Loyang Jin

Chapter 115 Mother and Son 1

There are people coming and going in the Prince's Mansion, and things are complicated. The Crown Princess is very busy on weekdays and has little free time.

Today, Princess Changping came to the palace, and the Crown Princess kept her temper and talked with her. After having lunch and spending a long time with her admiring flowers and trees in the garden, Princess Changping left.

As soon as Princess Changping left, the Crown Princess immediately breathed a long sigh of relief and said to herself: "Fortunately, she only comes here two or three times a month. If she comes only once every few days, it would be a headache."

It's okay for the Crown Princess to talk about this kind of thing, but no one of the maids on the side dares to say it.

Ms. Ye motioned the maids to step back with her eyes, and then whispered: "If the Crown Princess does not want to see Her Royal Highness, in the future, when Her Royal Highness delivers the name card, the servant will tell you that you have something to do, so just stop her and go back."

The Crown Princess's eyes flashed and she said calmly: "No need. I just need to spend more time and energy to deal with her."

Although she looked down upon Chang Ping's frivolous and dissolute ways, they were sisters after all. Chang Ping was extremely favored, so she couldn't turn him away, so she just dealt with it perfunctorily.

"Since I have promised the Ling family, please remember to tell someone to arrange an empty guest room nearby. In a few days, the Ling family brothers and sisters will come to the door, and you will have someone lead them there."

Ms. Ye responded: "Yes, I have written it down."

The Crown Princess thought for a while and then ordered: "Go to the grandson's yard and tell him, and when the grandson returns home, let him come to see me."

Ms. Ye responded and quietly retreated.

The Crown Princess sat alone for a moment, thinking of something, and the smile on her face quietly disappeared.

It's getting late.

The exquisite octagonal palace lanterns were lit in the princess's room, illuminating the dining room brightly.

The Crown Princess and the Crown Prince were sitting at the red sandalwood dining table, which was filled with all kinds of pastries, porridge, and various dishes.

The prince has handsome features, but his face is slightly pale, with a few wrinkles at the corners of his eyes and a few strands of white hair on his temples. Mixed in the black hair, it is particularly eye-catching.

Compared to the beautiful, gentle and young Crown Princess, the Crown Prince who is over thirty years old looks a little older than his age.

The emperor's grandson stepped into the inner hall and paid his respects to the prince and princess: "My son, I would like to pay my respects to my father, the queen, mother and concubine."

"Okay, there are no outsiders here, so there is no need to pay attention to these false etiquette." The Crown Princess smiled and waved to the Emperor's Grandson: "Come quickly and sit down, and we will talk after eating."

The prince also smiled and said: "Yes, the family banquet is informal."

The emperor's grandson still bowed politely, then stood up, walked to the dining table and sat down safely. He behaves well and has excellent grace. Even the pickiest person can't fault it.

That handsome and striking face exuded a condensation that kept strangers away.

The Crown Princess had long been used to seeing him like this, so she couldn't help but scold him a few words: "You, you have to be serious outside, just keep your expression and smile on your face. At this time, it's just your father and I, and Why are you so sullen when no outsiders are around?"

He didn't even smile at his mother, which was really sad.

The emperor's grandson didn't even move his eyebrows, and said calmly: "Mother and concubine, I was born like this, and I didn't deliberately put on a sullen face."

...It’s hard to say that I don’t have a sullen face!

The Crown Princess looked at her expressionless son, feeling angry and amused at the same time: "That's all, I won't talk about you anymore. Hurry up and eat while it's hot! Let's talk about anything you want to say after eating."

I specifically asked him to come over because he really had something to say.

The emperor's grandson thought calmly.

The prince looked at his son who had matured into a man who was no less majestic than his own. He felt relieved in his heart, but he couldn't help but sigh secretly.

He is physically weak and needs to rest for a long time. Most of the affairs in the East Palace fell on his son. Only important decisions are made by him.

For a young man who is not yet an adult to shoulder such a heavy burden, he must put in far more thought and energy than anyone can imagine. It also forced Ah Yao to grow up quickly, and naturally he lost the liveliness and vigor that a teenager of this age should have.

The emperor's grandson noticed the prince's apologetic and loving gaze, and felt a warmth in his heart. He took the initiative to pick up a piece of fish for the prince and said, "Father likes to eat fish, please eat more."

He doesn't like to talk much by nature, and there is no special expression on his face.

There was a smile on the prince's face: "Don't worry about me, just eat it yourself!"

The emperor's grandson hummed and lowered his head to eat in silence.

Eat without talking and sleep without talking.

The family of three finished their dinner in silence. Then he moved to the inner hall next door to talk.

The prince and the princess each took their seats, and the emperor's grandson sat next to the prince, looking calm. The princess didn't open her mouth, so he didn't speak either, as if she was competing to see who was more patient.

Obviously, the mother can never defeat her son.

The Crown Princess coughed and opened her mouth to break the silence: "Ah Yao, you are not in the house today. Is there something you still don't know?"

The emperor's grandson raised his eyebrows: "What's the matter?"

The Crown Princess said slowly: "Today there are guests in the mansion, family members of Dr. Ling from the Ministry of Industry..." As she spoke, she paid careful attention to the changes in her son's expression.

The Ling family is here?

The emperor's grandson's expression moved slightly, and he subconsciously asked, "What are they doing here?" Is Miss Ling Jiu here too?

This sentence was not asked out loud.

The princess saw it from the subtle changes in his expression, and her heart suddenly sank. This Ling Jingshu is indeed no ordinary person. In such a short period of time, it left a deep impression on him. .

"You once rescued Miss Ling Jiu, and also rewarded their siblings with famous invitations. Why did you never tell me these things?" The Crown Princess asked rhetorically without answering.

The emperor's grandson quickly calmed down all his expressions and replied calmly: "It's just a trivial matter, I forgot to mention it for a moment."

"You have forgotten, but the Ling family has not forgotten." The Crown Princess emphasized the word "Ling family" intentionally or unintentionally, and the implication was self-evident: "Today they came specially to ask for something."

After saying this, I deliberately kept it secret and refused to say any more. He picked up the tea cup and drank the tea slowly and leisurely.

This time, the person who couldn't hold back his anger was the emperor's grandson.

"Mother, concubine, the Ling family came to visit. What do you want to ask for?" the emperor's grandson opened his mouth and asked.

The Crown Princess succinctly explained what had happened: "...their visit this time is because they hope to come to the mansion every five days. After Imperial Physician Wei diagnosed your father's pulse, he was able to administer the medicine to the Ling family's young master. Acupuncture treatment. I didn't want to agree to this, but Mrs. Ling specifically mentioned that you had saved Miss Ling Jiu, so I nodded. "

If every sentence refers to something, it means a lot.

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