Loyang Jin

Chapter 102 Acupuncture

As stated before, Ling Xiao was still uncontrollably flustered when it came time to apply acupuncture to treat the disease. She reflexively stretched out her hand: "Ah Shu!"

"Don't be afraid, I'm here." A familiar hand held his, and Ling Jingshu's soft voice sounded in his ears.

Ling Xiao's panicked heart immediately calmed down a lot.

Doctor Wei unfolded the package with the golden needles, turned his head, and saw the two siblings shaking hands intimately and relying on each other. He did not feel moved, but frowned.

"Miss Ling, please wait in the outer hall for now."

Ling Jingshu was startled and blurted out: "Why?"

Imperial Physician Wei, who had been relatively gentle before, his expression darkened, and his eyes showed displeasure: "When I give acupuncture to patients, I don't want anyone to disturb me. The patient cannot be distracted, and I must concentrate on it."

Ling Jingshu promised without thinking: "From now on, I promise not to say a word, not even the sound of breathing, and I will never disturb you for acupuncture..."

Imperial Physician Wei interrupted Ling Jingshu calmly: "You have said similar words countless times since you came in. The fact is that you couldn't help it every time and made me waste my words and time."

Ling Jingshu: "..."

Ling Jingshu hadn't experienced this feeling of shame and annoyance for a long time.

The beauty of life always comes with some special treatment. Men, in particular, can't help but be a little more tolerant of beautiful girls.

This Imperial Physician Wei, as rumored, did not show any kindness to women.

Ling Xiao and Ling Jingshu were in the same mind, and naturally knew how embarrassed and angry Ling Jingshu was at this moment, so they hurriedly comforted him in a low voice: "Ah Shu, just go out and wait for me! I believe in Dr. Wei, and you have to believe in him too."

The anger in Ling Jingshu's heart was immediately extinguished: "Okay, I'll go out and wait for you."

After saying that, he stood up and walked out.

From beginning to end, he didn't even look at Imperial Physician Wei.

This somewhat childish and provocative move did not move Imperial Physician Wei. He picked up the slender golden needle and said in a deep voice: "Master Ling, please be calm, don't panic, and don't move around. It may sting a little, but please bear with it for a while."

Ling Xiao took a deep breath and nodded seriously.


As soon as Ling Jingshu walked out of the inner hall, she immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Princess Fumin, who had been waiting impatiently, stared at Ling Jingshu closely with her beautiful eyes. If a person's gaze could kill, Ling Jingshu would have been stunned by her gaze long ago.

Ling Jingshu was in no mood to pay attention to Princess Fumin's provocative gaze, and walked quickly to Lingji Jiang's side.

"Why did you come out alone?" Ling Ji asked impatiently: "Where is Ah Xiao? Why didn't he come out with you?"

Ling Jingshu responded with some embarrassment: "Dr. Wei is performing acupuncture and treatment on him and won't let me stay aside."

So, Ling Jingshu was kicked out? !

Jiang was a little surprised and a little amused, and said in a low voice: "This Imperial Physician Wei really doesn't know how to show mercy to women. He actually kicked Ah Shu out."

When other men meet a beauty like Ah Shu, they probably want to see her more and get closer to her. Doctor Wei was lucky enough to kick Ling Jingshu out just like that!

Ling Jingshu has probably never met such a charming man in all her life!

Ling Ji was also stunned for a while, and then laughed: "It is rumored that Dr. Wei is a clean person and does not approach women. No matter how beautiful the girl is, she will not attract his attention. It turns out that the rumors are true."

"Cousin, cousin, please stop making fun of me." Ling Jingshu smiled helplessly and quickly changed the subject: "The Imperial Physician Wei said that Ah Xiao's eye disease was caused by brain injury, congestion and blockage. Yes. After delaying for another six years, even if he starts the diagnosis and treatment, he is only 30% sure. "

When it came to business, Ling Ji and Jiang no longer wanted to joke, and each of them suppressed their smiles.

Ling Ji pondered for a while and said: "Dr. Wei is very skilled in medicine and has cured many patients who were originally thought to be incurable. He said that he was 30% sure, so he had to give it a try. Even if he is not cured, he will not be worse than now!"

Who says not?

Ling Jingshu's smile became more and more bitter and helpless: "It is risky to apply acupuncture on the head. But Axiao is determined to treat his eyes, and I have no choice but to obey him."

Jiang opened her mouth and comforted her: "Mr. Wei probably made it serious on purpose, so that we would not have too high expectations and could not bear the disappointing results. You don't have to worry too much, Ah Xiao will be fine."

Ling Jingshu nodded and whispered apologetically: "Sister-in-law, I have one more thing to ask you."

"If you have anything to say, just say it. What are you going to say to others as a family?" Jiang said with a smile: "As long as I can do it, can I still refuse?"

Ling Ji also looked curious.

Ling Jingshu recounted what Imperial Physician Wei had said in detail: "Physician Wei said that A Xiao's eye disease should be treated from three aspects. Take decoction internally, apply ointment externally, and apply acupuncture every five days. But. He is in the palace on weekdays and has no time to come to Huichun Hall often..."

Seeing her seriousness, Ling Ji and his wife listened very carefully.

When Ling Jingshu mentioned the Prince's Mansion, Ling Ji and Jiang subconsciously looked at each other and showed knowing smiles.

The palace is not easy to enter, and the gate of the Prince's Mansion is not accessible to anyone who wants to. However, having established this relationship with the emperor's grandson on the way here, it would be nothing if he shamelessly came to ask for help again.

Maybe the emperor's grandson would be happy to see the Ling family come to visit...

Ling Jingshu pretended not to see the slightly narrow smiles on the two people's faces, and finished the next words with a calm voice: "...So, I have to leave this matter to my cousin. Wait. Today, I asked my cousin-in-law to take us siblings to the Prince's Mansion to ask for an audience with the Crown Princess."

Mrs. Jiang pursed her lips and smiled: "Wouldn't it be better to go directly to see His Highness the Emperor Grandson?"

Why go to the Crown Princess again?

Ling Jingshu seemed not to hear the teasing in Jiang's words, and responded seriously: "His Royal Highness Taisun has to deal with affairs in the East Palace, so he must be very busy on weekdays. How can we bother His Highness Taisun with such a trivial matter."

"Besides, the Crown Princess has the final say on matters in the inner palace. Since we want to visit the Prince's Mansion, we should naturally ask to see the Crown Princess. This will also prevent others from gossiping."

Ling Jingshu said so seriously that Jiang couldn't stop teasing her and agreed solemnly: "What you said makes sense. When I get back today, I will report this matter to my mother-in-law. I will accompany you to the Prince's Mansion tomorrow. "

He paused and then said: "However, you must also be mentally prepared. Although I have some marriage relationship with His Highness the Crown Prince, we are far apart after all. If you come to see me, you won't be turned away. But can you ask for the Crown Princess? Nod, I can’t guarantee it either.”

Ling Jingshu breathed a sigh of relief and smiled slightly: "Whether it's successful or not, I have to thank my cousin."


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