Loyang Jin

Chapter 113 Changping 2

Ling Jingshu seemed not to hear the unkindness in Princess Changping's tone, and responded respectfully: "Yes, the little girl's maiden name is Jingshu, and she was born an hour earlier than her younger brother A Xiao."

Princess Changping raised her eyebrows with a smile but not a smile: "Jingshu, this is a good name. As soon as you hear it, you will know that it is the daughter of a boudoir who is extremely beautiful and talented."

It was obviously a compliment, but coming from Princess Changping, it felt a bit unpleasant.

The Crown Princess was most familiar with Princess Changping's temperament and frowned slightly when she heard this.

This Changping is beautiful, jealous, and narrow-minded. The last thing to see is a woman whose appearance is better than his own. . She also heard about what he had done in private.

This is the Prince's Mansion, if Princess Changping is allowed to make things difficult for the Ling family. Where can she put her face as a princess?

What's more, this Ling Jingshu has no connection with Ah Yao. .

The Crown Princess's thoughts were racing and she was about to open her mouth to rescue her.

I heard Ling Jingshu say with a smile: "I am really ashamed to deserve such high praise from Her Highness the Princess. In the past, in Dingzhou City, I also believed that I had some talent and beauty. But today, after meeting Her Highness the Princess, I know what the beauty of the country is and what the beauty of the country is. I am Chen Yuluoyan. Compared with Your Highness, I am just an inconspicuous green leaf beside the peonies."

Everyone can flatter you.

Not everyone can say such disgusting words so sincerely and sincerely.

Princess Changping's face suddenly looked much better, and she giggled: "Your mouth is very sweet, and it makes people's hearts happy."

"I am naturally clumsy and talkative, how can I coax people." Ling Jingshu's expression remained sincere: "Every word I say comes from my heart, and not a single word is false."

Princess Changping felt relieved after hearing this, with a smile on her eyes and brows.

Jiang: "..."

Sun: "..."

Ling Jingshu spoke politely to her grandson and King Yan. Now facing Princess Changping, why does she look like a different person?

The princess on the side was also a little surprised.

This Ling Jingshu looked gentle and shy before. Now he is very eloquent and smooth-tongued. Make Princess Changping so happy. .

Most of the wariness that had originally dissipated has gathered again.

Ling Jingshu noticed the wariness in the princess's eyes and sighed secretly in her heart. The previous efforts were in vain.

However, the most important thing now is to deal with Princess Changping first.

Ling Jingshu said respectfully and meekly: "Today I have the honor to meet Her Royal Highness Princess Changping. It is truly my great fortune. I hope I will have the opportunity to meet Her Royal Highness Princess Changping again in the future."

Princess Changping was in a good mood and said with a casual smile: "It's not difficult. In a few days, I will hold a lotus appreciation banquet at my residence to relieve the summer heat. Then I will just have someone send an invitation to the Ling family."

Ling Jingshu showed just the right surprise and said, "Thank you, Your Highness, Princess."

Ling Jingshu's surprised and excited look pleased Princess Changping, and the previous unhappiness had long been forgotten.

As for the Sun family and the Jiang family, they were already shocked and speechless by this scene.

. .

After the Ling family left, Princess Changping still smiled to herself: "This Ling Jingshu has a very clever mouth. She makes people happy."

Isn’t that just telling lies with open eyes and trying to trick people?

However, if Princess Changping is so happy, of course the Crown Princess will not tell the truth. She smiled and said, "She didn't mean to coax you. Aren't you the most dazzling peony in the capital? This lady from a famous family in the capital is nothing more than a green leaf in front of you."

Princess Changping listened and said with a smile: "Sister-in-law, please stop teasing me. By the way, why are the Ling family members coming to the Prince's Mansion for no reason? They are not here to seek an official position!"

The Crown Princess's eyes flashed and she responded half-jokingly: "What are you asking for an official? You can't say this nonsense. If it reaches my father's ears, I'm afraid he won't be happy."

When the emperor was young, he was also known as a wise king. As he got older, his temperament became more fickle and irritable, and it was difficult to predict. The prince has not sat on the dragon throne for a day. The position of the prince of the East Palace is always on thin ice, and he has to act more cautiously.

Princess Changping looked disapproving: "It's just a joke. Even if my father knew about it, he wouldn't be unhappy over this trivial matter."

This may not be the case!

If someone with ulterior motives seizes on the topic and stirs up trouble, it will be difficult to deal with it.

Princess Changping was the daughter of Empress Xu. She often walked around with the prince, but she couldn't be said to be particularly close. There are some things that are obviously inconvenient to say in front of Princess Changping.

The Crown Princess smiled noncommittally, asked Princess Changping to take a seat, and ordered tea to be served.

After the aunt and sister-in-law sat down, they chatted.

"Emperor's sister-in-law, how is your brother's health these days?" Princess Changping asked earnestly.

In the Tian family, they are not as good as ordinary brothers and sisters, and their family ties are inevitably weaker. However, Princess Changping is a woman after all and poses no threat to the prince. We often come and go on weekdays.

The princess sighed softly: "It's still the same. She can't stand the cold and can't blow the wind. She gets a fever and headache when she catches a cold, and she coughs all night long."

When the prince led the army in the war, his lungs were seriously injured. After treatment and recuperation for these years, his health was considered to be in good condition. It's just that he is weak and weak. When winter comes, he doesn't easily come out of the house to avoid catching cold and getting sick.

Now that it's summer, the weather is hot and dry, so I don't dare to put too many ice basins in the house to cool down.

Princess Changping comforted the Crown Princess with a few words without meaning: "Sister-in-law, there is no need to worry. Ah Yao is in charge of the affairs of the East Palace now. Brother, you don't have to work hard, just take good care of yourself."

The Crown Princess nodded with a smile, feeling proud in her heart when she thought of her son.

Ah Yao is young and mature, has a smart mind, sharp skills, and is quite sophisticated, even worse than the prince. And it was quite popular with the emperor.

With Ah Yao here, the status of the East Palace is as stable as Mount Tai, and no one can shake it.

Princess Changping smiled again and said: "Speaking of which, Ah Yao is already fifteen this year, and it's time to think about life-long events. Does the emperor's sister-in-law have a suitable candidate in mind?"

Although the Crown Princess had a plan in her mind, she refused to say it clearly and replied perfunctorily: "There are only a few candidates for the boudoir daughter in the capital who are talented and beautiful and have a good family background. Moreover, Yao must ask his father about his marriage." Queen Mother, your royal brother and I can’t decide.”

"Besides, Ah Yao himself is also very opinionated. For such a big matter, you have to get his approval."

Princess Changping smiled teasingly and glanced at the pretentious Crown Princess: "Come on, Princess Sister-in-law, stop being so secretive in front of me. Do you really think I don't know anything?"

"The second young lady of the Su family is quiet and elegant, and the third young lady of the Jiang family is innocent and kind. No matter which one you marry, it will be a happy event."

. .

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