Loyang Jin

Chapter 105 Return

Ling Jingshu and her group arrived early, after receiving treatment and medicine, it was still very early.

After getting on the carriage, Ling Ji smiled and suggested: "It's rare to get out here, so there's no need to rush back home early. This place is very close to Nan City. How about I take you to Nan City for a tour?"

Jiang was very moved after hearing this.

However, Ling Jingshu declined politely and implicitly: "Auntie is still waiting for us to go back at the house. It is better to go back earlier and tell her the good news that A Xiao can cure her eye disease, so as not to worry her."

I met King Yan last time at Dingxiang Tower. Who knows what will happen when I go to Nanshi.

Every time I go out, I always get into unexpected trouble. It’s better to go less often.

Ling Ji didn't understand yet and was about to persuade Ling Jingshu to go to Nanshi together. But Jiang quickly understood and immediately smiled and said: "Ah Shu is right, I will go to Nanshi when I have time later, so I'd better go back home early today!"

As he spoke, he quietly tugged on Ling Ji's sleeve.

Ling Ji's words came to his lips and he changed to: "It's okay, I didn't think well. A Xiao is undergoing acupuncture treatment today and is not in good spirits at the moment. Go home and rest early."

As a couple, one is more considerate, warmer and more considerate than the other.

Ling Jingshu felt grateful and moved: "Thank you, cousin."

Ling Xiao had just been pricked by a golden needle on an acupuncture point on his head. The sting slowly dissipated, replaced by laziness and fatigue. In addition, I was so excited and nervous the night before that I almost didn't sleep all night.

At this time, he was nestled next to Ling Jingshu, feeling tired. He rested his head on Ling Jingshu's shoulder and fell asleep in a daze.


Ling Jingshu didn't want to disturb Ling Xiao and kept the same posture along the way.

When we arrived at Ling's house, my back was sore and painful, and it was almost stiff.

The carriage stopped at the gate of Ling's house. Ling Xiao finally woke up and wiped the saliva from his mouth shyly: "Did I sleep for a long time?"

Ling Ji suppressed his laughter and replied seriously: "It's not a long time, just over an hour."

He slept as soon as he got on the carriage and slept until the carriage stopped.

Ling Xiao smiled shyly, then suddenly thought of something, and looked at Ling Jingshu: "Ah Shu, I slept on your shoulder this whole way, didn't you even move? Are you feeling all over your body now? Sore and painful?”

The two siblings generally sleep lightly. After falling asleep, you will be awakened if the people around you move. He slept soundly along the way, but Ling Jingshu was tired.

Ling Jingshu pretended to smile relaxedly and said: "That's not true. You must be very tired. You were sleeping soundly just now. I even changed positions a few times, but you didn't wake up."

As he spoke, he quietly rubbed his stiff waist and winked at everyone.

Don't expose me.

Everyone smiled knowingly.

Ling Xiao couldn't see, so of course he couldn't see Ling Jingshu's silent movements at this time.

Everyone got off the carriage one by one and entered the Ling family gate.


Ling Jingyan's body has not recovered yet, and she is still lying on the bed to rest.

Mrs. Sun had nothing to do and was sitting by the bed, chatting with her daughter. Then the maid came to report: "Madam Qi, the young master and the others are back."

Before Sun could speak, Ling Jingyan's eyes were shining and she rolled down from the bed: "Brother, they are finally back! I'm going to see them now!"

Mrs. Sun was angry and funny, and rolled her eyes: "Don't go out until you are well. Just stay in bed."

"Mom, I've been lying in bed for a few days, and I'm going to get moldy if I continue to lie down." Ling Jingyan shouted exaggeratedly and aggrievedly: "They went to the Huichun Hall today, and I couldn't go with them. Now I want to go out and listen to them. After this trip, you didn’t let me go. Are you really going to choke me to death?”

"Bah, bah, bah! You girl, what are you doing to live or die? It's unlucky to say this." Mrs. Sun scolded Ling Jingyan: "In the end, it's not your fault. Who made you kick the quilt and catch a cold when you slept in the middle of the night? gas......"

As soon as the cause of the disease was mentioned, Ling Jingyan felt guilty and immediately changed the subject: "Mom, please stop nagging. I'm almost healed now. It's very hot outside, so I won't freeze again when I go out."

"Bitao, hurry up and help me dress and make up."

With this attitude, if she is not allowed to go out, she will make a fuss without mercy.

In desperation, Sun had no choice but to tell Bi Tao: "Pick a thicker dress, don't let the lady freeze." She also told Ling Jingyan: "You will walk slower later and don't run around."

Ling Jingyan nodded in agreement with a smile.

After Ling Jingyan packed up, the mother and daughter went to the inner hall.

As soon as she entered the inner hall, Ling Jingyan threw Sun's advice behind her, rushed to Ling Jingshu's side, and asked excitedly: "Ah Shu, how are you? Have you seen Dr. Wei today? Is he really very sick? How is it compared to His Majesty Taisun?"

Ling Jingshu: "..."

Everyone: "..."

Ling Jingyan was making a fuss about coming over just to ask about this "important matter"!

Mrs. Sun wanted to reprimand her with a sullen face, but she couldn't help but smile in her eyes: "Ayan, sit aside and don't mess around."

Ling Jingyan retorted plausibly: "I'm not fooling around. I've long heard that Dr. Wei is as beautiful as an immortal descended from heaven and is as handsome as any other. I couldn't follow him to see it with my own eyes this time. I feel really sorry. Of course I have to ask."

Immortals come down to earth?

Ling Jingshu laughed dumbly: "Cousin Yan, the term "celestial being descended from heaven" is used to describe women, right? Why was it used on Imperial Physician Wei?"

Ling Jingyan shrugged: "Not all the gods in the sky are female. If there are fairies, there should also be men who have become immortals! Anyway, everyone says so. Please stop talking about him, okay? Tell me quickly. Well! Is Dr. Wei handsome?"

The handsome and handsome face of Imperial Physician Wei quickly flashed through Ling Jingshu's mind.

"He is very handsome." This is the truth, and there is no force in saying it.

Mrs. Jiang couldn't help but nodded in agreement: "Yes, Imperial Doctor Wei is indeed extremely handsome."

Mrs. Sun also pricked up her ears and listened.

Men like to talk about the beauty of women when they are together, but when women are together, it is also the handsome men who they like to talk about the most. This is the nature of food and sex, and no one is exempt from it.

Ling Jingyan asked enthusiastically: "How does it compare with His Highness the Grand Sun?"

Ling Jingshu didn't want to answer this question, so she said lightly: "His Royal Highness Taisun is born with majesty and aura that surpasses others. Imperial Physician Wei is a master of rejuvenation and compassionate. The two of them are different, so how can we compare them."

Ling Ji immediately took over the words: "That's right. Ah Yan, I'm not talking about you as a big brother. How can you be so superficial and only look at appearance for such a big person? You should pay attention to temperament and connotation. To appreciate and worship, you should also I am like this..."

Everyone was amused and burst into laughter.

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