Love, Expired

Chapter 83: Yumi Yamakawa

"Are you free tomorrow? Sit at the People's Park and I'll take Da Mao Er Mao over."

After ten days, Zhou Hao still couldn't hold back. He edited such a short message for Sun Yiwen while he was still unmanned.

When he was about to leave work at night, he received a reply, "Are you free, what time?"

"Eight o'clock."

At home at night, after having dinner, he turned in the bedroom to look for things. The movement was not too big, but Jiang Yuzheng who read the documents in the study room still heard.

"What are you looking for?" Jiang Yu leaned against the door.

Zhou Hao turned his head in a panic, touched the door of the cabinet with both hands, and raised his eyelids, as if guilty of doing something wrong.

what clothes? He often wore three sweaters and two down jackets, which he hadn't changed all winter.

Jiang Yuzhen's heart was heavy and heavy, but he still asked patiently, "What clothes?"

"Just wanted a sweater."

Jiang Yu's glance glanced at the little lunatic dimly, without seeing any mystery. "How do you have any sweater?"

"Maybe I forgot, I thought it was."

"When I'm busy, I'll take you out and buy some clothes."

An episode did not tie Jiang Yuzheng's heart, and soon his mind shifted to those incomplete documents. By the end of the year, the company had a lot of chores.

On this day, Zhou Hao lay in bed early. He was thinking about the process of going out tomorrow. What time does he leave from home and take a few lines, can he arrive on time at eight o'clock?

Of course, he was still wondering whether Jiang Yuzhen would notice anything so early on the weekend. With this level of anxiety, he felt that he was not a living person, hiding his boyfriend and seeing other men. But he thought for a while that Wenwen was not an outsider, and it was nothing to meet.

With such layers of thinking, he lay in bed for more than an hour and had not been able to fall asleep. Jiang Yuzhen was over there.

Until Jiang Yuchen took a shower and walked into the room, Zhou Hao was aware. He closed his eyes and pretended to sleep.

Soon, he felt a soft sag on the right side of the bed, and touched the quilt with both hands to open the corner, and then he felt Jiang Yu's hot body stuck up.

A shadow gradually came over his face, and Jiang Yuxuan's lips fell on his left face, and he touched it slightly, and then separated. His heart jumped abruptly.

About a quarter of an hour later, the person beside him issued a uniform and steady breath, and Zhou Hao opened his eyes.

In the incredible night, he saw the affection of the man for him, which made him hard to sleep.

Panic and a little bit of joy, how strange.

On the next day, Zhou Hao got up at six o'clock, with very light movements, dressing sideways.

Jiang Yuzhu rubbed his eyes and saw the back of the little madman getting dressed. "Why do you get up so early?" The words still carried the laziness that didn't wake up.

"can not fall asleep."

Jiang Yu calmed down and got up from the bed.

"You sleep again, this weekend."

"No sleep, get up to get you breakfast."

Zhou Hao squinted at the man who was getting dressed and said nothing. He hurried to the bathroom to wash, and for a moment, put on his coat, a cat bag on his back, and changed his shoes to go out.

Jiang Yuzheng is still in pajamas, brushing his teeth in the bathroom, he took the toothbrush to the living room, "Where are you going with your cat?"

"Take them to the pet shop to take a shower." When Zhou Hao said this, his eyes were on the doorknob. He didn't dare to look at the man.

Jiang Yuzhen's voice sank. "Come back early."

He went to the convenience store downstairs to buy some food, and then took Line 2 to People's Park.

The huge park was filled with morning dew. The weather forecast said that it was cloudy but there was no rain. Zhou Hao walked along the stone road in the park and went to the bench covered behind the bushes.

The bench was stained with morning dew, and Zhou Hao wiped a clean place with a tissue and sat down. Just five minutes after seven, he was early.

At about 7:30, the little grandson also came over. Zhou Haoming only talked about the People's Park, but Sun Yiwen remembered the bench.

The behaviors were inconsistent. When they looked at each other, they both laughed.

Zhou Hao also wiped out a clean piece of paper for Sun Yiwen with a tissue, held the dirty wet tissue in the palm of his hand, and sat upright with his hands on his knees, without looking at Sun.

The blankness of speech makes them understand. Sun Yiwen pursed his lips and sat next to Zhou Hao.

In the windless morning, the river was calm, and Da Mao dragged his fat body into his arms, which he held.

"It's a lot fatter." Sun Yiwen said with a smile.

Zhou Hao picked up Er Mao and went along with its hair. "They are both fat when they drink water, but they don't feed much."

"I also took a kitten home with me a while ago. My dad is old, afraid he will be alone."

Zhou Hao's eyes dimmed for a moment, "Well, it's fine."

The pine tree by the river dropped a needle leaf and floated on the river surface. After a long sleep, the river finally had a ripple, and a few circles were drawn. The two were again in an awkward situation, and they had nothing to say about each other.

At eight o'clock, there were a few elderly people doing morning exercises in the park. Their voices came from the activity area and penetrated the bush.

"Lao Zhou, have you had breakfast?" Xiao Sun asked him.

Zhou Hao took out the biscuit bread bought from the convenience store from his bag. He just wanted to hand it to Sun Yiwen, and then returned to him and said, "It's just the time, let's have breakfast together."

Sun Yiwen's lowered eyes saw Zhou Hao's food in his bag. He asked with a sense of memory, "Did you eat more fast food in recent years?"

"It's almost gone," Zhou Haoji said.

"So, is your boyfriend cooking? Or do you cook?"

Zhou Hao raised his eyelids and glanced at him, saying nothing.

The two got up and walked out of the park and went to a nearby morning tea shop. Zhou Hao ordered two drawers of Xiaolongbao and two bowls of ravioli.

The morning tea shop was at its busiest time, and they found an empty spot in the corner to sit down and called the waiter to clean up the residue left by the previous guest.

Xiaosun unzipped the coat and looked up and asked, "Yes, I haven't asked you yet, which unit are you in now?"

"Kangren Hospital in Yuanling District."

"Very good, I have a headache and hot brain in the future, I will go to you, you have to open a back door for me."

Zhou Hao looked at Sun Yiwen for a long time. Before long, he replied, "Okay."

For a short time, Zhou Hao didn't understand anything, but a kind of intuition emerged in his heart: Xiao Sun changed a lot and became cheerful and optimistic.

Zhou Hao also unzipped the jacket, exposing the beige turtleneck sweater inside, just like the sweater Wen Wen gave him in the same year, but also the new style of the season.

After a while, the morning tea they ordered was brought to the table, and Zhou Hao scooped the bowl with a spoon and chewed dryly.

His phone rang at this time, and Zhou Hao pulled out his mobile phone from his down jacket, hesitated, and picked it up.

"It will take a while before going back."

Jiang Yuzhen asked him again, "Where are you now? Would you like me to pick you up?"

Zhou Hao said busyly, "No, I'll go back right away." When he said that, he looked at the opposite Sun. The Sun didn't respond, but just bowed his head and ate.

"Do you eat hot pot at noon? I go to the supermarket to buy hot pot soup base, and then order something."

"Well, eat." Zhou Hao pushed off the phone and retracted it into his pocket.

Xiaosun picked up a small steamed bun, and the hot bun skin was still hot. He pinched it with his fingers, put it to his mouth, took a bite, and swallowed it. He asked Zhou Hao, "It was your boyfriend just now. what?"

Zhou Hao gave him a surprised look, and then his gaze fell into his bowl again, and nodded, "Um."

The people in the morning tea shop went in and out, and the waiters were so busy that they raised their trays in the stalls. They buried their heads and ate early with the heat.

Then, they walked aimlessly along the street, left and right. Sun Yiwen talked about his life in the United States these years, Zhou Hao raised his ears and listened very carefully.

It ’s all about interesting things. For example, at Christmas, a few of their friends will travel by car, bring guns and guns, and travel across more than a dozen states in the United States. They will encounter many precious photos in those photos along the way. And wild animals.

Xiao Sun also said that the most impressive time was to go to a private estate in Baltimore and stand on the corridor of the house, and you can see the lush rolling forest behind.

Having said that, he stopped to look at Zhou Hao, "Lao Zhou, guess what I thought of?"

Zhou Hao shook his head, very confused. The great world that Xiao Sun had experienced made him feel confused, "I don't know."

"I thought of the mulberry forest behind your hometown, and I was thinking, if you can come here to see it, that would be great, you will definitely like it."

Zhou Hao has been listening to Mu Mudi, he was thinking a word in his heart, he was thinking how to ask Xiao Sun.

After a long turn, he was feeling good.

"Ou Yi said," Zhou Hao paused, saying very hard, "he said, you are doing well there, I called last time to ask him, you just went to Europe with friends at that time. , Is Europe fun? "

Sun Yiwen once again carefully looked at the man in front of him. He was thirty years old and was in the midst of life. He didn't seem to change at all, still in the self-blocking mind. In these years, in the United States, in addition to remembering his father, there is always a man who is innocent like a child.

After returning home, he wanted to find Lao Zhou, but now, looking at the innocent and curious man in front of him, he suddenly seems to understand a lot of things--

The disease of Lao Zhou was not in his Sun Yiwen or his boyfriend now. What he needed was a home in his own spiritual world, where anyone could walk into it or be empty. In any case, such a spiritual house will always be a happy and practical place.

Where to find him such a home? At this moment, Xiao Sun suddenly thought of the magnificent scenery. Perhaps, Lao Zhou can go there to look for it.

He answered Zhou Hao's questioning and said piously, "Fun."

He knew very well that it was Ou Yi cheating Lao Zhou, but what's the matter, this scam was so suitable. The right time and the right people.

And his Sun Yiwen, will continue to complete this scam.

At this moment, Zhou Hao finally calmed down, he grinned and smiled.

Over the past year, what he has been struggling with is nothing more than Wenwen. Are you happy in a foreign country without me? Can you be happy without me?

Now he knew the answer: Wen Wen could be happy without him.

They continued to move forward. A small alley appeared in Huo Ran between the modern urban buildings, and they entered.

This seems to be another world, with cafes, pubs, shops selling clothes, and of course, baked sweet potato stalls that continue the ancient style of City A.

The sweet potato was sold by an old grandfather. An electric stove and an electronic scale were placed on the tricycle.

Zhou Hao's Majesty Sun Yiwen, quickly stepped forward to buy two baked sweet potatoes, wrapped in oiled paper. He handed it to Xiao Sun.

Xiao Sun looked at him, smiled, and did not reach out to take over, he said, "I can't get used to these."

Zhou Hao took a few seconds, then retracted his hand and asked the grandpa to come in a plastic bag. He put both sweet potatoes into the bag.

Soon this alley came to an end. It was almost eleven o'clock, and it was time to separate.

"Go back for ready-made meals? Your boyfriend must have prepared them for you." Sun Yiwen's tone was playful and cheerful.

Zhou Hao smiled and waved to him, saying, "Goodbye."

Sun Yiwen also waved at him, "Goodbye."

The two parted ways at the intersection, took a dozen steps, Zhou Hao suddenly turned around, and Sun Yiwen was also looking back at him.

Then Sun Yiwen ran over and stood in front of him.

Familiar scenes, just like many years ago, the little man ran up and hugged him, "You and me."

"Lao Zhou, go outside in the future, the river in the People's Park, and the mulberry grove in your hometown, they are too small and too narrow. You have to go to a wide place, look at the mountains, see The sea, and the endless prairie. "

Zhou Hao has been in a state of ignorance today. He unburdened his burdens and was a little happy, but now the words of Xiao Sun confuse him again.

"Why?" Zhou Hao said very lightly. He said in a cramped tone, "Wenwen, me, I don't understand what you're talking about."

Sun Yiwen hugged him and patted him on the back. "When you really see the beauty of the mountains and rivers in the future, you will understand what I said today. Old Zhou, you have a chance to go out and walk."

Zhou Hao looked at the little man in front of him with a most solemn look, "Okay, I listen to you."

"Go outside and don't be afraid. I'll follow you, we will always be family."

Sun Yiwen's lips touched Zhou Hao's chest and said very lightly, but Zhou Hao heard it.

Zhou Hao was carrying big hairs and two hairs, and was carrying a plastic bag containing sweet potatoes in his hands, and his back was stubbornly lost in the crowd.

Suddenly, Sun Yiwen's eyes became moist. He searched for the shadow in the crowd, but the shadow had disappeared.

Dear old week, my forever family, I hope you really grow up.

When I got home, I put an electric cooker on the table. There were more than a dozen plates of the same size on the table, which were filled with dishes for shabu-shabu, with meatballs, shrimp slips, meat, and some mushrooms and vegetables.

"I'm back." Zhou Hao changed into cotton slippers and shouted.

Jiang Yuzhen came out of the study, "I have prepared the dishes, and I will wait for you to come back to eat."

Zhou Hao handed the baked sweet potato in his hand to Jiang Yuyan, "It's hard to come across, do you taste it, sweet?"

Jiang Yuzheng took it, peeled off his skin, and took a bite. "Well, sweet."

Zhou Hao suddenly smiled happily.

In the evening, Zhou Hao didn't watch TV or read books. He turned on his computer and typed the words "beauty of mountains and rivers" into the search bar of his browser, and then he jumped out of many magnificent and beautiful scenery.

He looked at these pictures one by one, and his mind was mixed, and he could not use specific words to describe the impetuousness of his heart.

Sure enough, the river in Renmin Park and the mulberry trees in his hometown are not worth mentioning in front of these scenery.

His heart was drifting to the unknown at this moment, and he was unscrupulous ...

At ten thirty, Jiang Yuzheng was busy with what he was doing and returned to the room. Zhou Hao still sat motionless in front of the computer.

"Why don't you sleep?" Jiang Yuzhen walked over his arms around the lunatic's neck and saw his computer screen at the same time.

"Want to hang out?"

Zhou Hao turned his head and looked at Jiang Yuzhen sincerely. "Have you been to many places?"

Suddenly asked, Jiang Yu froze and said, "Those places I have been to before, I will take us Hao Hao together."

Zhou Hao blinked, and a dim look emerged in her eyes, "I will go out and see what I see in the future."

At eleven o'clock, the two lay in bed. Zhou Hao was still thinking about the mountains and rivers in the picture just seen.

He thought he would go out and walk alone. If he can't do it this year, then go next year. If he can't go again next year, then he will go the next year. Anyway, he has to go for a walk.

And Jiang Yuzhen in the dark did not fall asleep. Today, he can clearly guess the reason for all the abnormal behavior of the little lunatic—

The lunatic must have been in touch with Sun Yiwen, and they had an appointment to meet this morning.

He let it all go, let it go, and he made an oath to himself: if the lunatic is going to go, let him go, and let Sun Yiwen take him away. Doesn't that person like him, he should be able to treat him well.

But the little lunatic came back at noon and brought him the roasted sweet potatoes for him to taste, and he tore open the skin and tasted it.

At that moment, he was really sweet.

Sweet in your mouth, sweeter in your heart.

His little lunatic, went home again.

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