Loyang Jin

Chapter 120 Awkward

The rain was pouring down. Not only did it not stop, it actually became heavier than before.

The chamberlain caught up to him, opened his umbrella, and said diligently: "The rain is getting harder and harder. Please walk more slowly, Your Highness. I will hold the umbrella for Your Highness..."


The emperor's grandson interrupted the servant with a sullen face: "Stay back first!"

The chamberlain was stunned: "Your Highness, it's still raining, so I have to hold an umbrella for you..."

"Back off!" The emperor's grandson's voice rose slightly, revealing a hint of anger.

The chamberlain was shocked and did not dare to say any more. Just as he was about to put away his umbrella, Wang Tong, the commander of the guards beside him, suddenly opened his mouth and said: "Okay, give me the umbrella. Please step back first!"

With that said, he took the umbrella from the waiter's hand.

The chamberlain was relieved and bowed back.

Wang Tong held the umbrella steadily, and the raindrops fell on the surface of the umbrella, and then dripped along the edge of the umbrella. Looking from Wang Tong's perspective, he could only see half of the emperor's grandson's profile.

The emperor's grandson still pursed his thin lips, with no unnecessary expression on his face.

Only those who are familiar with his temper can see that his mood at this time is not very good.

The emperor's grandson said nothing and kept walking forward.

Wang Tong didn't dare to say anything to comfort him. He just raised his arms and held an umbrella, and followed the emperor's grandson closely. Seeing that they were almost reaching the gate, with the vermilion gate already in sight, the Emperor Taisun suddenly stopped.

Wang Tong is worthy of being a martial arts practitioner. He reacts quickly and sensitively. He stopped almost immediately: "Your Highness, what's wrong?"

Why did it suddenly stop again?

The emperor's grandson did not turn around. He seemed to be talking to himself, and seemed to be asking Wang Tong: "I have good intentions, why doesn't she appreciate it?"

The "she" who refuses to appreciate is of course Miss Ling Jiu.

Wang Tong carefully weighed his words: "It is normal for a woman's mind to be delicate and changeable. Perhaps it is because Miss Lingjiu has a strong self-esteem and does not want to always accept His Highness's kindness. Your Highness does not need to take it to heart."


When they first met, she was held hostage by gangsters, with the bright tip of a knife pressed against her back. Her life was hanging by a thread, but she didn't panic. His expression didn't change even as he fired several arrows, and he saw the right moment and killed the gangster with one blow!

It is normal for such a courageous and stubborn girl to not want to accept his kindness again and again!

The emperor's grandson figured this out, and his expression finally softened a lot.

Wang Tong saw that the emperor's grandson's face was a little brighter, and he was secretly relieved, and whispered: "Master Ling's eye disease cannot be cured in one day. From now on, their siblings will visit every few days, and there will be no chance of meeting. There are many. Your Highness, there is no need to rush..."

"When did I want to see her? When did I get so anxious?" The emperor's grandson snorted and interrupted Wang Tong.

Wang Tong took over the conversation calmly: "Yes, yes, this subordinate is too talkative. Your Highness only met the Ling siblings when he passed by the study room by chance today."

Emperor Taisun: "..."

A trace of suspicious dark red flashed across the face of the emperor's grandson, and he quickly returned to normal, and said calmly: "That's all, I am too lazy to vent my anger with a girl. My father's health is urgent, so I'd better go to the study and wait. Listen. Listen to what Imperial Physician Wei has to say."

Wang Tong: "..."

So, you walked out angrily for a while, and now that you have calmed down, you want to go back?

Your Highness, Your Highness, you have such an awkward temperament and you talk duplicity all the time. Do you know that it’s hard to please a girl’s family?

Of course, Wang Tong only dared to complain silently in his heart and did not dare to say another word. He agreed with a smile, turned around, and continued to hold the umbrella.

Dr. Wei carefully checked the prince's pulse and asked in detail about his recent daily life.

The servants around the prince answered one by one.

After careful consideration, Imperial Physician Wei re-prescribed the health-preserving medicine and gave it to the waiter: "I will stop using the original decoction for now and replace it with this one. Drink it for a few days and see."

The chamberlain took the prescription with respectful hands and put it away carefully.

The prince was in good spirits today and said with a smile, "Thank you, the imperial doctor."

Imperial Physician Wei smiled and said: "It is a blessing for me to be able to diagnose the pulse of His Majesty the Crown Prince and nurse him back to health."

He is the emperor's full-time physician, and in the past two years he has been diagnosing the pulse and prescribing medicine for His Royal Highness. I don't know how many imperial doctors he aroused the envy and jealousy of. Fortunately, he had a good reputation for his superb medical skills and a strong backing. All the imperial doctors secretly resented him, but no one dared to hinder him openly.

The prince asked again: "How is your father's health lately?"

Because he is weak and needs to rest, the prince only attends the court meeting on the first and fifteenth day of every month. Very few people attended the small court meetings where political affairs were dealt with every day, and most of them were entered into the palace by the emperor's grandson. Therefore, there were not many opportunities for the prince and the emperor to meet.

Imperial Physician Wei was in the palace and could see the emperor every day.

"Your Majesty occasionally caught wind and cold a few days ago. After drinking the decoction for a few days, he is almost healed." Imperial Physician Wei replied with a smile: "Your Highness, there is no need to worry."

Just as he was talking, a chamberlain came to report: "His Royal Highness is here."

... Doctor Wei raised his eyebrows, a hint of interest flashing in his eyes.

I had lost face because of Miss Ling Jiu in front of him before, but with the pride of the grandson of the emperor, he was still willing to show up... How interesting!

The emperor's grandson quickly stepped in. He first greeted the prince and then looked at Imperial Physician Wei: "Physician Wei, you are diagnosing my father's pulse today. How is his pulse?"

Doctor Wei pondered for a moment and said: "His Royal Highness the Crown Prince was seriously injured that day, and his body's vitality was greatly damaged. Now he has been taking care of himself quietly, and there is nothing serious. However, it is not advisable to take too much supplement, lest the deficiency will not be replenished, and the deficiency fire will be strong."

"I just made a new prescription, using two herbs with mild medicinal properties. The effect will be slower, but it will not hurt the body."

Not fast, not slow, and clear.

Although the words were gentle, they still had a strange and unquestionable majesty.

The emperor's grandson breathed a sigh of relief and raised the corners of his lips slightly: "I'm sorry for you, the imperial doctor."

After a pause, he said: "I know that Imperial Physician Wei lives in the palace and has no shortage of gold, silver and jade articles. When I left the capital a few days ago, I bought some rare medicinal materials. I also ask Imperial Physician Wei to accept them."

Imperial Physician Wei did not refuse, and thanked the reward.

Bounty of gold and silver is both vulgar and demeaning. The emperor's grandson said that since it was a rare medicinal material, how much money it was worth was second, and more importantly, it was very difficult to find.

Such a reward is certainly in line with his wishes.

Then, Imperial Physician Wei resigned again: "Young master of the Ling family is still waiting for Wei Chen to perform acupuncture treatment. Wei Chen will retire now."

The emperor's grandson suddenly asked: "Is there any hope of curing Mr. Ling's eye disease?"

Imperial Physician Wei responded calmly: "I'm not too sure, only 30%."

Only 30%?

The emperor's grandson couldn't help but raise his eyebrows and asked: "What if it can't be cured?"

Ling Jingshu and Ling Xiao have a deep love for each other. If Ling Xiao's eye disease cannot be cured, Ling Jingshu will definitely be very sad!

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