Loyang Jin

Chapter 128: Attending the Banquet 2

The wooden bridge is winding and winding, about two feet above the water, and can only accommodate two people walking side by side. It is very delicate and unique in its construction.

The chamberlains were in the first two groups, followed closely by Mrs. Jiang. Ling Jingyan held Ling Jingshu's hand and walked side by side. Bai Yu and several other maids followed behind. Looking from a distance, the momentum is really quite big.

There are already many guests at the viewing pavilion in the middle of the lake. Familiar people sat together in twos and threes, enjoying the lake view and casually chatting in low voices. At this time, I saw a group of people coming and looked over subconsciously.

"Strange, whose boudoir daughter is this? Why does she look so unfamiliar?"

"Yes! I've never seen it before."

"The girl in the pink dress is pretty and charming, and the one in the autumn-colored dress... Huh? When did such a beautiful girl appear in Luoyang City?"

A group of ladies from famous families were whispering.

Those who are qualified to enter and leave Princess Changping's residence are all the top ladies of the Zhou Dynasty. Unable to avoid being proud and self-sufficient, she also subconsciously regards this small circle of contacts as the top boudoir social circle of the Great Zhou Dynasty. Normally there are familiar faces coming and going, but when a few unfamiliar faces suddenly appear, everyone naturally looks at them.

Someone with sharp eyes recognized Ms. Jiang and let out a soft sigh: "The woman at the front, with her married lady's bun, seems familiar. She should be the daughter of a concubine of the Jiang family."

"How can a mere concubine be worthy of being the guest of Her Royal Highness Princess Changping?" A girl sneered contemptuously, then turned to the girl in green next to her and smiled: "Miss Su Er, you and Miss Jiang San have always been in contact, have you ever? Have you seen this person in the British government office?”

The girl in green is about fifteen years old. Her appearance is not very beautiful, but her features are elegant and her temperament is outstanding. It was Miss Su Er, the niece of Crown Princess Su.

Miss Su Er smiled slightly when she heard this and whispered: "She should be a young lady from a branch of the Jiang family. I have never seen her. Miss Jiang San will be here later. I will find out when I ask. They will be here soon. Let's not talk anymore." "

It's just a few words behind your back, but it's really embarrassing if someone overhears you.

The girls who were whispering just now stopped talking when they heard this.

The viewing pavilion is getting closer and closer, so close that you can clearly see the faces of the beauties in the pavilion.

Being looked at by so many people intentionally or unintentionally, Ling Jingyan felt her heart beat faster, her legs felt a little weak, and her steps slowed down unconsciously.

"What's wrong?" Ling Jingshu, who was standing next to her, noticed something strange about her almost immediately and asked in a low voice.

Ling Jingyan lowered her voice and replied: "It's nothing. I'm a little nervous being stared at by so many people at the same time."

To put it bluntly, he is timid.

Ling Jingshu laughed and joked in a low voice: "Aren't you always known for your boldness?" She is a treacherous person in love, and she becomes timid when meeting outsiders.

Ling Jingyan heard the teasing in Ling Jingshu's words, but had no time to refute.

The viewing pavilion has arrived.

Amid everyone's different looks, Ling Jingyan straightened her back subconsciously. Coming out would represent the face of the Ling family, and the Ling family could not be embarrassed.

The chamberlain led Ling Jingshu and her group to the viewing pavilion, but left quickly without introducing their identities. Although there were many people in the viewing pavilion, they all looked cold and no one took the initiative to open their mouths to break the silence.

Not to mention that Ling Jingyan looked a little stiff, even Jiang, who had always been calm, hesitated.

So, what should we do next?

"Her Royal Highness the Princess hasn't arrived yet, let's sit down and wait!"

Ling Jingshu unexpectedly opened her mouth first, glanced around calmly, picked an unoccupied corner, and walked over.

The moment Ling Jingshu spoke up, Mrs. Jiang quickly came to her senses, walked side by side with Ling Jingshu, and said with a smile: "What you said is that we'd better wait for a while."

Jiang deliberately raised her voice to attract everyone's attention to herself.

Ling Jingshu was so keen that she instantly understood Jiang's painstaking efforts.

Her previous experiences were enough to prove that she was born to cause trouble. Mr. Jiang is protecting her in his own way!

Thinking of this, Ling Jingshu felt warm in her heart.

Mrs. Ling had never given her this kind of warmth, nor had Fifth Master Ling, her biological father, given it to her. But in Ling Jingyan and Jiang, I felt the family affection and warmth. And her cousin Ling Ji's concern and care... She didn't say it in her mouth, but she kept it in her heart.

Even though Uncle Ling was ambitious and greedy, Mrs. Sun had more calculations than concern for her, which did not diminish her gratitude and affection for the family.

After sitting down, Ling Jingshu calmly looked at the girl in the pavilion.

The maids each stood behind their master. There were about five or six women sitting at this time. The ages range from thirteen or fourteen to around twenty. Each has its own characteristics and style in appearance and temperament.

The most outstanding one among them is the girl in green dress and green skirt. With an elegant appearance and a bookish air, you can tell at a glance that he comes from a scholarly family.

Moreover, this girl's face and temperament are vaguely familiar, vaguely similar to the Crown Princess I met a few days ago...

While Ling Jingshu was looking at the girl in green, the girl in green was also secretly paying attention to Ling Jingshu.

Looking at her from a distance just now, I already felt that the girl in the autumn-colored dress was very beautiful. Now that she was getting closer, she realized that this girl was very beautiful and had a calmness about her that was far superior to girls of the same age.

A pair of eyes as bright as water, like crystal clear spring water, and if you focus on them, they are like deep pool water, which makes people unable to help but be attracted.

How could such a beautiful and outstanding girl be unknown?

The girl in green was secretly thinking about the origin and identity of the other party, and she already greeted her with a smile on her face: "Did you also accept the invitation from Her Royal Highness Princess Changping?"

The person acted so friendly, so Ling Jingshu would not be rude and responded with a smile: "Yes. My surname is Ling, and my maiden name is Jingshu. I am the ninth in the family. This is my cousin-in-law Jiang, and this is my cousin Ling Jingyan. My uncle is a doctor from the Ministry of Industry. Could you please tell me your name?"

The girl in green smiled slightly: "My surname is Su, my maiden name is Ying, and I am the second eldest child in the family."

This is the girl with the most outstanding appearance and temperament that Ling Jingshu has encountered since entering the capital.

She was also the first girl to show kindness to her.

Ling Jingshu's mood improved a lot, and she smiled at Su Ying and said, "It's an honor for me to have the honor to meet Miss Su Er. I would like to ask, are you and the Crown Princess related?"

Her identity is known to everyone here and there is nothing to hide.

Su Ying nodded gracefully: "That's right, the Crown Princess is my biological aunt."

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