Loyang Jin

Chapter 132 Competition

These harsh words came from the mouth of Princess Fumin.

I was suffocating before and swallowed it back in front of Princess Changping. When had the always arrogant and willful Princess Fumin ever suffered such a humiliating loss? Work hard to win back a victory.

Princess Fumin was paying attention to Ling Jingshu's every move while painting.

When she saw that Ling Jingshu had not moved for half an hour, Princess Fumin felt happy and sneered unceremoniously.

Ling Jingyan's pretty face flushed angrily: "You..."

"What does Princess Fumin mean by saying that?" Ling Jingshu quickly grabbed the topic. If Ling Jingyan, who is impetuous and impulsive, confronts Princess Fumin, she will most likely suffer a loss.

Princess Fumin glanced at Ling Jingshu with contempt: "What I said is not very clear. Could it be that you don't understand? Everyone who came to the banquet today is good at poetry and painting. You are a bumpkin from Dingzhou City, so don't make yourself embarrassed. ”

Princess Changping frowned slightly unhappy.

Why did this Fumin end up facing Ling Jingshu today?

On other occasions, she wouldn't have bothered to care. But she is the host of today's banquet. It is embarrassing for Fumin to be so arrogant, and it makes her, the master, unhappy...

After being humiliated and ridiculed like this, Ling Jingshu remained calm as usual and responded calmly: "I was born in Dingzhou, Dingzhou. Compared with the ladies in the capital, I am indeed far inferior. However, when it comes to poetry and painting, I should It’s better not to lose to the princess.”

Princess Fumin: "..."

Princess Fumin was furious and stood up suddenly: "Ling Jingshu! How dare you talk to me like this!"

Ling Jingshu also quickly stood up and bowed to Princess Changping with an apologetic look on her face: "My trivial personal grudge between the princess and I was brought in front of Her Highness the Princess and disturbed Her Majesty's elegance. It was really not what I wanted in my heart. Please forgive me, Princess!"

Princess Changping's tightly frowned brows relaxed and she said lightly: "That's all! I am not an unreasonable person. Most of what happened today was caused by Fumin, so I can't blame you."

Princess Fumin almost thought her ears had heard it wrong, and turned her head in astonishment: "Cousin, you actually spoke to her!"

Impatience flashed in Princess Changping's eyes, and her face darkened: "Sit down first."

Princess Fumin sat down angrily and glared at Ling Jingshu from a distance.

He is indeed a brainless idiot!

What Princess Changping cares about is not who is right or wrong, nor what grudges there are between them, but that the rhythm of the specially held lotus appreciation banquet was disrupted.

To put it bluntly. Princess Changping is the one who cares about face the most and will not tolerate anyone being presumptuous in front of her.

A sneer flashed in Ling Jingshu's eyes, and her voice became more respectful and softer: "Young lady, I dare to make a suggestion, please accept it, Your Highness."

Princess Changping said with interest: "What suggestions do you have? Tell me."

Ling Jingshu said with a smile: "Princess Fumin keeps saying that my skills are not as good as others, and I feel a little dissatisfied. I can make a lotus picture and write a poem. I will compete with Princess Fumin alone. Please also ask Your Highness, please make a judgment."

hateful! This country bumpkin from Dingzhou City dares to take the initiative to provoke!

Princess Fumin gritted her teeth angrily.

The purpose of holding a banquet is for entertainment and fun. This unexpected episode is somewhat interesting.

Princess Changping became interested and glanced at Princess Fumin, whose face was red with anger: "Fumin, what do you think?"

Princess Fumin sneered again and again: "This proposal is exactly what I want."

Princess Changping put her hands on her hands and smiled and said: "Okay, okay, since you two agree, then I will be the judge. Miss Lingjiu, I am Fumin's cousin, aren't you afraid that I will protect you and favor Fumin?"

The last sentence is not without joking meaning.

Ling Jingshu smiled calmly: "As long as we can please Her Royal Highness the Princess, it doesn't matter what the outcome is."

What a "It doesn't matter what the outcome is"! Even knowing that this is a slap in the face is enough to make you feel happy.

Princess Changping smiled and said, "You are really good at talking. Don't worry, I will be fair and just today and will not favor anyone."

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that no matter what the result is, the biggest winner in today's "competition" is Ling Jingshu.

In terms of words, demeanor, and reaction, Princess Fumin was far ahead of Ling Jingshu.

Princess Fumin gritted her teeth with hatred in her heart and said stiffly: "Since we are competing alone, we might as well add a little more luck. If I win, you can jump into the lake and pick a lotus."

Everyone looked at each other.

This lottery is really too much.

The ladies who are waiting for calligraphy pay attention to elegance, chastity and tranquility, and their leisure time is nothing more than reading, practicing calligraphy, writing poems, painting, planting flowers and raising birds. How can a rich lady know how to do it?

Even if she is somewhat aquatic, jumping into the lake to pick lotus flowers in front of so many people is really not what a lady would do.

Ling Jingyan and Jiang each looked over with worried eyes.

Ah Shu, you can’t agree to this kind of lottery!

However, Ling Jingshu agreed without changing her expression: "Okay, I'll just accept it." Then she raised her eyebrows and asked, "What if the princess loses?"

Princess Fumin said without thinking: "Then let me jump into the lake and pick a lotus!"

"It's a deal!" Ling Jingshu quickly took over the words.

There is no chance or room for others to interrupt, the two of them have already "made an agreement"! The speed is so fast that it is jaw-dropping!

Princess Fumin raised her eyebrows and sneered at Ling Jingshu, then quickly lowered her head and started painting.

It is true that Princess Fumin is arrogant by nature, but she is not a useless idiot. Especially the piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, he has been taught by famous teachers since he was a child. Over the years, I have often received compliments at boudoir gatherings.

It may be a little worse than Su Ying, but it is definitely ten times and a hundred times better than that bumpkin from Dingzhou!

Princess Fumin, who has strong confidence, is full of inspiration and writes like a swimming dragon.

Princess Changping, who was sitting next to Princess Fumin, nodded secretly.

On Ling Jingshu's side, she didn't show any signs of being anxious. She rolled up her sleeves slowly and mixed the paint slowly... Those slow movements were so anxious!

"A'shu," Ling Jingyan couldn't stand it any longer and whispered anxiously: "There's less than half an hour left. If you don't start writing, it will be really late."

Although she and Ling Jingshu were cousins, one lived in the capital and the other lived in Dingzhou. She had no idea or idea about Ling Jingshu's poetry and painting skills.

Ling Jingshu smiled at Ling Jingyan and said relaxedly: "Don't worry, there is enough time."

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