Loyang Jin

Chapter 140 Gathering 2

The last sentence was quite frivolous.

The emperor's grandson frowned: "Uncle Sixth Emperor, as a prince, you should always speak with some restraint." How is this behavior of teasing beautiful girls in public different from those unruly young men?

King Yan laughed nonchalantly: "When did I lose my sense of propriety? I just asked Miss Ling Jiu if she looked down on me, because I wanted to know if she was afraid that I couldn't help her. I didn't mean anything else. It’s because you have a wrong mind and think too much!”

Compared with King Yan's cleverness and eloquence, the emperor's grandson neither liked to talk much nor argue, so he responded calmly: "Since Uncle Sixth Emperor has no other intention, it's because I'm overthinking."

King Yan's attention was all on the beauty, and he was not interested in talking to the emperor's grandson at all. He waved his hand casually and said: "Didn't you just say that you still want to see the officials of the East Palace? Just go and don't worry about me. "

Emperor Taisun: "..."

King Yan didn't notice the unhappy look on his grandson's face at all, and said to Ling Jingshu with great interest: "I heard that your brother has an eye disease and asked the Imperial Doctor to treat him. You have to bring people to the Prince's Mansion every five days, so It’s really troublesome to run around.”

"How about this, you siblings move directly to Prince Yan's Mansion. After Imperial Physician Wei comes to the Prince's Mansion, he goes directly to Prince Yan's Mansion. This will also save you siblings the trouble of running around."

Emperor Taisun: "..."

Ling Jingshu: "..."

Ling Jingshu resisted the urge to twitch the corner of her mouth, bowed her head slightly and responded: "Thank you for your kindness, Your Highness. We, my sister and brother, live in my uncle's house and only travel every five days. It's not hard."

Prince Yan didn't seem to hear Ling Jingshu's rejection and continued talking to himself: "Prince Yan's Mansion is not far from here, only a cup of tea away. Moreover, only I live in Prince Yan's Mansion. The place is spacious and the courtyard is empty. There are so many. I will tell you to go down and have someone prepare the biggest and best courtyard for you, and select some smart maids to serve you..."

Ling Jingshu frowned and raised her voice to interrupt Prince Yan's soliloquy: "It's really no need. We siblings and His Highness met by chance, and we are neither relatives nor friends. How can we live in Prince Yan's residence so casually?"

There is no reason for ladies to live in the palace at will!

Even if she wanted revenge, she had no intention of diving into the wolf's den.

Besides, King Yan’s enthusiasm seemed to have bad intentions.

King Yan's enthusiasm was poured cold water on him.

King Yan suppressed his smile slightly, with a puzzled look on his face: "So what if we meet by chance and it's not a relative or a friend? People are strangers and not familiar to each other at the beginning. After getting along for a long time, we will naturally become familiar with each other! Are you here? Did you know Ah Yao before you came to the capital? Don’t you come to the Prince’s Mansion often now?”

"How can this be the same!"

Two voices responded in unison.

Ling Jingshu glanced at the emperor's grandson and then closed her mouth.

King Yan's eyes flashed, and the corners of his lips raised in a half-smile: "Oh? What's different? Is it because Ah Yao saved you once on the waterway? Do you remember the grace of saving your life in your heart?"

How did King Yan know about this? !

Ling Jingshu was shocked, and the smile disappeared from her face. The eyes looking at King Yan were full of vigilance and caution.

Although many people knew about the bandit encounter on the ship that day, they all had a silence order. After returning to the capital, no one mentioned this matter. How did King Yan know?

The so-called informality of laughter is really just a disguise.

The emperor's grandson's slightly cold voice sounded: "I have never publicized this trivial matter. I wonder how the sixth uncle knew about it?" As expected, there was an informant from King Yan in the prince's palace.

King Yan laughed: "I have heard people mention it occasionally. Don't worry, it is related to Miss Lingjiu's reputation. I will not say this kind of thing casually."

The emperor's grandson glanced at King Yan and twitched the corner of his lips: "Uncle Sixth Emperor is true to his words. Since he said so, how can I not believe it?"

"However, I also want to give the emperor a piece of advice. It's okay to be a little more unrestrained in your words and deeds. Recently, the emperor's grandmother is choosing a concubine for you, so it's better for the emperor to restrain himself a little, so as not to spread it to the ears of the emperor's grandmother."

Although Queen Xu doted on King Yan, she also had extremely high expectations for him. Hearing that King Yan was acting ridiculously, it was inevitable that he would be unhappy.

"My mother is busy taking care of the harem all day long, so how can she care about these little things like mine." King Yan smiled casually: "When it comes to choosing a concubine, you are actually a few months older than me, the emperor's uncle. The emperor's sister-in-law is here I’m busy choosing a grandson for you.”

The emperor's grandson obviously didn't like this topic very much. His eyes sank slightly and he responded calmly: "The elders and younger ones are in order. I have to wait for the emperor's uncle to get married before it's my turn."

He speaks like an imperial uncle, seemingly respectful, but actually distant.

It seemed that what she had expected was right.

Empress Jiang died early, and now Empress Xu single-handedly controls the harem. The Prince of Yan who was born by Queen Xu was not in harmony with the prince and his son who were born by Queen Jiang.

At this time, the conflict has not intensified, and the superficial peace can still be maintained. In a few years, it will become more and more impressive.

Ling Jingshu thought to herself while listening to the quarrel between the emperor's grandson and King Yan.

The emperor's grandson glanced at Ling Jingshu's thoughtful face, and then frowned.

The quarrels between him and King Yan were mostly due to her. She looked like she was just watching the excitement and a good show... It was really annoying.

Huh? Why is there an intermission after all the noise?

King Yan followed the emperor's grandson's gaze and looked at Ling Jingshu, who had a calm face, and then grinned.

She is indeed the girl he likes!

Look at her calm and composed look, her unfazed expression, and her naturally pretty face without makeup. The more I look at her, the more pleasing I am.

He just invited their siblings to live in Prince Yan's Mansion. He was not just talking casually, he was very serious.

It's a pity that the girl's family is always reserved and can't understand the true feelings behind his wanton jokes!

Facing the two pairs of aggressive eyes, Ling Jingshu did not panic, and said with a slight smile: "The Imperial Physician Wei is giving A Xiao acupuncture treatment, and he cannot be disturbed by the slightest sound. I just heard footsteps and voices outside, so I came out boldly. Stop the two highnesses."

"I kindly ask your two highnesses to speak in a lower voice or to choose another place to speak. The little lady is very grateful."

...So, both of them are disliked?

King Yan seemed to find this situation extremely interesting, and grinned at the emperor's grandson: "Ah Yao, since Miss Lingjiu doesn't want the two of us here to disturb Taiyi Wei's treatment, we might as well leave together for the time being. Wait until Taiyi Wei has finished his treatment. Come back when you’re sick.”

Come again?

What else are you going to do?

Ling Jingshu secretly felt a headache. This unconventional and noble King Yan is much more difficult to deal with than the emperor's grandson.

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