Loyang Jin

Chapter 125 Invitation

Uncle Ling wrote a letter to the family overnight, and the next day, Mrs. Sun ordered her servants to send the letter back to Dingzhou.

After the servant who delivered the letter left, Mrs. Sun suddenly remembered something important. After Ling Jingshu and her brother arrived in the capital, it seemed as if they had never written a letter home at all?

not only that!

In her daily conversations, Ling Jingshu did not show any trace of missing her family...

Is it because Ling Jingshu has a cold nature, or is there something hidden behind it?

When Ling Jingshu's sister and brother came to pay their respects, Mrs. Sun pretended to be casual and asked: "Ah Shu, Ah Xiao, you have been away from home for more than a month and have been in the capital. Have you ever written a letter home?"

From the day she left Dingzhou, she never planned to go back. To her, her family members who were far away in Dingzhou were just a group of people with vague faces.

How could she still be in the mood to write a letter home?

Ling Jingshu twitched the corners of her lips and responded calmly: "I have been busy with A Xiao's treatment these days, and I forgot to write a letter home for a while."

No matter how dull she was, Mrs. Sun could tell that something was wrong. Her eyes flicked around Ling Jingshu's pretty face, full of inquiry: "Is it really just because you were busy that you forgot?"

Ling Jingshu's eyes flashed slightly and she asked with a smile: "Why did eldest aunt suddenly ask about this? Could it be that eldest uncle just wrote a letter home, so eldest aunt thought of asking me by the way?"

Sun: "..."

This girl is simply born with Qiqiao Exquisite Heart. Terribly shrewd and sharp!

Mrs. Sun cleared her throat and said, "Yes, you were right. Your uncle sent someone to write a letter home last night, and I just sent someone back to Dingzhou this morning."

Ling Jingshu said with a faint smile, and asked casually: "Uncle suddenly wrote a letter home, is there anything important?"

Mrs. Sun coughed and replied a little unnaturally: "There is nothing particularly important. I just want to report that I am safe and tell them that Ah Xiao has been treated by Dr. Wei. This will also save them from worrying in Dingzhou." ”

I'm afraid it's not just these!

With the temperament of Uncle Ling and Mrs. Sun, I am afraid that they have already set their sights on the Prince's Mansion and have dreamed of being relatives of the emperor.

Ling Jingshu sneered in her heart, but did not say anything to expose Mrs. Sun. She followed Sun's words and smiled and said: "Auntie is still interested. We siblings have thanked auntie."

After all, Ms. Sun felt a little guilty and was not thick-skinned enough to remain calm. She forced out a smile and quickly changed the topic: "Axiao has been treated with acupuncture by Dr. Wei twice, and he drinks decoction every day. Apply ointment again, do you feel better now?"

Ling Xiao replied obediently: "My head occasionally hurts, and my eyes feel hot and itchy."

"It's always a good thing to have feelings." Sun smiled and comforted Ling Xiao: "You have been blind for nearly six years. It will take some time to cure your eyes, not just a few days."

As he was talking, the porter walked in quickly and reported with a strange expression: "Mrs. Qi, the chamberlain from Princess Changping's residence is here."

The Ling family has no contact with Princess Changping's mansion, so why would Princess Changping suddenly send someone here?

Sun was stunned for a moment, and then quickly remembered the day she met Princess Changping at the Prince's Mansion. At that time, Princess Changping casually asked Ling Jingshu to attend the lotus appreciation banquet at the princess's residence. Could it be that the steward just sent the invitation?

No matter what your intention is, you must not neglect it.

Mrs. Sun immediately ordered: "Please hurry up and ask the steward to come in."

Princess Changping is the most favored princess of the Holy Emperor today, and there is no shortage of people to please her wherever she goes. The servants in the princess's house naturally have a superior arrogance.

This chamberlain was about seventeen or eighteen years old. He was quite handsome, but his appearance was a bit feminine and his voice was a bit shrill. After entering the inner hall, he didn't even look at Sun and others: "Our family is from the princess's house, you can just call me Eunuch Lu."

Even though Ms. Sun was feeling uncomfortable, she didn't show any signs of it. She hurriedly smiled and said, "It turns out that Eunuch Lu is here. Please sit down and talk quickly. Come and serve tea!"

As a female official, there is absolutely no reason to salute a servant. Sun was just vague.

Eunuch Lu was not polite and took the top position in a swaggering manner.

Ling Jingshu and Ling Jingyan looked at each other, both seeing the contempt in each other's eyes.

Like a master, there is a slave.

This sentence is absolutely true.

Eunuch Lu finished half a cup of tea before slowly explaining his purpose: "We are here today to deliver the invitation to the Lotus Appreciation Banquet on the orders of Her Royal Highness the Princess."

After saying that, he took out a dazzling golden invitation from his arms.

...and King Yan are indeed biological siblings, even ordinary invitations are made of gold wire.

Mrs. Sun smiled hurriedly and took the invitation with both hands, and responded in succession: "Your Highness Princess, you are interested. Thank you Eunuch Lu for coming so far to deliver the invitation. It is a little careless and disrespectful. I hope Eunuch Lu will accept it."

As he spoke, he stuffed a purse into it.

Most castrated eunuchs love money.

This Mr. Lu is no exception.

When I pinched the purse, there were a few fluffy pieces of paper inside. Apparently a banknote was placed.

Eunuch Lu finally had a satisfied smile on his face, and his tone became a little gentler: "Those who are qualified to receive invitations are the rich ladies of the Duke's mansion. The ladies of the Ling family are lucky enough to come to the banquet this time, which can be regarded as a blessing. A blessing that never came in my previous life.”

Although the words are harsh, they are also true.

Daughters of mere fourth-rank officials are usually not eligible to attend banquets at the princess's house.

After Sun sent Eunuch Lu away with great gratitude, she immediately said to Ling Jingyan and Ling Jingshu with excitement: "A-Yan, A-Shu, going to the Princess Mansion for a banquet this time is a great opportunity for you. We can take this opportunity to meet some famous ladies, and it would be even better if we could meet one or two princesses."

Ling Jingyan pursed her lips: "If they are all like Princess Fumin, it would be fine if we don't get to know each other."

Ever since she heard about Princess Fumin's "evil deeds", in Ling Jingyan's heart, Princess Fumin undoubtedly ranked first.

Thinking of Princess Fumin, Ling Jingyan couldn't help but feel a little worried. She turned to look at Ling Jingshu: "Ah Shu, you and Princess Fumin have had a close relationship. What if we meet her on the day of the banquet?"

Princess Fumin and Princess Changping are cousins, and they often interact with each other on weekdays. Princess Fumin will most likely want to go to this lotus appreciation banquet.

Ling Jingshu had expected this and responded calmly: "It's okay if she encounters her. If she takes the initiative to provoke, I will just ignore it."

She wanted to establish a relationship with Princess Changping in the shortest possible time. In the future, there will be frequent contacts and encounters with the unruly and willful Princess Fumin. Blindly avoiding it is not the answer.

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