Loyang Jin

Chapter 107 Drinking Medicine

Ling Jingshu was embarrassed silently, cleared her throat, and changed the topic: "Let's not talk about this anymore. Cousin Yan, you haven't recovered yet, so you should go back to the house and rest! Jingyu and the others are making medicine for A Xiao. I have to apply medicine to Ah Xiao’s eyes later, so I won’t accompany you.”

Ling Jingyan immediately responded energetically: "I've been lying in bed all morning, and I'm very energetic now. Are you going to apply medicine to A Xiao? I'll go with you, too."

......All right! It seems I can't get rid of it.

Ling Jingshu smiled helplessly and said, "If you don't feel bored, just go there together."

"It's not boring. Talking with Ah Xiao is much better than lying on the bed." Ling Jingyan stood up with a smile and pulled Ling Jingshu out.

Ling Xiao's dormitory is next door.

Just a few steps away.

Jing Yu specially moved a small stove from the kitchen, with a medicine pot specially used for boiling medicine on it. Waves of hot air mixed with a bitter medicinal smell filled the air.

Ling Jingyan drank the medicine for several days, and when she smelled the medicine, she reflexively frowned: "It's so bitter."

Ling Jingshu laughed: "You haven't tasted it, how do you know this medicine will be very bitter?"

"You can smell it! This medicine smells much more bitter than what I drank." Ling Jingyan said, then turned around and told Bi Tao: "I have candied fruits in the house. Go and get more."

Bitao responded and quickly retreated.

Ling Jingyan is usually careless, but occasionally she is considerate and considerate, which always makes people particularly touched.

Ling Jingshu smiled and thanked: "Cousin Yan, thank you."

She had previously thought about preparing some candied fruits and the like, leaving Ah Xiao to eat some after drinking the medicine, but she had not had time to prepare them yet.

"There's so much in my place that even one person can't finish it, so I just gave some to Ah Xiao. Such a small thing is not worth thanking." Ling Jingyan shrugged nonchalantly, then lowered her voice and laughed: "You If you really want to thank me, please intercede for me and ask my mother to take me with her when she goes to the Prince's Mansion tomorrow."

...Ling Jingyan suppressed her smile: "You are not fully recovered yet, so my eldest aunt will definitely not want to take you out. I don't dare to intercede for you. You should be honest and recuperate at home!"

Although Sun loved Ling Jingyan, she would never give in on this point.

Ling Jingyan knew it very well and couldn't help but sigh and murmured to herself: "If I had known this, I really shouldn't have stayed up in the middle of the night to admire the moon..."

Ling Jingshu: "..."

What about admiring the moon in the middle of the night! It was because King Yan was in a bad mood, so he got up in the middle of the night and cried secretly.

Ling Jingshu complained silently in her heart, taking into account Ling Jingyan's face and self-esteem, she refrained from telling the truth.


Bi Tao soon came with a large plate of candied fruits.

The medicine is also ready, and it's a big, dark bowl.

Ling Xiao sat in front of the table. Before he drank the medicine, his nose was already filled with the bitter and unpleasant smell of medicine.

Ling Jingshu took a small sip first... The taste was indeed profound and indescribable...

"Axiao, this medicine is a little bit bitter. Please bear with it when you drink it." Ling Jingshu smiled and coaxed: "After drinking the medicine, eat more candied fruits."

Ling Xiao smiled: "Ah Shu, I'm no longer a child. I need to be coaxed to drink medicine..."

(Ling Jingyan, who needs coaxing when taking medicine, said that the medicine is so bitter that it is difficult to swallow. When someone coaxes her, she always feels better. This has nothing to do with age!!!)

"There's nothing to worry about if the medicine is bitter. As long as it can cure my eye disease, it doesn't matter how bitter the medicine is. You don't have to feed me, I can just drink it myself."

After saying that, Ling Xiao fumbled for the medicine bowl and took a big sip...

"Be careful, the medicine is very hot!"

Ling Jingshu shouted that it was already too late!

Ling Xiao drank so fast that he was already burned. A fair face was suppressed to be red.

Ling Jingshu looked distressed and amused at the same time, and said angrily: "You really are too. Just drink the medicine more slowly. Why are you in such a hurry? Is your tongue burned?"

Not only the tongue, but also the throat and stomach were all burning.

Ling Xiao resisted the urge to wipe away her tears and act coquettishly, and bravely straightened her slightly thin body: "It's okay, a real man, this is nothing."

Ling Jingyan was amused and teased unkindly: "Yes, yes, you man, there is more than half a bowl left. Please drink it all in one go. I'll go to Huichun Hall to prescribe some medicine for burns another day."

After saying that, he laughed.

Ling Xiao's face turned red from being teased.

Ling Jingshu also found it funny, but couldn't bear to laugh out loud. She brought the medicine bowl over, blew it carefully for a while, and then put it back into Ling Xiao's hand: "Drink slowly, and don't lie down again."

...Sure enough, Ling Xiao drank much slower, drinking up all the remaining medicine in small sips.

As soon as he put down the bowl, a sweet and sour candied fruit was brought to his mouth: "Open your mouth."

Ling Xiao obediently opened his mouth and took the candied fruit into his mouth. The sweet and sour taste immediately stimulated the bitter medicinal taste.

Ling Jingshu smiled softly and said, "Axiao, let me apply the ointment for you."

Ling Xiao nodded obediently.


Before applying ointment, apply a warm washcloth to your eyes for a while. Then apply the ointment evenly to the eyes and wrap it several times with clean gauze.

Ling Jingshu carefully and gently wrapped the gauze for Ling Xiao's eyes, but she was extremely patient with such a tedious task.

Ling Jingyan looked on and thought it was novel and interesting. She asked with a smile: "How long will this ointment last? Will you be able to see it after using it?"

"It has to be used for three months." Ling Jingshu responded casually: "According to Imperial Physician Wei, the main cause of Ah Xiao's eye disease is congestion and blockage in the brain. The diagnosis and treatment is mainly acupuncture, supplemented by drinking medicine. This kind of The ointment has no effect on treating eye diseases, but it can clear the mind and improve the eyesight.”

Ling Xiao's eyes have been unable to see for six years. Now he can't see light for three months after applying ointment. He needs to take good care of his eyes.

Ling Jingyan took the porcelain bottle curiously.

The ointment in the porcelain bottle is translucent and semi-solidified. It is milky white and exudes a refreshing fragrance. Smell it and you will feel peaceful.

"Ah Shu, can I use some of this ointment?" Ling Jingyan said whimsically and enthusiastically: "After using it, maybe my eyes will become brighter and better looking!"

... Ling Jingshu couldn't laugh or cry: "Cousin Yan, this is an ointment for clearing the mind and improving the eyesight. It has no beauty effect. Don't be naughty and use it indiscriminately. What if there are any unexpected consequences? Who can I talk to to reason with you then? ?”

"Okay! I just won't use it randomly."

Ling Jingyan reluctantly put down the porcelain bottle.

Ling Jingshu smiled and said: "Besides, your eyes are so big and bright, no one can compare with them."

Ling Jingyan immediately became happy again and raised her head slightly proudly: "That's true."

Everyone: "..."

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