Loyang Jin

Chapter 108 Opinion

That night, Uncle Ling went out to socialize and didn't come back until midnight.

According to usual practice, Sun had already taken a rest after returning home so late. Uncle Ling rested in the study for the night.

Tonight, Mrs. Sun stayed awake, specially waiting for Uncle Ling to return home.

We have been husband and wife for many years and are very familiar with each other's temperament. Looking at Mrs. Sun's expression, Uncle Ling knew that Mrs. Sun had something important to discuss with him, so he immediately backed away.

Only the husband and wife were left in the room, and Uncle Ling asked: "A Xiao went to Huichun Hall today. Did he see Dr. Wei? Can the eye disease be cured?"

"I saw Dr. Wei. Dr. Wei checked his pulse, administered acupuncture and prescribed medicine. He said there was a 30% chance of a cure."

Sun immediately told what happened in detail: "It's just that there is a dilemma in this. When I wait for the master to come back, I want to tell him about this and listen to what he means... "

The difficulty that Mrs. Sun mentioned was that she would go to the Prince's Mansion tomorrow to beg for mercy.

After hearing this, Uncle Ling not only did not frown, but he slapped the table happily: "What's so embarrassing about this! This is a good thing!"

Good thing?

Sun was stunned and didn't understand what Uncle Ling meant: "Master, what do you mean by that?"

"In the past, I wanted to visit the Prince's Mansion, but I never had the right opportunity. Isn't this a good opportunity given by God?" Uncle Ling's eyes flashed, and he stroked his beard proudly and said:

"Speaking of which, Ah Shu and Ah Xiao are our lucky stars. Although they caused some trouble on the way to the capital, they got to know the Emperor Taisun. The Emperor Taisun was famous for being cold-faced and ruthless, but he was willing to take the initiative "Giving the name cards to their siblings shows that Ah Shu has caught the eye of the emperor's grandson."

"This time I went to the Prince's Mansion to plead for Ah Xiao's illness. I just happened to show up in front of the Emperor's grandson again and established a friendship. We will often communicate with each other in the future, and the benefits are endless..."

The more Uncle Ling talks, the more proud he becomes.

Mrs. Sun interrupted Uncle Ling with a look of helplessness: "Master, you misunderstood. Tomorrow I will take Ah Shu to the Crown Prince's Mansion, not to find the Crown Prince, but to ask to see the Crown Princess."

Uncle Ling glanced sideways at Mrs. Sun: "It's true that women have shallow eyesight. As long as you go to the door of the Prince's Mansion and ask to see the Crown Princess, how can the Emperor's Grandson not know about it? If the Emperor's Grandson is interested, he will naturally show up."

"Taking a step back, even if the emperor's grandson doesn't show up, it's a good thing to see the crown princess. The emperor's grandson is getting older and is approaching the age of wedding. I don't know how much the princess cares about his marriage. So. With Ah Shu's beauty and temperament, and her acquaintance with the emperor's grandson, the princess will definitely pay more attention to Ah Shu when she sees her. "

Isn't this carefulness a good opportunity coming?

If you are not qualified to be a grandson's concubine, being a grandson's side concubine would be a lifetime of prosperity and wealth.

When Uncle Ling thought about his success, he couldn't help but sigh secretly.

It's a pity that Ayan doesn't have such a blessing...

Mrs. Sun suddenly understood and nodded repeatedly: "That's what I said. I'm not thinking carefully, but I'm thinking carefully. Please don't worry, I will go to the Prince's Mansion tomorrow and make sure to tell the story about the Emperor's grandson saving Ah Shu." Again."

Uncle Ling nodded approvingly: "Yes! You must say it, and say it clearly and carefully. Also, prepare a more generous entrance ceremony."

Sun agreed repeatedly.

The couple stayed up all night to talk again, and after discussing it carefully, they stopped talking.


Early the next morning, Ling Jingshu and her sister got up early to pay their respects as usual.

Uncle Ling was also here today. He asked Ling Xiao about treating eye diseases in a pleasant manner, and Ling Xiao answered them one by one.

Mrs. Sun took a look at Ling Jingshu and was a little dissatisfied with her plain clothes: "Ah Shu, today we are going to the Prince's Mansion to ask for an audience with the Crown Princess. It's not okay for you to dress like this. Hurry up and change into a bright new dress and wear something more refined. If you don’t have any new jewelry, go to A-yan’s place to pick some..."

It was almost too much enthusiasm.

When did Mrs. Sun become so concerned about her dress?

Ling Jingshu pursed her lips and smiled, and responded: "Thank you for your concern, eldest aunt. When I came to the capital this time, I brought a lot of new clothes and jewelry. When I came to see the Crown Princess for the first time, I dressed too simply and casually, which was indeed disrespectful to the Crown Princess. But I don’t know if Ah Xiao’s eye disease can be cured. I’m so worried that I really don’t want to dress up. I don’t think the princess will blame me for this trivial matter.”

Mrs. Sun still refused to give up her persuasion: "You and sister A Xiao are deeply in love, and it is reasonable that you don't bother to dress up. But you must have the proper etiquette. What if the Crown Princess blames her for being unhappy? Isn’t it worth the loss?”

After a pause, he added meaningfully: "When I go to the Prince's Mansion this time, I may meet some familiar people. The girl's house should be tidy up and more likable."

... Are there any familiar people in the Prince's Mansion?

After all, it turns out that the real purpose is this!

Ling Jingshu frowned slightly, then quickly returned to normal, and said calmly: "I went to the Prince's Mansion today to treat Ah Xiao and ask to see the Crown Princess. It would be bad if I dressed up in a fancy way and caused the Crown Princess to misunderstand me. .forget it!"

His tone was calm, but his attitude was firm.

Sun couldn't say anything more.

If it were Ling Jingyan, it wouldn't matter if she said it softly or harshly.

After all, Ling Jingshu is a niece and a very independent person. Even if they say something, they may not be willing to listen, which will only make each other embarrassed.


Mrs. Sun was full of enthusiasm and wasted no time, and the atmosphere became cold for a while.

Mrs. Jiang was the smartest person. When she saw something was wrong, she hurriedly smiled and tried to smooth things over: "Ah Shu is naturally beautiful. She can wear heavy makeup or light makeup. She is just as beautiful even if she wears a sarong. Mother-in-law doesn't have to worry about her."

Mrs. Sun suppressed some unhappiness in her heart and said with a smile: "What you said makes sense, but I worry too much. It's getting late, we should set off."

Today, the only people who went to the Prince's Mansion were the Sun family, Jiang family and Ling Jingshu.

Mrs. Sun went ahead. Mrs. Jiang intentionally or unintentionally slowed down and walked side by side with Ling Jingshu. She lowered her voice and said, "My mother-in-law said that for your own good. Why don't you be ungrateful."

Mr. Sun just hit a soft nail, how embarrassing!

In fact, there is nothing wrong with following Sun's wishes. It's just a matter of changing into new clothes and wearing some jewelry. It doesn’t take much time!

Ling Jingshu did not pretend not to understand what Jiang was saying, and said softly: "I have no intention of climbing a high tree."

That being the case, it would be better to take a stand from the beginning.

It also prevents misunderstandings between Mr. Sun and Uncle Ling, which may lead to confusion in the future.

Jiang was dumbfounded and secretly surprised.

It turned out that Ling Jingshu really didn't think much of the emperor's grandson...

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