Loyang Jin

Chapter 112 Changping 1

Hearing that Princess Changping had arrived, the Crown Princess frowned, then quickly returned to normal, and said with a smile: "Please hurry up and invite the princess in."

The palace maid responded and immediately withdrew.

Sun and others were originally preparing to leave, but it was inconvenient to leave at this time. No matter what, I have to greet the princess before leaving.

After a while, a beauty in palace clothes came over.

The palace-dressed beauty is about twenty years old, with a tall and fit figure. She is dressed in an exquisite and complicated red palace dress, which makes her skin whiter than snow and extremely charming.

Under the slender willow eyebrows, there is a pair of slightly narrow phoenix eyes.

These eyes are very similar to those of King Yan. As the eyes wander, the scenery is infinite and fascinating.

Seriously speaking, Princess Changping is not particularly beautiful. In terms of appearance, she is only on par with Princess Fumin.

But the way she moved her hands and feet exuded the unique charm of a mature woman, mixed with the unique arrogance of a Tianjia princess, giving her a very moving aura.

This is Princess Changping!

In her previous life, she took away her husband and put her to death!

She fell into such a tragic ending, mostly because of the Lu family's ambition, but the reason lies with Princess Changping. .

Ling Jingshu pursed her lips, glanced at Princess Changping quickly, and then lowered her eyes.

"Changping, you are finally here." The Crown Princess raised a smile and said in a friendly tone, "I have been waiting for you all morning."

Princess Changping's eyes wandered, she glanced at the Ling family, and said with a half-smile: "The emperor's sister-in-law didn't wait for me specially. Didn't she also meet the guests?"

There was a hint of displeasure in his tone.

Sun's expression was a little stiff, and she was afraid to say anything.

Today, the Holy Emperor has four sons and two daughters. Princess Changping is the eldest daughter and the most favored by the Holy Emperor. With Empress Xu backing her up, she is even more arrogant and willful. It is not an exaggeration to say that she was the most noble daughter of the Zhou Dynasty.

When you meet such a master, you can only endure it even if you get a roll of the eyes and a few sarcastic words.

It turned out to be pretty good. With Changping's domineering and willful temper, he was not happy to see the Ling family there.

The Crown Princess had her own way of dealing with Princess Changping, and responded with a smile: "Thank you for having the nerve to say it. I didn't dare to do anything today. I just sat here and waited eagerly. I waited for more than an hour and no one came. This I just took the time to meet Mr. Ling’s family, otherwise, this half day would have been wasted.”

After a pause, he asked again: "By the way, what delayed you today? Why didn't you come here until now? Could it be that the consort is here?"

When the prince consort was mentioned, Princess Changping looked a little impatient and said casually: "No."

The Crown Princess suddenly understood and smiled with an unknown meaning.


No one could see the sarcasm and sneer flashing in Ling Jingshu's lowered eyes.

Yes, Princess Changping has a consort.

Princess Changping got married when she was sixteen. The consort Xu Yuan was the legitimate son of the Xu family, the nephew of Queen Xu, and the cousin of Princess Changping.

The Xu family was originally only second-rate among the aristocratic families in the capital. After the daughter of the Xu family became the queen of the Zhou Dynasty, the Xu family immediately became prosperous. After Princess Changping married into the Xu family, the Xu family became even more powerful inside and outside the court.

It's a pity that Princess Changping and the consort are not on good terms. Less than a year after getting married, Princess Changping moved back to the Princess Mansion.

Xu's concubine did not dare to take concubines openly, so he often stayed with prostitutes in brothels.

In Princess Changping's mansion, a handsome "waiter" appeared from time to time. After a while, this "waiter" will mysteriously disappear and be replaced by another one. .

No one dared to discuss it openly, and even in private banquets and banquets, it was inevitable that someone would make small talk about it. Princess Changping's reputation for being romantic also spread like wildfire.

Later, Lu Hong, a successful young man, handsome and suave, appeared in front of Princess Changping. Princess Changping was of noble status, beautiful and romantic, and she took the initiative to seduce her. Lu Hong couldn't control it, and secretly had "associations" with her.

Princess Changping, who had a promiscuous life, actually developed true feelings for Lu Hong. Not satisfied with a casual romance, he wanted to recruit Lu Hong as his consort.

It was a "coincidence" that Xu's horse suddenly galloped wildly while he was riding a horse for an outing. Xu's consort, who was not very skilled in riding, fell off his horse and died tragically. Princess Changping became a young widow and had to serve Xu's consort for three years before remarrying.

When Princess Changping's mourning period expired, the secret death decree came to the Lu family.

Unwilling to lose her life in vain, she was strangled to death by the Ling family, and she died with her eyes full of resentment.

In her previous life, after her death, Princess Changping must have had her wish!

With the vanity and ambition of the Lu family, no matter whether Lu Hong is willing or not, there is always a way to make him obey orders and become the consort obediently.


Madam Sun led everyone forward and saluted: "I am Madam Sun, and I would like to pay my respects to Her Royal Highness Princess Changping."

Princess Changping was obviously not interested in the Sun family. She hummed casually and her eyes fell on Ling Xiao. A stunning light suddenly flashed in his eyes.

What a handsome young man!

Ling Jingshu's heart skipped a beat.

Princess Changping was wild by nature and liked handsome young men. Ah Xiaosheng is so beautiful and eye-catching, it would be terrible if she caught the eyes of Princess Changping. .

As expected, Princess Changping opened her mouth and asked, "Is this young man also the son of the Ling family?"

Mrs. Sun responded with a smile: "Your Highness, Princess, he is the second son of the fifth brother of the Ling family, his name is Ling Xiao."

Before she finished speaking, Ling Jingshu quickly took over the conversation: "Your Highness, Princess Qi, A Xiao has been suffering from eye disease for many years and cannot see. If there are any deficiencies in etiquette, please forgive me."

Eye disease?

Princess Changping was startled, and after taking a closer look, she noticed something strange about Ling Xiao.

Those beautiful eyes were dim and unfocused, so they were indeed invisible.

What a pity for such a fair and handsome face!

Princess Changping secretly regretted it, but quickly dismissed the thoughts that passed through her mind. As the most favored eldest princess of the Zhou Dynasty, she lived a luxurious life that ordinary people could not imagine. Even the young men who accompany him to "relieve boredom" are all talented and beautiful. A blind boy, no matter how good-looking he is, cannot catch her eye.

Ling Jingshu noticed the change in Princess Changping's expression and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Ling Xiao looked confused, unaware that he had escaped.

Princess Changping finally noticed Ling Jingshu's amazing beauty at this time, and subconsciously took another look: "You and he look very similar. Could it be that we are twins?"

There was evil in his eyes, and there was some vague hostility in his tone.

This is also inevitable.

A woman who relies on her beauty will always feel a little unhappy when she meets a girl whose appearance and temperament are better than hers. Not to mention, this girl is much younger than herself.

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