Loyang Jin

Chapter 139 Gathering 1

After the last trip to the Prince's Mansion, everyone felt much calmer when they returned to the Prince's Mansion this day. Even Ling Jingyan wasn't so nervous anymore.

After An Ran entered the guest room smoothly, Ling Jingyan couldn't help but mumbled: "Strange, why didn't His Royal Highness the Grandson show up today?"

Ling Jingshu: "..."

Jiang coughed and glared at Ling Jingyan: "Ayan, don't talk nonsense. The last time I met His Highness Taisun was by chance. His Highness Taisun has so many things to do every day, why would he deliberately wait for us."

It's because the last meeting was too embarrassing, so it's normal for the awkward His Highness to not show up today, right?

Ling Jingyan thought silently in her heart, but finally did not say it out loud.

Ling Jingshu looked as usual and said with a smile: "It will take a while for Imperial Doctor Wei to come, let's sit and wait for a while!" After saying that, she looked at Ling Xiao who was silent and said: "Axiao, why don't you speak? Is that right? Do you feel scared when you think about having acupuncture later? "

Ling Xiao didn't try to be brave and admitted honestly: "Yes, I felt sore, swollen and painful during acupuncture, and it will last for a long time after the acupuncture. When I think about it, I feel a little scared."

Ling Jingshu felt pity when she heard this, and coaxed softly: "Acupuncture is only given once every five days, so you can just endure it and it will be over."

Ling Xiao nodded and then laughed: "Ah Shu, I can bear this little pain. Please don't always treat me like a puzzled child. I'm only more than an hour younger than you."

Ling Jingshu pursed her lips and smiled without saying a word.

Yes, in her eyes, Ah Xiao will always be the younger brother who timidly grasped her sleeves and died at the age of sixteen.

His death made her miserable and unable to let go.

She was lucky enough to be reborn in this life, and curing Ah Xiao's eyes had become the most important thing in her heart. Even more important than revenge!

"You two siblings have such a good relationship." Ling Jingyan sighed with envy: "It's really hot to see."

Jiang smiled and joked: "Ayan, you don't feel guilty for saying this. Isn't your elder brother good enough to you?"

"That's not true." Ling Jingyan responded without thinking: "Eldest brother has always been very good to me. However, eldest brother is busy going to the Imperial College to study and rarely comes back on weekdays. How can he compare to Ah Shu and Ah Xiao? , Accompanying me day and night.”

Ling Xiao immediately protested: "Cousin Yan, when my eyes are cured, I will also go to school. There is no time to waste time hanging around in the house every day."

As he spoke, he straightened his slightly thin chest and acted like a manly man!

It's like a child pretending to be an adult, so cute and ridiculous.

Everyone was amused and bent over with laughter.

"What I said is serious, why are you laughing?" Ling Xiao reiterated anxiously: "My eyes have healed, and I want to go to the Imperial College like my eldest cousin to study."

Ling Jingshu suppressed her laughter and said comfortingly: "Okay, okay, once your eyes are healed, I will ask your uncle to find a way to send you to the Imperial College to study."

After waiting for about half an hour, Imperial Physician Wei arrived.

Imperial Physician Wei was still wearing a half-worn cloth, not the official uniform of the Imperial Hospital. There was no expression on Qingjun's gentle face. He glanced at Ling Jingshu and others casually and then began to acupuncture Ling Xiao.

With the experience of the first two times, Ling Xiao gradually adapted to the numbness and stinging pain of acupuncture. There was just cold sweat on his forehead and temples.

Dr. Wei had many rules when treating patients. Ling Jingshu did not dare to disturb her at will, let alone come up to wipe Ling Xiao's sweat at this time. Unconsciously, she squeezed the silk handkerchief in her hand.

Jiang and Ling Jingyan also held their breaths in unison.

The room was silent. Everyone can only hear their own breathing and heartbeat.

Suddenly there were footsteps and noises outside the door. It was probably still some way from the door, and I couldn't tell who it was for the moment.

Doctor Wei did not stop moving, but frowned, and said in a deep voice: "Miss Lingjiu, go out and see who it is, and don't let outsiders get close."

Doctor Wei's instructions were taken as a matter of course.

He only had the medicine boy Tiandong with him, and Tiandong had to be responsible for handing the golden needle to him. There was no other person around, so Ling Jingshu was the one who could handle it, right?

Ling Jingshu also frowned slightly. After hearing Imperial Doctor Wei's order, she responded without hesitation and stood up.

Bai Yu whispered: "Miss, let me go take a look!"

This is the Prince's Mansion after all, so it's better for her, the maid, to take part in such annoying matters. To avoid spreading it to the ears of the Crown Princess and causing her displeasure.

Ling Jingshu understood Bai Yu's concerns and smiled lightly at Bai Yu: "It doesn't matter."

After saying that, he walked forward and opened the door gently and walked out.

Bai Yu hurriedly followed.

Ling Jingshu took a few steps, looked up, and couldn't help but be startled.

There were only two people coming, and the huge group of people behind were all palace maids and guards.

Walking side by side were two fifteen-year-old boys.

A young man was wearing a black brocade robe, with a stern face, deep eyes, and a calm expression. It is His Royal Highness the Emperor Taisun, who is of distinguished status.

Another young man was wearing a bright crimson brocade robe, with a lazy smile in his narrow phoenix eyes, and his eyes seemed to be charming. It's actually King Yan!

This is the prince's palace, so it's understandable that the emperor's grandson appears.

What's going on with King Yan? Why are you here to join in the fun?

Ling Jingshu frowned slightly, then quickly returned to normal, stepped forward quickly, gathered her skirt and saluted: "My little lady has met His Highness King Yan and His Highness Taisun."

In terms of status, these two young men are both descendants of the Tian family and are extremely noble. However, King Yan is one generation older than the emperor's grandson, so according to common etiquette, he should pay homage to King Yan first.

The emperor's grandson's eyes fell on Ling Jingshu, and just as he was about to open his mouth, King Yan had already taken the lead and said with a smile: "Hurry up and avoid the courtesy. This is not the first time we have met, so there is no need to pay attention to these false courtesy."

Not the first time we met?

Ling Jingshu had not arrived in the capital for two months, but when did she meet the romantic King Yan?

The emperor's grandson's brows moved, and a hint of displeasure flashed in his eyes.

Ling Jingshu bowed steadily, stood up straight and said, "I met His Highness King Yan a month ago. I didn't expect His Highness to still remember it. This little girl is frightened."

He said he was frightened, but there was no hint of honor or joy in being remembered on his face. The beautiful and flawless face is rather indifferent.

The emperor's brows relaxed slightly.

King Yan didn't take it seriously. He raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "I met you by chance at Dingxiang Tower that day, and I specially gave you a name card. If you have anything to do, just come to Prince Yan's Mansion to find me. I, the King. I've been waiting in the house for more than half a month, but I haven't seen you come. Could it be that you don't like me?"

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