Loyang Jin

Chapter 126 Jewelry

The lotus appreciation feast will be in three days.

After accepting the invitation, Ling Jingyan immediately made preparations for the banquet - it was too late to make new clothes, so she could always buy some jewelry.

Sun was not very happy at first: "Ayan, your jewelry box has been full for a long time, and there is no room for it anymore. Where can I buy more jewelry?"

"Those are all worn before. When you go to the princess's house for a banquet as a guest, you can't wear old jewelry!"

Ling Jingyan said plausibly: "Mom, think about it. On the day of the lotus appreciation banquet, the people attending the banquet were all ladies from well-known families. They must have dressed up one after another. Ah Shu and I went out as guests, representing Ling. We can’t lose the Ling family’s face in front of others!”

"The time is too short, and there is no time to make new clothes. Fortunately, the new clothes I made a few days ago are still unworn, so I can just buy some exquisite jewelry."

All said and done, this jewelry is a must-buy.

Mrs. Sun couldn't resist Ling Jingyan, and waved her hand pretending to have a headache: "That's all, you are always right. Let the shopkeeper of Zhenbao Pavilion come to your door tomorrow, and you and Ah Shu can each pick some."

Ling Jingyan suddenly smiled and shook Sun's arm coquettishly: "Mom is the best to me."

Mrs. Sun couldn't help but say a few words of blame, but the doting smile on her face couldn't be concealed.

Ling Jingshu opened her mouth with a smile and said: "Auntie, cousin Yan picked out some jewelry so I don't need it. Before coming to the capital, my grandmother specially rewarded me with two sets of red gold head and face jewelry, and what I have saved on weekdays is enough. No need to buy new ones.”

"How can this be done!"

Before Sun could say anything, Ling Jingyan opened her eyes wide and shouted: "We want to buy them together. If you don't buy them, then I won't want them either."

At the critical moment, Ling Jingyan showed great loyalty.

Ling Jingshu smiled and said: "Cousin Yan, I don't mean to be polite. My jewelry is really enough, there is no need to buy any more."

In fact, she had no intention of dressing up to impress everyone.

Princess Changping specially held a lotus appreciation banquet and invited many famous ladies to her house. If she shows off regardless, she will definitely make Princess Changping jealous.

Therefore, it is better to be simple and casual.

Ling Jingyan didn't understand Ling Jingshu's intention for a while, but still insisted: "No one thinks there are too many jewelry. Tomorrow the shopkeeper of Zhenbao Pavilion will come over, and we will each pick four pieces of jewelry. That's settled!"

Sun: "..."

She originally only planned to pick two pieces for each person, but why did the number suddenly double?

Ling Jingyan Ling Jingshu wants to buy some jewelry, so it’s hard to leave Jiang behind. After calculating this, I don't know how much money will be spent tomorrow. Mrs. Sun made a rough calculation in her heart, and suddenly felt heartache.

But the words have already been spoken, and I don’t have the nerve to change my words.

Sun said cruelly: "Okay, just as Ayan said, everyone will pick out four pieces of jewelry tomorrow. Yuniang, the same goes for you."

Ms. Jiang was not surprised either. Mrs. Sun, a mother-in-law who occasionally spoke with a stick, was not harsh in temperament and treated her daughter-in-law well.

Mrs. Jiang smiled and thanked: "Thank you very much, mother-in-law."

The matter was settled.

Ling Jingshu simply stopped talking and no longer objected. Even if you buy jewelry, you don’t have to wear it!

When I stay in the inner courtyard of the deep house, I always see these few people every day, and the only things I come into contact with are trivial matters. Even the smallest things can make people excited.

For Ling Jingyan, making new clothes and picking out jewelry are top priority.

Early the next morning, just after dawn, Ling Jingyan came excitedly: "A-Shu, A-Xiao, you two are all dressed up! Come on, let's go to greet mother together."

Ling Jingshu smiled and teased: "Cousin Yan, this is the first time I've seen you get up so early since I came to Luoxia Courtyard."

Ling Jingyan winked playfully: "On weekdays, I have nothing to do. I just go to say hello. It doesn't matter if it is earlier or later. Today is different. I go to say hello to mother earlier and have breakfast with her. If mother is happy, I'm sure she will let me Picked out two more pieces of jewelry.”

...Standard no-profit-can't-get-early!

Ling Jingshu couldn't help laughing.

"Cousin Yan, your idea is very serious." Ling Xiao was also amused, and joked with a smile: "But you can't let your eldest aunt know this, otherwise, even if you go to have breakfast with her every day, she will also I won’t be soft-hearted.”

Ling Jingyan waved her hands carelessly: "Don't worry. If you don't tell me, I won't tell you either. How could my mother guess my intentions? Let's go, let's go now."

As he spoke, he eagerly took Ling Jingshu's hand.

Ling Jingshu smiled and let Ling Jingyan pull her away.

When they arrived at the inner hall, Mrs. Sun was already sitting at the top. Mrs. Jiang came one step ahead of them and was talking to Mrs. Sun.

Ling Jingyan stepped forward with a smile and said, "Mom, my daughter wishes you well." Then she smiled attentively and said, "My daughter got up early today, so I just happened to have breakfast with my mother."

Mrs. Sun glanced sideways at Ling Jingyan and smiled slowly: "The sun is rising in the west today. Why is it here so early?"

Ling Jingyan said affectionately and warmly: "I got up early today, so I came early."

Mrs. Sun twitched the corners of her lips: "I had my word beforehand. I agreed on four pieces of jewelry, just four. Don't think that flattering me will allow you to pick two more pieces."

Ling Jingyan: "..."

Everyone was laughing so hard.

Fortunately, Ling Jingyan was thick-skinned and was not too embarrassed after her intentions were revealed. She still smiled and took Sun's arm to the canteen.

Ling Jingshu and Jiang smiled at each other and followed.

Ling Jingyan behaved like this as a matter of course, and Mrs. Sun didn't mind at all. Jiang, the daughter-in-law, and Ling Jingshu, the niece, cannot be so unscrupulous.

After breakfast, the shopkeeper of Zhenbao Pavilion came.

Pearl hairpins, red gold bracelets, emerald earrings, agate hairpins... Several boxes of jewelry boxes are neatly placed on the table, filled with all kinds of exquisite jewelry, sparkling and fascinating. Dizzying.

Women are naturally irresistible to jewelry.

Ling Jingyan's eyes suddenly lit up and she pounced on him almost immediately. Now I look at this one, and now I try that one. I just can’t put it down.

In comparison, Mrs. Jiang was much more reserved and walked over leisurely. Lower your head and pick.

Ling Jingshu was the most calm and indifferent one. After Ling Jingyan and Jiang had made their selections, they took a brief look and picked a few items at random.

Firstly, it's not eye-catching, and secondly, the price is lower.

Mrs. Sun saw this and couldn't help but sigh secretly in her heart. Compared with girls of the same age (mainly Ling Jingyan), Ling Jingshu is much less worried.

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