Loyang Jin

Chapter 101 Method

It is not difficult for Ling Xiao to perform acupuncture every five days.

Even if you come to Huichun Hall every day, you still have plenty of time.

The key is that Imperial Physician Wei doesn’t have the time!

The emperor is getting older and his health is getting worse day by day, so he is indispensable without the care of the imperial physician.

In order to take care of the emperor nearby, Imperial Physician Wei lived in the palace on weekdays. Going out of the palace on the first and fifteenth day of every month was specially authorized by the emperor. If the emperor becomes unwell, Imperial Physician Wei will focus on the emperor's dragon body and have no time to leave the palace.

In this way, it is simply impossible to perform acupuncture once every five days!

Ling Jingshu frowned slightly and looked at Imperial Physician Wei, who was dressed in bamboo green cloth. Somehow, something that had nothing to do with the present suddenly occurred to me - she was also wearing a bamboo-green dress today...

Ling Jingshu put this boring and ridiculous detail behind her and asked calmly: "Physician Wei, you have to be on duty in the palace on weekdays. You have no time to leave the palace. I'm afraid it will be difficult to perform acupuncture once every five days. "

Imperial Physician Wei nodded slightly.

Ling Jingshu thought for a while and then came up with a solution: "There are still a few doctors sitting in the Huichun Hall. Otherwise, how about asking one of them who is skilled in medicine to perform acupuncture on behalf of the imperial doctor?"

"Inappropriate!" Imperial Physician Wei rejected the proposal without hesitation: "Everyone's acupuncture technique is different and the strength of the technique is different. What's more, my acupuncture skills are unparalleled in the world, and no one in the world can match it. No. People can perform acupuncture on my behalf.”

A matter-of-fact tone.

Ling Xiao: "..."

Ling Jingshu: "..."

All right! He is a miracle doctor who is famous in the capital. He has cured many difficult diseases and is even favored by the emperor. I am indeed qualified to say that.

Ling Jingshu cleared her throat and asked, "What should we do now? No one can perform acupuncture for you, and you can't come to Huichun Hall every five days."

"Otherwise, just give acupuncture every half a month." Ling Xiao interjected: "At worst, the speed of treatment will be slower. Even if it takes a year and a half to treat the disease, I can afford to wait. ”

However, Imperial Physician Wei frowned and said: "This is not a matter of treating the disease faster or slower. The effect of treatment will be greatly reduced after a long time. Apply acupuncture once every five days to activate your blood circulation and remove blood stasis. Slowly draw out the congestion in the brain. It will be effective in three months. If it is once every half a month, the 30% chance of recovery is less than 20%. "

Ling Xiao was speechless.

Ling Jingshu was agitated when she heard this, and her tone became a little more urgent: "Then what should we do?"

I just regret that she is not qualified to enter and leave the palace! Because of A Xiao's illness, she was willing to let her enter the palace as a maid.

Imperial Physician Wei seemed to have insight into Ling Jingshu's thoughts, and a rare smile appeared in his gentle eyes: "Don't think about entering the palace. The emperor has been far away from the harem since he suffered a serious illness a few years ago. Already. It has been several years since a girl was drafted into the palace. Even if a girl were to be drafted, Mr. Ling’s illness would not allow him to wait so long.”

Ling Jingshu: "..."

Ling Jingshu was dumbfounded when she heard this, and subconsciously defended herself: "I never thought about entering the palace."

She is so beautiful and young, so it would be a pity to enter the palace to serve the emperor who is nearly sixty years old.

This thought flashed through the mind of Imperial Physician Wei, but he did not say it out loud. Just think about it in your mind, but it would be treasonous to say it out loud.

"I have an idea."

With just a few words, the helpless Ling Jingshu siblings were all excited and asked in unison: "What can we do?"

Imperial Physician Wei smiled faintly: "His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is resting in the Prince's Mansion in the East Palace. Every five days, I will go to the Prince's Mansion to diagnose His Ping An pulse. You two siblings can go to the Prince's Mansion and wait. I will do it for you. His Royal Highness has checked the pulse and can give Young Master Ling an acupuncture."

Each acupuncture only lasts for about a moment and will not delay his return to the palace.

That's a good idea!

It is easier to enter the prince's palace than the palace.

The question is, where did their siblings get the dignity to frequent the Prince's Mansion?


Ling Jingshu did not feel embarrassed and spoke out her concerns calmly: "What Imperial Physician Wei said is indeed an excellent note. However, our siblings have never met His Highness the Crown Prince, and we have no contact with the Crown Prince's house... .”

No contact?

Imperial Physician Wei raised his eyebrows, with a half-smile on his lips, and a rather subtle look on his face: "Miss Ling came to the Huichun Hall with His Highness the Grandson's name card. How come she has no contact with the Prince's house?"

Ling Jingshu: "..."

The moment of embarrassment was fleeting.

Ling Jingshu responded nonchalantly: "Mr. Wei misunderstood. Our sister and brother met gangsters on the way to the capital and were rescued by His Highness the Grand Sun. This is how we got to know each other. We had no contact before, so our identity as sister and brother Normally, I wouldn’t be qualified to associate with His Majesty Taisun. My cousin-in-law asked for it for A Xiao.”

After a pause, he added: "My cousin-in-law is from the Jiang family and is related by marriage to His Highness Taisun."

What a cover-up explanation!

Imperial Doctor Wei twitched his lips and gave Ling Jingshu a meaningful look: "In that case, please ask your cousin-in-law to go to the Prince's Mansion to ask for a favor. It's just a trivial matter, just borrowing a guest room in the Prince's Mansion. Mrs. His Highness Sun will never refuse such a trivial request."

Those gentle and peaceful eyes instantly became sharp.

It was as if he could instantly see through all the secret thoughts in her heart.

It is obviously not enough for a person who is highly favored by the saints to be able to rise up in the palace just by being Jieyu's eldest sister and her superb medical skills. This Imperial Physician Wei is indeed not as gentle and harmless as he appears.

Ling Jing's heart trembled, and she secretly became vigilant, and said in her mouth: "Thank you, Imperial Doctor Wei, for the advice. I will ask my cousin sister-in-law later, and I only hope that His Highness the Grand Sun can agree."

Imperial Physician Wei smiled: "His Royal Highness Taisun is kind-hearted. I don't think he will refuse this small request."

I wonder if she is overly concerned. I always felt that there was some subtle sarcasm when Imperial Physician Wei said the words "kindhearted".

Thinking about it more carefully, Wei Jieyu was rescued by Queen Xu, and later entered the palace and became a maid beside Queen Xu. Later, he was favored by the emperor and received the favor. Wei Jieyu was from Queen Xu's group, and Imperial Physician Wei was Wei Jieyu's younger brother, so he could also be considered a member of Queen Xu's faction. He and the Emperor Taisun were obviously hostile parties.

It is common sense that his relationship with the emperor's grandson is not harmonious.

Ling Jingshu thought about the lightning flash in her mind and figured out the secret behind it.

However, Imperial Physician Wei did not look at Ling Jingshu again and ordered the medicine boy beside him: "Tian Dong, bring me my golden needle."

This is about giving Ling Xiao an acupuncture.

Ling Jingshu immediately stopped all her thoughts and focused all her attention on Ling Xiao.

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