Loyang Jin

Chapter 114 Change

The second young lady of the Su family is the niece of Crown Princess Su. The third daughter of the Jiang family is the legitimate daughter of the British Duke. When she meets the prince, she has to call him cousin.

These two girls are of good family background and appearance. They are both the most famous noble ladies in the capital, and they are also the most suitable candidates for the grandson concubine.

In terms of family background, Miss Jiang San is even better. The British Duke's family has been inherited for two hundred years. It has strong power and deep roots. Miss Jiang San is the only legitimate daughter of the British Duke and is extremely favored.

In terms of appearance and talent, Miss Su Er is stronger. The Su family is a scholarly family. Miss Su is well-read in poetry and books, and has outstanding talents and learning. She is known as the most talented woman in the capital.

Let’s see how the prince and princess are chosen.

The Crown Princess didn't want to say more and deliberately changed the topic: "Let's not talk about this anymore. By the way, Changping, how are you and your consort lately?"

"Not at all." Without outsiders present, Princess Changping no longer had any desire to hide her feelings, and there was a haze of impatience between her brows and eyes.

The Crown Princess tactfully explained and comforted: "There is no overnight feud between husband and wife. Don't always keep a sullen face and let the consort come to the princess's house more often."

Princess Changping sneered sharply: "The prince-in-law took in two beautiful maids last month. I don't know how happy these days are. How can you be in the mood to come to the princess's house and accept my leisure."

The Crown Princess glanced at Princess Changping.

Consort Xu has hired beautiful maids, so you are not idle either! Didn’t he just get a handsome chamberlain two months ago?

Of course, just think about these words in your mind, but never say them out loud.

The Crown Princess changed her perspective and continued to persuade: "You and the Prince Consort have been married for several years, but there has been no heir. The Prince Consort is naturally worried. If you are willing to lower your body a little and get pregnant and have a son earlier, the Prince Consort's thoughts will be the same. Taken back."

When mentioning heirs, Princess Changping's expression became colder and colder: "I'm still young and don't want to have children so early."

Giving birth was so painful and would damage her beautiful appearance, so she didn't want to give birth.

Besides, whenever she saw Xu Yuan's vulgar face, she felt disgust from the bottom of her heart. How can you think of giving him a child?

snort! If the queen mother hadn't insisted on refusing, she would have reconciled with Xu Yuan long ago.

Thinking of this, Princess Changping became increasingly unhappy, and her face showed a bit of it.

The Crown Princess looked at Princess Changping and thought to herself, Changping has been married for four years and is already twenty years old this year. Other women at this age are at least mothers of one child, so Princess Changping can be so willful.

No matter how anxious the Xu family was, they did not dare to rush.

Who doesn't know that the emperor dotes on Princess Changping, and Queen Xu treats Princess Changping like a drop in her eye. How could the Xu family have the courage to compete with Princess Changping?

Seeing Princess Changping's impatient expression, the Crown Princess stopped talking. He quickly dropped the topic.

. .

On the carriage.

Sun and Jiang looked at Ling Jingshu in unison, with a little surprise and a little surprise in their eyes. It was like seeing Ling Jingshu for the first time.

Ling Jingshu was quite calm and looked back with a smile: "Auntie, cousin, why are you looking at me like this? Is there a flower on my face?"

Jiang smiled and joked: "There are no flowers on your face, but there are flowers on your mouth. Look at you just now when you were facing Princess Changping, your mouth seemed to be covered with honey, and every sentence you spoke became more beautiful."

Mrs. Sun couldn't help but said, "Yes, Ah Shu, when did you become so eloquent?"

Ling Jingshu was usually gentle and few words, but when she occasionally showed her edge, her words were as sharp as a knife. I have never seen someone as eloquent and sweet as today.

It was as if he suddenly changed into a different person.

It makes people extremely uncomfortable.

Ling Xiao was also surprised in his heart, but he naturally defended Ling Jingshu: "That Princess Changping's tone was so harsh, she was clearly deliberately looking for trouble. Fortunately, Ah Shu is good at speaking, otherwise, she would have suffered a loss today."

Seeing Ling Xiao eagerly defending herself, Ling Jingshu felt warm in her heart and raised the corners of her lips quietly.

"Axiao hit my mark."

Ling Jingshu would not reveal her inner plan, so she followed Ling Xiao's words and said, "A smart person will not suffer the consequences of his immediate loss! Princess Changping has a bad look on her face. If I don't respond appropriately, I'm afraid I will arouse her jealousy and dissatisfaction. It's better to be cruel and shameless than to bring trouble to the Ling family and make her happy."

Facts have proved that the benefits of doing so are obvious.

He avoided getting into trouble with Princess Changping when they first met, and even coaxed an invitation from Princess Changping. In a few days, she will be able to attend the banquet at the princess mansion openly. .

That makes sense.

Mrs. Sun nodded approvingly: "Ashu is right to do this." The key point is not to cause trouble for the Ling family!

Jiang knew very well what Sun was thinking. Hearing this, he smiled and said, "Of course it's right to do this. It's just hard work for Ah Shu."

Ling Jingshu had never bent down or lowered her head in front of the Emperor Taisun or King Yan, but today she swallowed her anger and humiliated her, feeling aggrieved.

Ling Jingshu smiled faintly: "Actually, it's not hard at all. In the past, I was too willful and did not know how high the sky was."

Fortunately, the emperor's grandson did not care about her offense, and King Yan was not angry because of her sharp tongue. Otherwise, how could she survive to this day safely?

Yesterday at the Huichun Hall, the slap from the maid next to Princess Fumin did not fall on Bai Yu's face, but it hit her heart hard.

Strong and easy to break.

If you want to take revenge, you should give up your unnecessary self-esteem and stubbornness. The temporary forbearance and flattery is to better protect yourself and to get closer to the enemy more easily.

Jiang couldn't guess what Ling Jingshu was thinking, but when she heard Ling Jingshu say this, Jiang was still very happy: "Ah Shu, you have really matured and grown up."

"To be honest, I have been secretly worried about you before. Luoyang City is at the foot of the Emperor and the capital of the Zhou Dynasty. There are countless dignitaries, royal family members. If you speak and act too sharply, you will inevitably attract attention and easily get into trouble. If If you offend someone of high status, our Ling family may not be able to protect you."

"It's the best thing you can think of now."

Ling Jingshu sighed secretly after hearing these sincere words.

Why hadn't she thought of such an obvious truth before? She just remained stubborn, stubborn and cold, as if doing so would show that she was not afraid of power or dignity. .

Fortunately, she was alert in time and did not continue to be self-righteous.

"Sister-in-law, thank you for caring so much about me." Ling Jingshu's eyes were clear and sincere: "I used to be too willful, which made everyone worry."

Mrs. Jiang pursed her lips and smiled: "We are all one family, so it's not too troublesome to thank you here and there."

The two looked at each other and smiled, saying nothing.

. .

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