Loyang Jin

Chapter 127: Attending a Banquet 1

It had been rainy for several days, but on the day of the lotus viewing feast, the weather finally cleared up.

Ling Jingyan put on new clothes and put on all the six pieces of jewelry she picked out two days ago. She happily walked around in front of Ling Jingshu: "Ah Shu, how are you doing? Does it look good?"

Ling Jingshu suppressed her laughter and praised seriously: "Of course it looks good. From far away, I saw a head full of pearls, so bright that it made people dizzy."

...Wait a minute, is this complimenting her or making fun of her?

Ling Jingyan thought seriously for a moment, then pounced on her with bared teeth: "Okay, how dare you make fun of me, let's see how I deal with you."

The two had a good laugh.

Ling Jingshu stretched out her hand, pulled out a beaded hairpin and a hairpin for Ling Jingshu, and took off the gem necklace from her neck. Then he pushed her to the mirror: "Look now, is it much more refreshing than before?"

For a young girl, youth is the greatest beauty. If you wear too much jewelry, the flashy ones will look tacky.

Ling Jingyan looked at it for a while and had to admit that what Ling Jingshu said was right: "Okay, okay, I'll just listen to you." Then she turned to Ling Jingshu and said, "What about you, you still don't even wear new clothes today. "

Ling Jingshu smiled casually and said: "The lotus appreciation banquet specially held by Princess Changping. If I dress too casually, it would be disrespectful to Her Highness the Princess. You always have to wear new clothes. Please wait for a while, I will change into new ones." The clothes will come."

Ling Jingyan nodded, secretly feeling strange.

Ah Shu had never dealt with Princess Changping before, but every time she mentioned Princess Changping, her tone always sounded a little inexplicably subtle...

After waiting for a while, Ling Jingshu quickly changed into new clothes and came out.

"How is it? Does it look good?" Ling Jingshu imitated Ling Jingyan's previous appearance and turned around in a circle.

Ling Jingyan looked at Ling Jingshu with a strange expression, as if she was holding back something unspeakable but couldn't say it.

Ling Jingshu understood in her heart and deliberately raised her eyebrows at Ling Jingyan and smiled: "What's wrong? Are you surprised by my beauty?"

"Ah Shu, please stop joking." Ling Jingyan exhaled a long breath, with confusion on her face: "You are so beautiful, even if you don't dress up deliberately, you are still a beauty. You deliberately wore this autumn-colored dress The dress is just to look old-fashioned and not attract attention, right?”

Ling Jingyan looked very serious, and Ling Jingshu also stopped joking and nodded without any concealment: "Yes, that is indeed my plan."

"Last time at Huichun Hall, Princess Fumin made things difficult for me because of my face. The Crown Princess had a bad first impression of me because of my face. Princess Changping didn't have a good look on me when she first saw me. Because of this face."

"The beauty of a woman is a gift from God, and there should be no complaints. But I really hope that this face will stop attracting attention and trouble for me."

... This feeling of wanting to sympathize with her and beating her up at the same time is really complicated and sour!

Ling Jingyan looked at Ling Jingshu with complex and contradictory eyes, and said honestly: "The Qiuxiang color is indeed a bit old-fashioned. Young girls rarely wear dresses of this color. But when you put on a dress of this color, you are unexpectedly surprised. nice."

Therefore, it is simply impossible to not attract attention!

Ling Jingshu let out a long sigh: "Yes! When I looked in the mirror just now, I also discovered this serious fact. But if I changed into bright clothes, wouldn't it be more eye-catching?"

...What should I do if I want to beat her even more?

Ling Jingyan also let out a long sigh: "Ah Shu, considering that we are cousins, I reluctantly forgive you for hurting me unintentionally."

According to the practice of the Great Zhou Dynasty, after the prince and princess grew up to ten years old in the palace, they had to leave the palace and build a mansion.

Princess Changping was extremely favored by the emperor. When the princess palace was being built, there were some things that "slightly" exceeded the princess's regulations. The Ministry of Internal Affairs did not say anything, and the emperor just pretended that this was not the case.

Therefore, the area of ​​Princess Changping's mansion even exceeds that of her brother Anwang Wangkang, and is only slightly smaller than the Prince's Palace in the East Palace. The mansion's carved beams, painted buildings, pavilions and pavilions are all luxurious and exquisite, which is staggering.

Just one back garden covers an area of ​​hundreds of acres. In the inner city of Luoyang, where every inch of land is precious, this is simply luxury to the extreme.

Princess Changping liked peonies, so she specially circled a large open space in the garden as a peony garden. It's a pity that the peony flowering season has passed now, and there are no peonies to enjoy. I can only enjoy the lotus leaves and lotus flowers in the lake.

This lake is not very big, covering an area of ​​about ten acres. It is located in the northwest corner of the garden. Living water is specially brought in, so the lake water is clear. There are many varieties of precious fish inside.

The lake is lined with trees, and in the middle of the lake is a three-story viewing pavilion.

The lotus appreciation banquet was held in the viewing pavilion.

When you think of the viewing pavilion, you can walk across the wooden bridge on the lake, or you can get on a boat and let the beautiful palace maids or handsome chambermaids row the boats, which is a unique experience.

When Ling Jingshu and others followed the steward to the lake, someone happened to get on the boat.

Ling Jingshu smiled casually and asked, "Cousin Yan, do you want to take a boat ride?"

With Ling Jingyan's greedy and lively nature, she most likely wanted to take a boat ride.

Unexpectedly, Ling Jingshu guessed wrong this time.

Ling Jingyan shook her head repeatedly: "Forget it, let's just walk across the wooden bridge." Before Ling Jingshu asked, she honestly confessed: "Ever since that time I met the gangsters on the boat in the middle of the night, I had nightmares for many days. I have a psychological shadow on taking the boat, so let’s go there!”

Ling Jingshu laughed dumbly, never expecting this to be the reason.


"Cousin Yan, I was the one who was caught by the gangsters that night, and I was also the one who almost died. If there is a shadow, it should be me, right?" Ling Jingshu half joked, half jokingly: "I'm fine, you Why are you afraid of coming by boat?"

Ling Jingyan admitted her timidity honestly: "Don't look at my jumping ability, but I am actually the most courageous. Anyway, I don't dare to take a boat again."

Even if you don’t take a boat!

Ling Jingshu raised her voice and said to the chamberlain in front of her: "We won't take the boat, so we'll walk across the bridge."

The waiter was quite surprised: "You ladies, really don't want to take a boat? It's early summer right now. Sitting on a boat, you can paddle the wood pulp and spread the layers of lotus leaves. It's a unique scenery."

The ladies of the boudoir who came to the Princess Mansion for a banquet all took a boat to the viewing pavilion. Who is willing to brave the sun and walk across the wooden bridge?

Ling Jingshu said with a smile: "Thanks for the reminder, but we are not used to taking boats, so we might as well walk over."

The chamberlain did not say any more words of comfort and led Ling Jingshu and her group to the wooden bridge.

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