Loyang Jin

Chapter 111 Seeking each other

"...I met bandits on the boat that day. Thanks to His Highness the Grand Sun's timely rescue, the bandits were subdued. Otherwise, the entire Ling family would not have been spared."

"However, this matter is related to Ah Shu's reputation and should not be publicized. His Highness Taisun also ordered that this matter does not need to be spread. Therefore, after returning to the capital, we have never formally visited to express our thanks. There are only a few people who know about this matter."

The grateful look on Mrs. Sun's face was not fake, and she continued:

"His Royal Highness Taisun is so kind-hearted that he specially gave a name card to Ah Xiao. They took His Highness's name card to the Huichun Hall and saw Dr. Wei without having to queue up to get their names. This kindness is appreciated by everyone in the Ling family. learn by heart."

The Crown Princess's eyes flashed again and again, and her expression became subtle.

Grandson never told her about rescuing people.

She didn't know anything about the reward.

None of this is the point. The point is, when did my cold-faced son become so kind-hearted? Both to save people and to give famous people. .

Is it for the Ling family, or for this stunningly beautiful Miss Ling?

The Crown Princess's eyes fell on Ling Jingshu's face, and she unconsciously looked more carefully.

Since the grandson of the emperor turned fourteen, life-long affairs have become the top priority in the prince's palace.

The Crown Princess has already been secretly searching for a suitable Grand Princess, and she has a suitable candidate in mind.

Of course, beauty and talent are indispensable. What is more important is that she comes from a noble family and has an outstanding family background. Only then can she be worthy of the status of a grand concubine. Only then can she be qualified to be the future crown princess, and only then can she be qualified to be the mother of the world in the future.

Even the maids serving around the emperor's grandson were carefully selected. He has a clean family background, is loyal and reliable, and has a beautiful appearance, all of which are indispensable.

How could the Crown Princess not be secretly suspicious of such a young lady from the Ling family who suddenly appeared?

Ling Jingshu originally lowered her head slightly, but now she raised her head with clear and sincere eyes: "His Royal Highness Taisun has been kind to me and helped A Xiao. We, my sister and brother, are deeply grateful. We shouldn't bother you again." , but because of A Xiao’s illness, I had to shamelessly come to ask for help.”

"A Xiao's illness requires acupuncture every five days. Imperial Physician Wei stays in the palace on weekdays and rarely leaves the palace. I heard that Imperial Physician Wei will come to the Prince's Mansion every five days to diagnose Ping'an Pulse for His Royal Highness. If A Xiao comes to the Prince It would be most appropriate to come to the mansion and wait for Dr. Wei to diagnose His Highness the Crown Prince’s pulse before giving him the acupuncture.”

After saying that, he pulled Ling Xiao forward and the two siblings knelt down together.

"The little lady also knows that this matter is too abrupt and presumptuous, but after much thought, there is really no other way. Only then did she pluck up the courage and boldly come to ask for permission. Please agree to the princess's request."

After finishing speaking, he kowtowed three times solemnly and respectfully.

Mrs. Jiang also stepped forward and said: "The Crown Princess is kind-hearted, and she can't bear to turn away these siblings from the door. As the saying goes, saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. This matter is very important to the Crown Princess. It’s just a little effort, but for my cousin, treating eye disease is a life-long matter. Please be kind to me, Princess!”

. .

The Crown Princess did not agree immediately.

Her gaze swept across Ling Jingshu's beautiful face, her eyes unpredictable, and she couldn't tell what she was thinking. After a long while, he slowly said: "Since it is a matter of treating diseases and saving people, I agree."

Ling Jingshu breathed a sigh of relief and kowtowed three more times with Ling Xiao: "Thank you, Crown Princess, for your grace."

The Crown Princess twitched her lips, but there was not much smile in her eyes: "It's just a little effort, it doesn't take much thought. It's just preparing an empty guest room. You don't have to kneel down. You can get down without any courtesy!"

After Ling Jingshu and her brother stood up, the Crown Princess smiled again and said: "Miss Ling is not very old, but she speaks and acts calmly. She thinks about her brother wholeheartedly. She is a smart and lovable girl."

When he mentioned the words "smart and lovable", his tone seemed to be a little heavier.

Ling Jingshu sighed secretly in her heart.

It was obvious that the Crown Princess regarded her as one of those girls who deliberately approached the Crown Prince with ulterior motives. .

She had this hidden worry before coming here, so she deliberately dressed plainly so as not to attract attention. After entering the Prince's Mansion today, he kept his head down and said nothing, trying his best to keep a low profile. . Unexpectedly, it still aroused the Crown Princess's fear and displeasure.

In order to treat Ah Xiao, he will often go in and out of the Prince's Mansion in the next few months. It is inevitable to deal with the princess. It's naturally not a good impression to leave such an impression.

Ling Jingshu pretended not to hear the implication of the Crown Princess's words, and said humbly and sincerely: "The Crown Princess is so complimentary, and I am so ashamed. The young lady has no other thoughts but hopes that Dr. Wei can cure A Xiao's eyes." As long as Ah Xiao can see the light of day again, the little girl will be satisfied. "

Think of nothing else. .

Satisfied. .

The Crown Princess raised her eyebrows, took a deep look at Ling Jingshu, and said with a faint smile: "A contented person is always happy. It is rare for Miss Ling to have such wisdom at such a young age."

Ling Jingshu's heart dropped slightly.

It seemed that her statement just now was of some use.

This princess looks gentle and approachable, but is actually unpredictable and not someone to be trifled with.

When the prince was young, he led troops in several battles. He had only two sons and one daughter. The emperor's grandson is the legitimate son, the son of the crown prince. There is also a son and a daughter, both of whom were born to concubines.

Now that the prince is weak and needs to rest, it is not appropriate to worry about it. Most of the affairs in the East Palace fell on the emperor's grandson. Although the emperor's grandson is young, he has already become the pillar of the East Palace.

His lifelong events are by no means trivial.

No wonder the Crown Princess pays special attention to the girls in the boudoir whom the Crown Prince befriends.

. .

The purpose of coming has been achieved, and it is inconvenient for everyone to stay any longer.

Mrs. Sun stood up on her own initiative: "I'm going to visit you today, so there will be a lot of disturbance. I will lead them to leave now."

As the Crown Princess, there is really no need to be polite to the Ling family. Without even saying a polite word like "I'll stay for lunch before leaving", I nodded in agreement.

Sun didn't take it to heart.

What is my identity, and what is the identity of the Crown Princess? Do they still expect the noble princess to be attentive and warm to them?

Everyone was about to bow and leave together when a palace maid hurriedly walked in and reported: "To the Crown Princess, Princess Changping is here."

Princess Changping?

Ling Jingshu's heart beat violently several times, and blood rushed to her mind. A strange blush appeared on her downturned pretty face, and a frighteningly bright light flashed in her eyes.

Princess Changping!

It's her who's here!

Ling Jingshu clenched her fists subconsciously, and then slowly released them.

The other party's status is noble and cannot be matched by her now. She wants revenge and must not expose her whereabouts. He couldn't even reveal the slightest bit of strangeness. .

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