Loyang Jin

Chapter 121 Surprise

Imperial Doctor Wei seemed to have an insight into the emperor's secret thoughts, and said calmly: "A doctor has a parental heart, and I will try my best to diagnose and treat him. There is no guarantee about the result."

The emperor's grandson was silent for a moment and then said: "I happen to have nothing to do, so I will go to the guest room with you."

Imperial Physician Wei: "..."

Prince: "..."

Imperial Doctor Wei's eyes flashed slightly, and he raised the corners of his lips with a half-smile: "Since Your Highness is so elegant, then go with me!"

The emperor's grandson twitched the corners of his lips and said no more. He turned around and excused himself to the prince: "Father, I will leave first."

The prince finally came to his senses at this time, cleared his throat and said, "I don't have anything to do today. I heard you two talking about the Ling family siblings, and I became curious, so I went over with you to take a look. "

Emperor Taisun: "..."

Imperial Physician Wei: "..."

Everyone looked at each other, speechless for a moment.

After a moment, the emperor's grandson opened his mouth with a distorted expression: "My father is weak and needs to rest. It's raining outside today, so it's better for my father not to go out."

The prince smiled and said: "Although Gu's body is not strong, he will not fall down after being exposed to a little rain."

As he spoke, he stood up and waved to the emperor's grandson gently and casually: "Let's go, let's go with Gu."

No matter how mild-tempered the prince is, after all, he has been the prince for many years, and his words and deeds have a sense of dignity.

No matter how stubborn he was, the emperor's grandson could not disobey his father, so he nodded reluctantly.

"Ah Shu, it's been so long, why hasn't Dr. Wei come yet?"

Ling Jingyan had a temper that couldn't sit still. After drinking two cups of tea, she didn't see the figure of Imperial Doctor Wei, so she started to get a little anxious. He couldn't sit still and stretched his head to look around.

Ling Jingshu was quite patient and said with a smile: "The Imperial Physician Wei will diagnose His Highness the Crown Prince's pulse, and may even prescribe acupuncture, which will take some time. Didn't Imperial Physician Wei say that before? Let's wait for half an hour. "

Jiang smiled and joked: "Ayan, since you are impatient to wait, please don't follow me from now on."

Ling Jingyan immediately changed her words with a smile: "I'm tired of waiting. I'm sitting here drinking tea. I don't know how comfortable it is."

Ling Jingshu burst into laughter, and just as she was about to say something, a palace maid in a green dress walked in, bowed her knees and saluted: "Young gentlemen and ladies, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince and His Highness the Grand Sun are here."

Everyone: "..."

Are you kidding me? !

They were waiting for Dr. Wei to come. Why did the prince and the emperor's grandson come? Jiang was secretly surprised and couldn't help but glance at Ling Jingshu.

Ling Jingshu was also confused. It's understandable that the emperor's grandson is here. Why would the dignified prince condescend to see them?

However, I couldn’t care less about this at this time.

When meeting the prince, you must not lose your etiquette.

Ling Jingshu composed herself, hurriedly pulled Ling Xiao to stand up, and whispered: "Axiao, don't panic, come with me to see the ceremony."

Ling Xiao was indeed a little panicked when he heard the prince coming. Hearing the familiar voice in his ears, his restless heart quickly calmed down and he nodded vigorously.

In just a few words, the prince and his entourage walked in.

Ling Jingshu did not raise her head, lowered her eyebrows, and stepped forward to salute with Jiang and others: "My little lady, please pay your respects to His Highness the Crown Prince."

A man's voice sounded majestic yet gentle: "I'll be fine without any courtesy."

Everyone thanked him together and stood up straight.

Ling Jingshu took advantage of getting up and quickly raised her eyes.

The Prince of the East Palace, just like the rumors, has a handsome face, extraordinary bearing, and is powerful without being angry. It's a pity that he was seriously injured that year, which completely damaged his vitality, and his face was unnaturally pale.

The emperor's grandson stood beside the prince. The faces of father and son were somewhat similar, but their temperaments were completely different.

Imperial Physician Wei stood behind the prince. He does not have the majesty of a prince, nor does he have the cold and compelling energy of an emperor's grandson. His expression is gentle and calm, but it is impossible to ignore.

The prince was also looking at everyone.

The woman with her hair in a woman's bun is Jiang, and the young man with his eyes covered with layers of gauze is of course Ling Xiao. The other two girls were both fourteen or fifteen years old.

One of them was wearing a pink dress, with beautiful features and a pretty face.

The other girl was dressed plainly and simply, but her features were picturesque and charming. Especially those clear and black eyes, like a pool of quiet spring water, you can't help but be attracted by just one look.

Even the prince, who was used to seeing beauties, felt his eyes light up.

This girl must be Miss Ling Jiu.

The prince looked at her briefly and asked, "Are you Miss Ling Jiu?"

...The prince came here specially to see her, right?

When this idea passed through Ling Jingshu's mind, she felt extremely ridiculous. But other than this ridiculous reason, what other explanation is there?

"Yes, the little girl is the ninth in the family." Ling Jingshu lowered her head slightly and responded meekly and respectfully.

This Miss Ling Jiu looks gentle and gentle, responds appropriately, and follows the rules! How could the Crown Princess be so prejudiced against her?

The prince thought to himself, and the look on his face became gentler: "You traveled thousands of miles to accompany your brother to the capital for treatment. Your heart to protect your brother is very touching."

"From now on, you siblings will come to the Prince's Mansion every five days. After Doctor Wei has checked Gu's pulse, he will perform acupuncture and treatment on your brother."

Ling Jingshu was overjoyed and hurriedly saluted and thanked her: "Thank you, Your Highness, for your kindness."

With the words of the prince, I will be able to straighten my back when entering and leaving the prince's residence in the future, and I will also have a little more confidence. It doesn't matter even if the Crown Princess is prejudiced against her and doesn't like her.

Ling Xiao's reaction was a little slow, and he took two steps forward, cupped his fists and bowed in thanks: "Ling Xiao thanks His Highness the Crown Prince for his kindness."

The prince looked at Ling Xiao and sighed with regret: "At this age, it is the time when you should be full of energy and joy, but you are unable to see due to eye disease. It is really regrettable."

Then he turned to Doctor Wei and said, "Mr. Wei, I hope you can cure Mr. Ling's eye disease and let him see the light of day again."

The same meaning, when spoken by the emperor's grandson, can't help but be a bit condescending and forceful.

The prince's expression and tone were much gentler, making him unable to feel the slightest trace of disgust or displeasure, and making him even more irresistible.

To be able to become the Crown Prince of the East Palace and win over the hearts of many civil and military officials, His Highness the Crown Prince is indeed no ordinary person.

Even Ling Jingshu, who was wary of everyone after her rebirth, couldn't help but feel good about the Crown Prince.

Imperial Physician Wei held up his hand and replied sternly: "I will do my best to live up to His Highness's expectations."

The emperor's grandson stood beside the prince and remained silent. His eyes passed over Ling Jingshu's joyful face, and then quickly moved away.

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