Loyang Jin

Chapter 110: Visit 2

Mrs. Sun led everyone and followed the concierge into the Prince's Mansion.

Thinking of meeting the Crown Princess soon, Mrs. Sun was both excited and a little unspeakably nervous.

This was not the first time for Mrs. Jiang to come to the Prince's Mansion. After entering the Prince's Mansion, she seemed much more calm than Mrs. Sun. She quietly whispered to Ling Jingshu: "Don't be nervous when you meet the Crown Princess. Just follow me and bow and say hello."

Having even experienced such incredible things as coming back from the dead, Ling Jingshu's heart was as heavy as water, and her patience and restraint were far better than before.

I actually didn't feel nervous about asking to see the Crown Princess. However, this attitude must never be revealed. Otherwise, it would be disrespectful to the Crown Princess in the eyes of others.

Before being able to take revenge, it is more important to keep a low profile and protect yourself.

Ling Jingshu nodded meekly in agreement.

Jiang felt something strange in her heart.

Ling Jingshu seemed to be a little different. The stubbornness and unconscious sharpness in her eyes quietly dissipated. Instead, there is softness and gentleness...

Such Ling Jingshu looked so gentle and delicate that she couldn't be wary at all.

This is what a boudoir girl should look like!

When they arrived outside the Chuihua Gate, the porter stopped and smiled at the maid guarding the door: "Mr. Ling's family has arrived. Please go in and let me know."

The porter of the Prince's Mansion must show some pride of the Prince's Mansion when facing officials or family members who come to see them. Just now he was lukewarm towards everyone in the Ling family. Now I see a little palace maid guarding the door, smiling like a flower...

Ling Jingshu was stunned and lowered her head slightly.

After waiting for a moment, a female officer about twenty years old came out. It was Ms. Ye who was beside the Crown Princess.

Ms. Ye behaved in a reserved and decent manner, with a slight smile on her lips. She elegantly and perfectly demonstrated what it means to be condescending and polite: "The Crown Princess is waiting in the inner hall. Please follow me in."

Mrs. Sun smiled quickly and thanked her: "Thank you very much. I don't know what to call you?"

Ms. Ye smiled and said: "My surname is Ye, just call me Ms. Ye."

The maids in the palace run errands, convey messages, and serve on dressing and grooming. As a female official, she naturally does not do these trivial tasks. Instead, he helped the Crown Princess take care of the internal affairs and greeted the female family members who came to see her.

This Miss Ye is obviously a close confidant of the Crown Princess.

The smile on Mrs. Sun's face became more polite: "There is a female officer named Laoye."

Ms. Ye smiled slightly, her eyes passing over Mrs. Jiang, and then over Ling Jingshu, who had her head slightly lowered. Her smile paused slightly.

He came to see the Crown Princess dressed so simply and casually!

Officer Ye suppressed some displeasure in her heart and quickly took a look at Ling Jingshu's face. She couldn't help but be secretly surprised by her amazing appearance.


"To inform the Crown Princess, Mr. Ling's family members are here to pay their respects."

Ms. Ye took the lead into the inner hall and reported respectfully.

The Crown Princess gave a faint hum, raised her head, and glanced around, showing that she had a reserved demeanor as if she had been in a high position for a long time.

Mrs. Sun calmed down and stepped forward, respectfully blessing her: "I am Mrs. Sun, and I have met the Crown Princess."

Sister Jiang and Ling Jingshu also stepped forward to salute.

The Crown Princess twitched the corners of her lips and said in a gentle voice: "Without courtesy, please go down alone." Then she said to Miss Ye: "Show Mrs. Ling a seat and serve tea."

Mrs. Sun was flattered and quickly smiled and thanked her: "Thank you, Crown Princess."

Soon a palace maid came over with a brocade, and Mrs. Sun sat down nervously. Siblings Jiang and Ling Jingshu were not qualified to sit down and talk, so they each stood beside Sun.

Jiang had met them several times before, and the Crown Princess only looked at them briefly before she cast her gaze on the twin siblings Ling Jingshu, and her eyes suddenly lit up.

We have seen many beautiful girls and handsome young men, but those who stand out like this are really rare.

Especially this girl, who wears no makeup and is plainly dressed, yet has a pure and beautiful appearance. Standing there quietly, it looks like an excellent ink painting.

"Yu Niang," thanks to the Crown Princess's good memory, she still remembered Jiang's maiden name: "Are these two also young ladies of the Ling family?"

Jiang replied with a smile: "Back to the princess, they are from the fifth room of the Ling family. The cousin's name is Jingshu, and the cousin's name is Xiao. They are twins."

The Crown Princess smiled and praised: "What a pair of beautiful siblings, I have opened my eyes today."

Ling Jingshu smiled slightly, lowered her eyes slightly and replied: "I don't dare to praise you so highly as a princess."

She is beautiful, her voice is gentle and sweet, and she looks gentle and respectful.

The Crown Princess couldn't help but secretly nod her head, and then looked at Sun: "I have seen Yu Niang several times, but this is the first time that Mrs. Ling has come to see me specifically. I think there must be something going on. If you have something to say, it doesn't hurt to say it!"

The Crown Princess said this to save some face for the Ling family.

Seeing that the Crown Princess was quite gentle and emboldened, Mrs. Sun smiled and said, "I shamelessly came to visit today because I really have something to ask for. Crown Princess Meng inquired about it, and I opened my mouth shamelessly."

As expected, he came with a request.

The Crown Princess was not surprised and asked calmly: "Oh? What is it?"

There is an endless stream of people coming to ask for mercy, almost every day.

Some are to seek official status, and some are to plead for mercy. The Ling family and the Prince's Mansion had no friendship before, so they came so eagerly and said they had something to ask for. It's quite rare...

Mrs. Sun cheered up and said with a smile on her face: "Returning to the Crown Princess, speaking of this matter, I have some connections with His Highness the Grand Sun. Please be patient, Crown Princess, and listen to me slowly."

Why are you related to your grandson again?

The Crown Princess was secretly surprised, and there was a hint of it in her eyebrows: "Mrs. Ling, there is no need to be so secretive, just tell me if you have anything to do!"

There was an undeniable majesty in his calm voice.

Sun's heart trembled, and she didn't dare to whet her appetite any more: "Here's the thing. A Xiao fell down a few years ago and was injured, resulting in blindness for six years. Hearing that Dr. Wei's medical skills were superb, he thought of going to the Huichun Hall for help. Doctor. A month ago, we returned to the capital from Dingzhou, and their siblings also came to the capital with us..."

The Crown Princess's expression remained unchanged, but her brows moved slightly.

Only Miss Ye, who was familiar with her temper, knew that the Crown Princess was impatient.

There are so many tedious things in the prince's palace every day that the princess can't even worry about. How can I be in the mood to listen to the Ling family's request for medical treatment?

This Mrs. Ling kept talking for a long time and couldn't explain what she was talking about. It's really unpleasant.

Just as the Crown Princess was barely holding back her impatience, Sun finally came to the part where bandits were encountered on the boat in the middle of the night and the Emperor Taisun led troops to rescue them.


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