Loyang Jin

Chapter 103: Medical consultation fee?

After two sticks of incense.

The waiter from Huichun Hall came out, and before he could open his mouth to speak, Ling Jingshu, Ling Ji, and Mrs. Jiang hurriedly stepped forward.

"Can we go in now?" Ling Jingshu asked eagerly.

The clerk smiled and replied: "Yes. Mr. Ling has finished today's acupuncture, and Dr. Wei is prescribing medicine. Our Huichun Hall has a complete range of medicinal materials, and the price of medicine is much cheaper than other drug stores. Miss Ling went in and waited. After getting the prescription, we can prepare it in our Huichun Hall, which is most convenient. There is also ointment for external application, which is also prepared by Dr. Wei personally, which is not available elsewhere..."

Ling Jingshu suppressed her eagerness and smiled at the waiter: "Thanks for the reminder."

The smile is as beautiful as a flower.

The waiter's face suddenly warmed up and his heart beat. He didn't dare to look directly at Ling Jingshu's pretty face anymore. He lowered his head and said, "Miss Ling, you're welcome. Doctor Wei is still waiting in the inner hall. Please invite Miss Ling in!"

Ling Jingshu hummed and quickly entered the inner hall, followed by Ling Ji and his wife.

Doctor Wei was writing the prescription with his head down.

Ling Xiao was still sitting on the chair, with a strange flush on his fair face and a thin layer of sweat on his forehead.

"A Xiao!" Ling Jingshu didn't care about her boudoir demeanor and almost rushed to Ling Xiao's side: "How do you feel now? Does your head hurt?"

How could it not hurt!

What Imperial Physician Wei said before about the pain was an understatement. I don't know what acupuncture point the golden needle hit. It hurt, sore, numb and swollen. Those who have never experienced it will never be able to understand that feeling.

He tried his best to endure it, not daring to move. He finally got through the acupuncture and was already breaking out in a cold sweat.

"It only hurts a little bit." Ling Xiao tried his best to smile brightly: "It's okay now."

Ling Jingshu was so familiar with Ling Xiao, how could she not hear that he didn't mean what he said? I felt pain and pity in my heart, but I followed his words and said, "It's okay."

At the same time, he took out a white silk handkerchief and wiped the sweat on Ling Xiao's forehead.

Ling Ji and Jiang also came forward and each comforted Ling Xiao with a few words.


Imperial Physician Wei lowered his head and concentrated on writing the prescription.

A few rays of sunlight fell through the window onto his handsome face, with gentle brows and a faint smile. When people look at it, they just feel their heart swaying, and they can hardly take their eyes away.

Jiang only glanced at it and forced herself to look away. She silently murmured in her heart that her husband-in-law treated her tenderly and considerately, and she could not have any thoughts of being sorry for her husband-in-law...

After the doctor Wei wrote the prescription, he put down the pen and paper and raised his head: "This is the prescription. Take the medicine and boil it according to the prescription. Boil three bowls of water into one bowl of decoction. Drink it three times a day for three months." There are no rare medicinal materials in the prescription, and you can get the medicine according to the prescription no matter which drug store you go to. "

After saying that, he ordered the medicine boy Tiandong: "Go to the cabinet over there and get a bottle of ointment for external application on the eyes."

Tiandong responded, walked to the cabinet familiarly, and took out a porcelain bottle from the innermost part of the cabinet.

The porcelain vase is milky white, with a wide mouth and a round belly. What was placed inside was the ointment prepared by Imperial Physician Wei himself.

Imperial Doctor Wei would not preach anything, but Tiandong, the medicine boy, couldn't help but say a few more words: "This ointment is specially used for external application on the eyes. It clears the mind and improves eyesight. It has excellent medicinal effects. With just this bottle of ointment, people outside will spend hundreds of dollars." You can’t buy it for even two taels of silver…”

"Talk too much!"

Imperial Physician Wei frowned slightly and stopped Tiandong's boastful behavior: "The most important thing is that the ointment is effective for the symptoms. If it is not for the symptoms, there is no benefit in using it. Some people think they are rich, buy them at high prices and use them at will, and then use them at random. What’s the benefit?”

Tiandong received a few scoldings and did not dare to talk any more, so he handed over the prescription and ointment.

Bai Yu quickly and carefully took the ointment and the thin prescription.

Ling Jingshu stepped forward and bowed solemnly: "Thank you very much, Imperial Physician Wei, for treating A Xiao. I am very grateful. I have the rudeness to ask, how much does it cost for Imperial Physician Wei to diagnose a disease?"

Talking about money is a bit tacky.

However, since you are here to seek medical treatment, the consultation fee is absolutely necessary.

Imperial Physician Wei did not expect Ling Jingshu to ask such a direct question.

There are many boudoir girls who come to Huichun Hall. Most of them were like that Miss Liu San who was "drunk and warm but did not care about wine". There were also a few who had high status and could not be turned away, such as Princess Fumin who was waiting outside the hall. Occasionally, women suffering from incurable diseases come to seek medical treatment...

No matter what her intentions are, when a woman sees him, she must put on her best side. The medical fees and other matters are all decided by the mother in charge, as if mentioning the word "money" would lower one's status and appear vulgar.

This Miss Ling is extremely frank in her words and deeds.

"Ms. Ling came specifically to Huichun Hall to seek medical treatment. Haven't you heard of my rule that I never charge any medical fees?"

Imperial Physician Wei smiled slowly and said in a gentle and melodious voice: "Go to the outer hall to grab the medicine. Buying the medicinal materials costs money. Just give the money for the bottle of ointment to the clerk as well. I diagnose the patient's pulse, apply acupuncture and prescribe medicine from There is no consultation fee.”

After asking so much, I really missed this one.

No wonder it has such a good reputation.

All doctors with some reputation in the capital have high medical fees. Ordinary civilians can't afford famous doctors when they get sick. The most they can do is go to a drug store and ask the doctor sitting in the hall to prescribe a prescription.

Dr. Wei's reputation is much greater than that of the so-called famous doctors, but he doesn't charge any medical fees. The medicinal materials in Huichun Tang are much cheaper than other pharmacies. In the eyes of ordinary people, it is a living Bodhisattva in the world.

To Imperial Physician Wei, ordinary gold and silver are indeed nothing.

He is the emperor's exclusive physician, and he also has a favored sister who is a concubine in the palace. There are countless people who please and flatter him overtly or covertly. Why would you put gold and silver in your eyes?

Ling Jingshu thought about lightning in her mind and solemnly thanked her: "No matter what, I have to thank Imperial Physician Wei. If Imperial Physician Wei has any assignments today, as long as I can do it, I will never refuse."

Imperial Physician Wei smiled faintly: "Miss Ling, it is too early to say thank you at this time. Whether Mr. Ling's eye disease can be cured depends on his luck. Furthermore, I have been studying medicine for several years, so I should treat illnesses and save people, so I have no need to hold back any favors." The truth of retribution.”

...Is this Imperial Physician Wei really compassionate, kind, and selfless? Or is it different from the inside and the outside?

I really can’t see it right now.

In any case, his medical skills are indeed as good as rumored.

As long as he can cure Ah Xiao's eyes, what does it matter if he is a truly beautiful person or if he is deep-minded and duplicitous?


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