Loyang Jin

Chapter 106 Agreed

After some joking, Mrs. Sun asked about Ling Xiao's treatment.

Ling Jingshu didn't hide anything and said it one by one: "...Physician Wei is not sure, there is only a 30% chance of cure. And he has to give an injection every five days."

Acupuncture every five days?

Mrs. Sun frowned subconsciously: "The Imperial Physician Wei has to be on duty in the palace, so he may not have time to leave the palace."

Ling Jingshu nodded: "Yes, but Imperial Physician Wei proposed a compromise. He will go to the Prince's Mansion every five days to diagnose the Ping An pulse for His Highness. I can take A Xiao to the Prince's Mansion to wait. Wait, it won't take much time for Imperial Physician Wei to give His Highness the pulse and then give Ah Xiao acupuncture, and it won't delay Imperial Physician Wei's return to the palace."

That's a good idea.

However, you must first come to ask for this grace.

There was a bit of embarrassment on Mrs. Sun's face: "Ah Shu, this matter is not difficult to say, but it is not simple either. Our Ling family doesn't have much contact with the Prince's Mansion on weekdays. To suddenly come to beg for mercy like this, I'm afraid that the Crown Princess may not Willing to agree..."

Uncle Ling actively hopes to have more contacts, but unfortunately he has never had the opportunity.

"That's not necessarily the case."

Ling Ji took over the conversation with a smile: "All we ask for is a guest room that can accommodate us, and we will leave after Doctor Wei performs the acupuncture. For the Crown Prince's Mansion, it is just a piece of cake. The Crown Princess is kind-hearted and should not refuse." "

Mrs. Jiang also smiled and said: "My daughter-in-law will accompany Ah Shu to the Prince's Mansion tomorrow to ask for an audience with the Crown Princess."

Mrs. Sun nodded first, and then quickly said: "I'm afraid it won't be appropriate for just the two of you to go. I'll take you to go together tomorrow!"

It would be safer for her, the elder, to take part in such matters, so as not to be disrespectful.

In fact, Ling Jingshu had the same plan, but she just couldn't open her mouth.

It would be best for Sun to take the initiative now.

"Everything is thanks to my aunt." Ling Jingshu stood up and solemnly blessed her.

Mrs. Sun smiled angrily and said: "You girl, what are you doing in a family that pays so much attention to false etiquette?" After a pause, he said: "Going to the Prince's Mansion is not a trivial matter. When your uncle comes back tonight, I will discuss it carefully with him. ”


Everyone had lunch together and went back to their houses to rest.

Ling Jingyan felt regretful that she could not follow him out of the house, so she shamelessly followed Ling Jingshu to her house and pestered Ling Jingshu to tell her the story of her trip in detail.

With Ling Jingyan's temperament, if she didn't satisfy her curiosity, she would never let herself be clean today.

Ling Jingshu had to spend a lot of time talking about it, starting from the moment the carriage arrived at the Huichun Hall (at Ling Jingyan's request, everything was detailed), until Dr. Wei left the Huichun Hall after giving Ling Xiao acupuncture.

Ling Jingyan was filled with indignation, even more excited than Ling Jingshu.

"That Miss Liu San is really ridiculous. She ran all this way and said she was just trying to treat a servant. Humph! Do you really think that everyone else is a fool? She obviously just wanted to take this opportunity to get close to Dr. Wei! And she deliberately treated her You provoke me, bah! If I were there at that time, I would definitely reply to her. Is your servant so worried?"

Ling Jingshu: "..."

"And that Princess Fumin. She bullies others with power and beats them when her words are inferior to them. It's really abominable and despicable! If I had been there at that time... forget it, I couldn't fight back and hit a princess in the face. That's right. It’s better to stay away from such people.”

Ling Jingshu: "..."

Ling Jingyan continued to ask: "By the way, what happened next?"

Ling Jingshu composed herself and replied: "After Ah Xiao came out, Princess Fumin also entered the inner hall. It seems that she was sick and asked Imperial Doctor Wei for diagnosis and treatment."

"Drunk Wen's intention is not to drink, Sima Zhao's heart is known to everyone!" Ling Jingyan curled her lips: "She is a pampered princess, what kind of disease can she have? She is obviously pretending to be sick to see the Imperial Physician Wei. The Imperial Physician Wei is so skilled in medicine, it must be seen at a glance You can tell. How did Doctor Wei send her out?"

Ling Jingshu recalled the situation at that time and raised the corners of her lips slightly: "I don't know the details. However, after Princess Fumin came out, she lost her temper and slapped her maid. She also asked the maid to get medicine!"

It was obvious that he was frustrated by Imperial Physician Wei, so he took it out on the maid next to him!

Ling Jingyan was so happy that she clapped her hands and laughed: "Okay, okay, let her be sentimental, she deserves this end. It's great that Dr. Wei is not fascinated by women."

Then he winked and smiled: "Ah Shu, how did Doctor Wei react when he saw you?"

Ling Jingshu put on an indifferent expression without even moving her eyebrows: "That's the reaction."

Ling Jingyan: "..."

Ling Jingyan opened her eyes wide and blurted out: "No response? How is this possible!"

How can any man not be moved by a beauty like Ah Shu?

Even the proud and cold-hearted emperor's grandson took a second look at Ling Jingshu when he first met her! Not to mention the charming and elegant Prince Yan...

When she thought of King Yan, Ling Jingyan's excited mood suddenly calmed down a bit.

Speaking of this, Ling Jingshu actually felt a little bit subtle in her heart.

It’s inevitable that I’ll feel bored when men always stare at me or pay too much attention to me. It felt inexplicably awkward to meet someone like this who didn't look at her...

Honestly admit, it was just that little bit of vanity that was thwarted.

Ling Jingshu shrugged, pretending to smile calmly and said: "The Imperial Physician Wei stays in the palace all the year round, and the palace is surrounded by fat and thin women. There are no beauties of any kind. He is used to seeing beauties, and his heart feels calm, which is normal."

Ling Jingyan still felt that something was not normal, and she speculated whimsically: "Isn't the Imperial Doctor Wei a woman disguised as a man? She has been hiding in the Imperial Hospital for many years, and she does not dare to let others notice her identity as a woman, so she has never been close to women... .”

Ling Jingshu burst into laughter: "Cousin Yan, please stop joking! Do you think everyone is blind?"

Imperial Physician Wei is taller than an ordinary man. Although his face is handsome, it is completely different from the beauty of a woman. You can tell it's a man at first glance, how could it be a woman!

Ling Jingyan also laughed coquettishly: "I just said it casually, I can't take it seriously."

After thinking for a while, he said decisively: "However, Imperial Physician Wei must have some secrets."

"If you think about it, he is already in his twenties. Other men at this age are already the fathers of several children. But he has never been married. He is unmoved by so many women who admire him. He is not moved by a beauty like you. Either he has a hidden illness or something hidden!"

...It's rare for Ling Jingyan to say such reasonable words!

However, it has nothing to do with them whether Imperial Doctor Wei is willing to get married. Why are they arguing so fiercely?


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