Loyang Jin

Chapter 131 Poetry and Painting

Princess Changping glanced at Princess Fumin and said pointedly: "Since it was just a few verbal conflicts, let's forget about it!"

Don't mention it today, lest it spoil the fun.

As soon as Princess Changping spoke, Princess Fumin did not dare to speak any more unscrupulously. She glared at Ling Jingshu fiercely and then withdrew her gaze angrily.

Ling Jingshu smiled gratefully at Princess Changping: "Thank you, Your Highness, for upholding justice for our sisters."

Princess Changping smiled casually: "It's just a small thing, not worth mentioning." Then she said to everyone with a smile: "Follow me to the third floor of the viewing pavilion, which is the best place to enjoy the lotus."

All the girls have arrived.

This viewing pavilion has three floors. The bottom floor can accommodate thirty or forty people, while the second and third floors are smaller and can seat about twenty people.

About ten people came to the banquet today. The maids all stayed on the second floor. Several palace maids playing music followed them to the third floor.

Through the exquisitely carved railings, you can have an unobstructed view of the beautiful scenery on the lake. Pure white gauze hangs down gently, and the ground is covered with white and soft blankets. Red sandalwood tables and chairs were placed on the blanket, and various fresh fruit snacks were placed on each table, which happened to be a seat for two people.

The first and second floors of the viewing pavilion are considered exquisite, but compared to the luxury of the third floor, they are far behind.

Princess Changping obviously often held banquets here to entertain herself. She stepped on the white blanket without mercy and took the top position. Princess Fumin sat down next to her naturally.

Jiang and Jiang Rongyue took a seat, while Ling Jingshu and Ling Jingyan took a seat in the corner.

"A'shu," Ling Jingyan lowered her voice and whispered: "This kind of blanket is produced outside the Great Wall, and the price is extremely high. We also have one at home, and my mother keeps it in the warehouse!"

Princess Changping took it and spread it on the ground. Maybe she would throw it away after using it once. It was really a staggering extravagance and waste.

Ling Jingshu raised her eyes and glanced at Princess Changping who was smiling brightly and brightly from a distance. She quickly lowered her eyelids and said calmly: "With the dignity of your Royal Highness, you can use all kinds of good things in the world."

Ling Jingyan was startled and looked at Ling Jingshu strangely.

It's really not like she would say this.

Ling Jingshu raised her head with a calm expression, smiled and said to Ling Jingyan: "Don't just look at it. There are so many delicious fruits on the table, and you haven't tried them yet."

It was summer at this time, and the weather was somewhat hot. However, the viewing pavilion is located in the middle of the lake, and the wind from the lake blows over, which only makes people feel refreshed and relaxed. Most of those fresh fruits are rare in this season.

Ling Jingyan only glanced at it twice before she became greedy. All doubts were naturally thrown to the back of my mind. Picked one up and ate it.

The maids sitting aside started playing the musical instruments in their hands. I don’t know what kind of music it is playing, but it is quite cheerful and sweet.

Everyone ate some fresh fruit snacks, drank some tea, and chatted casually. The atmosphere was relaxed and happy.

Princess Changping clapped her hands gently and the music stopped.

Princess Changping said with a smile: "Everyone, since today is a lotus appreciation feast, it is natural to take the lotus as the theme. The lotus leaves in this lake are so graceful and beautiful. Now we will enjoy the lotus separately, and then show our talents. How about making paintings and poems?”

Women's gatherings in boudoirs are all about elegance, so drinking and ordering is not suitable. Appreciating singing and dancing is too old-fashioned, so the suggestion of writing poems and paintings is just what everyone wants.

Su Ying responded with a smile: "Your Highness the Princess's proposal is excellent. Is there a time limit? Also, can someone judge the poems and paintings? Is there any prize for the winner?"

Princess Changping smiled and answered one by one: "Whether it is poetry or painting, it is not beautiful to do it hastily, so there is no need to rush. It is limited to one hour. As for the judgment, I will be shameless and make a judgment. If it is If you do a good poem or a good painting, you can take whatever you want from the viewing pavilion as a gift today."

The furnishings in the viewing pavilion are luxurious and exquisite, and even the vases placed on the table are rare treasures.

Of course, those who are qualified to attend the banquet are all ladies from well-known families, so they will not take the lottery in their eyes. Gambling is just fun.

Jiang Rongyue was the first to smile and clapped her hands: "Her Royal Highness the Princess is so generous, so we won't be polite today."

Everyone laughed and agreed.

"Today's leader, you don't need to compare to know that she must be Miss Su Er."

The girl sitting next to Su Ying covered her mouth and said with a smile: "Miss Su Er is a master of poetry and painting. If we are second in the capital, no one dares to be the first. With Miss Su here today, how can we have a chance?"

This joke was half true and half false, with a hint of sourness floating around.

Su Ying was probably used to hearing such compliments, so she smiled and said a few words of modesty: "Miss Li Si is ridiculous. There are people who are better than others. Although I have some attainments in poetry and painting, I have no shame in being called number one."

Jiang Rongyue took over the conversation with a smile: "Sister Su, that's too polite to say that. With you here, it's really meaningless for us to compete. In my opinion, don't end up today, and do it with Her Royal Highness. Judgment is the best.”

This proposal is obviously very popular.

Su Ying half pushed and half agreed on the spot.

Ling Jingshu was secretly surprised.

Jiang Rongyue and Su Ying spoke in a casual tone, obviously very familiar with each other. If we say how good the relationship is, but it’s not necessarily there, it’s a bit different...

The girls began to rack their brains and think hard.

The maids cleared the table neatly and neatly, and presented pens, inks, paper and inkstones in an orderly manner.

Ling Jingyan and Ling Jingshu were no exception. There was a pile of white rice paper on the table in front of her, paints for painting, inkstones for writing, and brushes of different sizes, etc. Everything is top quality.

Most of the ladies from famous families present were well-read in poetry and good at calligraphy and painting. Even if you are not very proficient, you can still draw a lotus picture with a pen.

Ling Jingyan looked far into the distance and watched carefully for a long time before she started writing.

Those who moved a little slower also started during a cup of tea. An hour is not short, but it is not long. To draw a lotus picture and write a poem is not easy.

Ling Jingshu, however, had been sitting quietly without writing, staring at the lake.

Ling Jingyan was busy typing up the manuscript. When she looked up, she saw that the paper in front of Ling Jingshu was still blank. She couldn't help but be surprised: "Ah Shu, half of the time has passed, why haven't you started writing?"

If it continues like this, it will be too late.

Ling Jingshu smiled faintly and was about to speak when a contemptuous sneer rang out: "If you don't have the courage to write, just give up as soon as possible to avoid embarrassment later."

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