Love, Expired

Chapter 82: Meet

Zhou Hao carried Da Mao Er Mao on his body, and bent over to change his shoes to go out.

"Come back early." Jiang Yuxi stood at the door, reluctantly.

"I'll be back after taking the vaccines with you, and you should hurry to the company."

Zhou Hao changed his shoes, straightened his waist, and found that the wood was still stupid. He stretched his arms and hugged the man in front of him. "I'm going to cook today, will the chicken curry?

Jiang Yuzhen rubbed the hair of the lunatic, and his movement was very gentle. "Eat, I'll spit my mouth as soon as you say it."

Had it not been for the company's business today, he would have rested at home on the weekend.

Zhou Hao took the bus to the pet hospital nearest to his home. When he was queuing up to register, the familiar sound wave appeared behind him.

"Arvin, how many months has this cat been?"

"In two months, my uncle's cat got a cub, and I took one and returned to accompany my dad."

"Little cat."

"Where is the dirt?"


Zhou Hao was stunned, and didn't even have the courage to look back. Da Mao Er Mao suddenly disturbed in his backpack. Did they hear it?

They must have heard it.

Zhou Hao handed in the money, turned his head and hurriedly passed him, and did not resist the beating of his heart. He still glanced at the man secretly.

With only one glance, the eyes of the two were inadvertently connected.

When Sun Yiwen was talking to someone, the smile on the corner of his mouth suddenly faded, and he replaced with a startled face.

Da Mao Er Mao's claws were scratching, and Zhou Hao's back was bearing their crazy resistance. They want to slip out and meet the owner who once carried them back.

"Old week." Sun Yiwen called him.

Zhou Hao stepped back, brewing his emotions, turning around and smiling at him, "It's been a long time."

"Is this an acquaintance?" Da Fei's words were filled with excitement.

Sun Yiwen was wearing a dark gray British plaid scarf and carrying a pet bag in his hand. For more than four years, he was as beautiful and elegant as before, with a small body and bright white skin.

"I'm here to vaccinate cats, how about you?" Sun Yiwen asked first.

"Me too." Zhou Hao lowered her head slightly, extremely desperate.

"I just returned to China not long ago, I didn't expect ..." Sun Yiwen raised his eyelids and glanced at Zhou Hao. "You are also in city A."

Sun Yiwen's memory still stays in Lao Zhou Tiexinxin's departure from the big city. In fact, the memory is too long, that was four years ago.

They stood like this, and had nothing else to say to each other. People who used to be able to get into a quilt and hug each other now have the same opportunities.

The chaotic times of these years are too harsh.

"I took the cat for an injection." Zhou Hao left without a hint.

Dafei looked at the back of the man, and asked Sun Yiwen curiously, "Awen, who is that person?"

Sun Yiwen stood in place and looked at the departing man. "A former friend." At the end, he added, "A special friend."

Afei sighed with lame Mandarin. "That's strange, he seems to be hiding from you."

Zhou Hao spread the small blanket he brought on the metal table, and put the big hair on the blanket first. The syringe held in the doctor's hand revealed the sharp needle, and the big hair shook his body tremblingly. Zhou Hao pressed it hard.

A pin was stuck, and Da Mao whimpered a few times.

Sun Yiwen also came in with his cat, and Da Mao stared at him with bulging eyes, and he was no longer upset. It was rare for an injection to be so obedient.

"Is it big hair?" Sun Yiwen reached out to help him smooth his hair, and Da Mao darted to touch his master's hand with his head.

Zhou Hao sent a deep response from deep in his throat, "Um."

At this time, Er Mao was in the backpack again, Zhou Hao put it down, and it looked like his mother, staring at Sun Yiwen with a huge pitiful eye.

"You can touch it too, it still remembers you." Zhou Hao's voice was mixed with years of dumbness.

Both fat guys had finished the injection, and Zhou Hao ignored them to fight fiercely and packed them into their bags.

He was still in the same state as before, saying nothing and not mentioning anything, he wanted to leave the hospital silently.

"Old Zhou, leave a contact method." Sun Yiwen stopped it.

Zhou Hao turned around and numbly reported a series of numbers, "189XXXX7683."

Sun Yiwen saved the number.

Zhou Hao didn't even ask Xiaosun, what's your number, he just fled away.

The winter sun was shining brightly, and even the tiny pores of the people were clear, let alone the panic expression.

Zhou Hao was carrying his backpack on his grey face and walking on the bare road. He took a step and whispered to himself, "Why come back? What's so good about coming back?"

He just walked to the vegetable market step by step. You know, there are dozens of kilometers of roads.

He walked all the way, thinking all the way down, but fortunately his destination was far enough, he had enough time to slowly digest what he saw and heard today.

What are you doing here? What's so good about coming back?

The man's mouth murmured repeatedly, always these two words.

The food market arrived, and as soon as I walked in, I smelled the smell of chicken, duck and fish. At this moment, I had missed the best time to buy vegetables in the morning, and there were only leftovers left on the stall.

Zhou Hao picked a lean little **** and bought some potatoes and green onions. There were some other vegetables in the house that Jiang Yudi bought yesterday. Enough for him to make a meal.

He carried the chicken and walked step by step back to the powerhouse home.

It's noon when we get home.

As soon as Zhou Hao put down his backpack and the dish in his hand, Jiang Yuzheng's phone call came.

"Haohao, what's for lunch?"

"Shout for takeaway."

"What to do, I start thinking about us now." The words of the man were sweet and petting.

"Da Mao and Er Mao are fighting, I won't tell you any more." Zhou Hao pressed the hang up button.

Zhou Hao unzipped his backpack and released two fat guys. Da Mao Er Mao seemed to have grudges against him, and instead of using his head to poke Zhou Hao's legs, he shook his tail and went to his cat's nest.

Zhou Hao didn't eat any meal. He was lying on the bed in the bedroom. At first, he was still thinking about things, and later he became more and more irritable. He simply covered his head with a quilt and slept darkly all afternoon.

When Jiang Yuzhen came back at night, it was still early, just after six o'clock. Zhou Hao was cooking in the kitchen, the range hood was on, and I didn't hear the door opening outside.

Suddenly, two arms were wrapped around from behind, encircling his body, and the hot air spit out in his ear, itching.

"How many dishes do you make today?"

"Three, two dishes and one soup."

Jiang Yuzheng still stuck to him, without intending to loosen, his lips moved between his exposed neck.

"Don't ... I'm cooking."

After eating rice, Jiang Yuzhen went to work again. Zhou Haowo was on the sofa in the living room and switched TV channels back and forth, but he couldn't find a program that would make him addictive.

He was annoyed, and left the remote control aside. A TV variety show was being broadcast on the TV, and several stars went to a foreign country. Zhou Hao glanced, not interested, and his eyes left the TV screen.

He sat idly on the couch, and after a while, he received a message on his cell phone—

"Lao Zhou, I'm really happy today, find some time to sit out."

Zhou Hao glanced in the direction of the study, a bit guilty of guilty conscience, he wanted to edit a sentence to reply to this person, after thinking for a long time, I didn't know what to say.

He fell into hard meditation, and gradually, this thinking deteriorated. He felt that Sun Yiwen was inexplicable. Why did he send him such unclear text messages?

Later, he reflected on himself, why not ignore him today?

Unconsciously, he had been thinking for more than an hour, but it was still fruitless, and he still didn't figure out what to reply.

The variety show is over, and then comes the evening theater, an urban life drama.

He suddenly thought of how to reply to Sun Yiwen.

"I'm watching" Naked Marriage ", how about you?"

Soon, there was a reply there, apparently Sun Yiwen was waiting for the phone.

"I'm writing a year-end summary and I have a headache."

"Where do you work now?"

"CITIC Construction Investment in Xinjing Road."

At this point in the conversation, Zhou Hao didn't know what to say next, but before he was tangled, Sun Yiwen found a good word for him.

"Are you alone now?" This question was asked abruptly, but Sun insisted on knowing the answer.

"I have reunited with my ex-boyfriend." For many years, Zhou Hao remembered that Sun Yiwen called Jiang Yuzhen "your ex-boyfriend."

"That's very good."

Sun Yiwen did not send any more news.

Zhou Hao looked at the dialogue on the screen and stumbled for a while. Was he sad about the offensive text just now?

Thinking too much, even when Jiang Yuzhen came over, he didn't notice it.

"Ah." Zhou Hao was startled.

"What do you want?" Jiang Yuzhen's eyes glanced at the screen of the lunatic, "Who is chatting with?"

Zhou Hao quietly retracted his cell phone. "A colleague."

"You sleep first, I will have a while." Jiang Yuzheng kissed him and kissed him as usual.

Zhou Hao, however, diddged Jiang Yuzhen's relatives abnormally, put on slippers, and stood up. "Then I'll take a shower first."

Jiang Yuxi looked at the person who was flustered, and had some conjecture in his heart. He picked up Zhou Hao's phone on the coffee table, turned to the text message interface, and clicked on the latest message.

It was dark at night.

This night, the minds of the two men were completely confused. After finishing his official business, Jiang Yu scribbled and took a shower. Zhou Hao was not asleep and was lying in a daze on the bed.

"Why don't you sleep?" He seemed to inadvertently interrogate, but he was peering at the facial response of the lunatic.

Zhou Hao didn't look at him, rolled over, and muttered quietly, "Just fell asleep."

Jiang Yubi climbed into bed and grabbed him from behind. "Haohao, let's go to IKEA tomorrow, shall we?"


Jiang Yuzhen was frightened by the indifference of the little lunatic. He put it between the neck of the man and pleased him with the kind of ignition.

Zhou Hao avoided his kiss-hot, "No, I'm a little sleepy ..."

The time hand points to 10:30, and Jiang Yuxi looks at the back of the little lunatic greedily, with the light shining in from the outside. In addition to being a little flustered, he had a little surprise, at least, the little lunatic admitted that he was his boyfriend.

Things always go slowly, and slowly get better.

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