Loyang Jin

Chapter 129 Getting acquainted

Sure enough!

Ling Jingshu was not surprised, and said with a smile: "I had the honor to meet the Crown Princess a few days ago, and I still have a deep memory of the Crown Princess's voice, smile, appearance and temperament. When I met Miss Su Er today, I felt that they were very similar, so I took the chance to guess her. Guess. Unexpectedly, I guessed it right.”

Su Ying smiled lightly and responded humbly: "My appearance is indeed somewhat similar to that of my aunt, but my demeanor is far different."

Be polite and humble, be considerate and cultivated. The elegance and kindness of the Crown Princess only appeared on the surface. Miss Su Er came from a famous family and had no arrogance at all.

Princess Fumin, who has such pride and pride on her face and eyes on the top of her head, should be so ashamed.

Ling Jingshu had a good first impression of Miss Su Er: "Miss Su Er is so humble, doesn't it make us all embarrassed to see others?"

Su Ying pursed her lips and smiled softly: "Miss Ling Jiu said this, she is really humble and polite. I just met you for the first time, and I was still thinking about when did such a charming boudoir daughter appear in Luoyang City? ?”

There was only approval in his tone, no resentment at all.

After Ling Jingshu entered the capital, most of the girls her age she met were hostile to her. She was cold and indifferent on the surface, but she was actually quite unhappy in her heart.

Who wants to be looked down upon and hated by others?

At this time, when she met the friendly Miss Su Er, Ling Jingshu naturally wanted to chat and make friends, and took the initiative to tell her origins: "I am not originally from the capital, and have been living in Dingzhou. In order to treat my brother, I Then I followed my uncle’s family to the capital.”

It turned out to be from that small place in Dingzhou.

The few girls who had remained silent quickly exchanged subtle glances, and the pride of being the ladies of the capital suddenly emerged in their hearts.

Su Ying had no special reaction and asked about the customs and customs of Dingzhou with interest.

Ling Jingshu picked some interesting things to say.

After hearing this, Su Ying laughed and said: "It is better to travel thousands of miles than to read thousands of books. People travel to more places, and their outlook and conversation are indeed different."

"It's a pity that the world is very harsh on women. They usually live in the inner house and it's not easy to even go out, let alone travel far away." Ling Jingshu took over the conversation naturally and said softly: "I also came to the capital to seek medical treatment because of my brother. , only then can we have the opportunity to follow him to the capital.”

Ling Jingshu's words touched Su Ying's heart.

As a lady from a famous family, she was born to be rich and well-dressed, but she also had many constraints. Even the opportunities to go out alone as guests are few and far between. Not to mention traveling far away.

The fate between people is very strange and simple. They look pleasing to the eye and speak congenially, which are enough reasons to form friends.

Su Ying's eyes were longing, and she stared deeply at Ling Jingshu: "As soon as I saw you today, I felt like I fell in love with you. If you have the opportunity in the future, you might as well come to Su's house as a guest. I will definitely sweep the bed to welcome you."

Ling Jingshu smiled slightly and responded: "It's an honor for me to meet Miss Su Er. I will definitely pay her a visit someday."

Ling Jingyan sitting aside: "..."

It only took a few moments to make friends?

At this moment, a light boat arrived at the viewing pavilion.

Everyone's attention was immediately attracted. Ling Jingshu is no exception.

I saw the boat moored beside the pavilion, and the rowing waiter skillfully took out a strong boat plank and put it on the edge of the pavilion. A girl in a goose-yellow dress came over with the help of a maid.

This girl was short in stature, small and exquisite, with skin as fair and delicate as jade, a pair of innocent and innocent eyes, and raised diamond-shaped red lips. She looks very cute and lovable, and her eyes are full of natural nobility.

The two contradictory temperaments are perfectly integrated in the girl's body, forming a unique and moving charm.

Who is this girl?

Ling Jingshu was still secretly thinking about the identity of the girl in yellow, but Mrs. Jiang beside her stood up and walked forward with a face filled with joy, and called out: "Cousin Yue."

When the girl in yellow heard the familiar voice, she immediately looked over and said with a smile: "Cousin Yu, it turns out you are here today too."

Ling Jingshu understood immediately.

This girl is Jiang Rongyue, the third lady of the British government.

Although the Jiang family was a concubine from a branch of the Jiang family, her father had close contacts with the British Duke, and the Jiang family often visited the British Duke's residence. The relationship with Miss Jiang San is also quite close.

Miss Jiang San looked innocent, but in fact she was very polite. She greeted all the girls one by one, then walked to Ms. Jiang, held Ms. Jiang's hand and said with a smile: "I came to the banquet today. I didn't expect to meet you." It’s such an unexpected surprise to see Cousin Yu.”

"Who says it isn't?"

When Jiang met Jiang Rongyue, she also felt particularly cordial and happy: "When we walked onto the wooden bridge just now, we saw someone riding a canoe. But we were far away at the time and didn't see clearly that it was you."

Jiang Rongyue said with a smile: "Cousin Yu, let's sit down and talk."

She reluctantly pulled Jiang to sit down, then stretched out her head to say hello to Ling Jingyan: "Ayan, you are here too."

Ling Jingyan finally met an acquaintance, and her lively nature emerged: "Yes, I met Her Royal Highness Princess Changping at the Crown Princess a few days ago. Her Royal Highness held a lotus appreciation banquet and sent an invitation to the Ling family. I also Come join in the fun and broaden your horizons.”

Jiang Rongyue's eyes flicked around Ling Jingshu's face again: "Huh? Are you also a young lady from the Ling family? Why have I never seen you before?"

The bright black eyes were full of curiosity.

The words are direct, but not annoying at all.

Ling Jingshu had a good impression of Miss Jiang San, whom she had known since the first meeting, and replied with a smile: "Yes, I am the daughter of the fifth room of the Ling family, the ninth in the family, and my maiden name is Jingshu."

"You two are about the same age." Mrs. Jiang interrupted with a smile: "Just call her Ah Shu."

Jiang Rongyue smiled friendly at Ling Jingshu: "Ah Shu, when my cousin comes back from now on, you will come with her."

This is the second kind invitation Ling Jingshu received today.

Ling Jingshu didn't refuse and agreed with a smile.

After Jiang Rongyue sat down, she almost kept talking, which was comparable to Ling Jingyan's usual chatter.

When it came to such an occasion, Ling Jingyan was inevitably a little timid and couldn't let go, but Jiang Rongyue was smiling freely.

The British Duke is known as the most noble person in the capital. As the only legitimate daughter of the British Duke, Jiang Rongyue has a noble status that no one can match. Naturally, she has confidence that is difficult for others to match.

Didn’t you see that everyone had bright smiles when Jiang Rongyue showed up?

What's rare is that Jiang Rongyue is not arrogant and arrogant. She greets everyone with a smile, which is very lovable.

Looking at Su Ying with a sweet smile, and then looking at the innocent and charming Jiang Rongyue, Ling Jingshu couldn't help but sigh secretly.

This is a real noble lady!

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