Guan Gu. She pretended to be angry and said: "Then do you listen to Nanfeng or to me?"


Guan Gu faced Youyou's surprisingly bright eyes and felt that his heartbeat began to get chaotic.

"Then, then listen to you."

His voice was cramped and nervous, like a rusty voice machine.

Youyou smiled brightly when she heard Guan Gu's answer: "That's right."

She opened the bedroom door and said: "Then I'll go in."

"Okay, I'll wait for you to go in and then go back to 3602."

Youyou walked into the bedroom with the wall, and the door closed gently.

Just when Guan Gu was about to turn around and go back, Youyou's door suddenly opened again.

She poked her head out and asked Guan Gu: "Aren't you going to say something to me?"

As a simple boy, Guan Gu didn't react. He pointed at himself in confusion and trepidation: "I, should I say something now?"

Youyou chuckled and hooked her finger at Guan Gu.

Although Guan Gu didn't know what Youyou wanted to do, he still approached Youyou without hesitation.

The next moment, Youyou hugged him.

Guan Gu's mind was blank.

This was not the first time he and Youyou hugged, but the previous hugs were the most normal and common hugging postures, that is, the arms were opened and then closed. This level of hug can be said to be a polite hug between friends.

But this time, Youyou's arms were crossed around Guan Gu's neck, which made the hugging posture seem a little too ambiguous.

Youyou stood on tiptoes and whispered into Guan Gu's ear.

"I know I was fooling around tonight, and thank you for being willing to fool around with me.

"Guan Gu, good night."

Before Guan Gu, who was in a trance, could respond, Youyou had already pushed him away and slammed the door.


With the slam of the door, Guan Gu, who had just been like a walking corpse, finally regained consciousness.

He quietly looked at the closed door in front of him, and everything was quiet again, as quiet as if everything just now was his own illusion.

But is this really an illusion?

Guan Gu touched his neck, which seemed to still have the warmth of Youyou.

He wanted to shout at the door, but was afraid of disturbing others.

"Youyou, good night."

Guan Gu covered his pounding chest with both hands and whispered to the door.

Then, a few faint footsteps were heard in Youyou's bedroom.

He stood in front of Youyou's door for a long time. Just when Nanfeng and Curry Sauce suspected that he had a short circuit, Guan Gu suddenly jumped up.

Guan Gu jumped up and down on the spot, cheering softly while jumping.

"Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!"

"Yes! Yes! Yes!"

"Hahahaha..." Curry Sauce couldn't help laughing after all.

Such Guan Gu was really too cute.

Her smile scared Guan Gu, who was still jumping, and he fell on his buttocks.

Nanfeng gently opened the door and looked at Guan Gu with a smile.

"Tsk tsk tsk, what a happy person, he is so cheerful."

"Nanfeng? Curry?"

Guan Gu was stunned at first, then angrily said: "You actually eavesdropped, it's too much!"

Nanfeng shrugged: "Sorry, you were just outside the bedroom, this is a public space, we just bumped into each other."

"That's right!" Curry nodded in agreement, "Besides, if we had spoken just now, do you think Sister Youyou would still hug you?

"You have to sacrifice one of your privacy and welfare. "

Guan Gu fell into deep thought.

Yes, if Nan Feng and Curry Sauce were there just now, would You You still hug him?

Probably not.

So should I thank them?

Wait, they were the ones who eavesdropped and peeked, but I should thank them?

What kind of logic is this!

Guan Gu, who didn't know whether to thank or get angry, could only stand up and said to Nan Feng and Curry Sauce solemnly: "Whether you are right or wrong, you two have to keep it a secret for me.

"Otherwise, if this gets out and You You hears it, she might think I said it to show off."

"Don't worry."

Nan Feng and Curry Sauce showed Guan Gu a look of brotherhood: "We are the most secretive."

Although everyone in the apartment is not very reliable, if they agree to help keep the secret, they will basically not leak it.

Of course, the above does not include our classmate Tang You You.

If your secret is known by her, unless your secret is a big deal, you should be prepared for everyone to know it.

"Guan Gu, let's go back and rest first."

Nan Feng gestured to Guan Gu with a smirk on his face: "Anyway, the three guys from 3604 probably won't come out in the short term, so you can still hang around here for a while."

"Nan Feng, you..."

Before Guan Gu finished speaking, he saw Nan Feng cheering at him: "Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!"

Then Nan Feng left 3604 leisurely.

Curry Sauce waved goodbye to Guan Gu and said: "Then I'll go back to take a shower, Guan Gu, you continue, no one will disturb you this time."

When Curry Sauce walked to the door of 3604, she suddenly turned back to Guan Gu and cheered.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!"

"You guys!"

Looking at Curry Sauce's back as she turned and ran away with a laugh, Guan Gu growled angrily.

"You guys are so mean!

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