Loyang Jin

Chapter 141 Gathering 3

The corner of the emperor's grandson's mouth also twitched slightly, and he responded without expression: "The Imperial Doctor Wei will leave after administering the acupuncture to Mr. Ling, and Miss Ling Jiu and the others will also leave together. I wonder what the Sixth Uncle Emperor wants to do here?"

It was inconvenient for Ling Jingshu to say such things, but the emperor's grandson didn't have much scruples.

Prince Yan's reaction was also wonderful, Youyou raised his eyebrows: "Of course I came to see how Mr. Ling's eye disease is being cured."

...The emperor's grandson looked over with a half-smile but not a smile: "The Sixth Emperor's Uncle has probably never seen Mr. Ling before! Suddenly someone who has deigned to come to visit me, I'm afraid it will arouse criticism."

The thickness of King Yan's skin really stood the test. Not only did he not take it seriously when he heard this, he actually laughed: "Why haven't we seen each other before? We met once at Dingxiang Tower last time. Once we met, we became familiar with each other twice, and after three times we became old friends. It’s over!”

Facing the playful and cheeky King Yan, the emperor's grandson was completely speechless.

In terms of age, he is several months older than King Yan. However, the elders and younger ones are in order. As a nephew, it is not easy for him to show his face to King Yan all the time. A few words of ridicule overtly or covertly are enough, but the etiquette must not be lost.

The three people present fell into silence together.

The emperor's grandson was born with a cold face, silent and solemn, solemn and dignified.

King Yan was born with a playful and informal look, and he had a bit of a smile when he wasn't smiling. His eyes fell on Ling Jingshu's pretty face wantonly.

Ling Jingshu didn't want to look at the emperor's grandson, nor did she want to compete with King Yan. She was about to bow and leave when footsteps suddenly sounded behind her.

Ling Jingshu was startled and subconsciously turned her head to take a look.

I saw a young man in commoner clothes walking out slowly. Qingjun's handsome features were full of calmness and indifference. He looked up and saw the Emperor's Grandson and King Yan both in this small courtyard, and he was not too surprised.

"Wei Chen has met His Royal Highness King Yan and His Highness Taisun." Imperial Physician Wei stepped forward and saluted.

King Yan said with a smile: "The imperial doctor of Wei is exempt from courtesy."

The tone was quite gentle and casual.

Doctor Wei thanked him and stood up straight.

Ling Jingshu subconsciously took a step forward, her eyes filled with anticipation and enthusiasm: "Has Imperial Physician Wei finished acupuncture on A Xiao today?"

Doctor Wei hummed.

Ling Jingshu asked again: "Has Ah Xiao's eye disease improved?"

When asked about the patient's condition, Imperial Physician Wei's attitude was quite mild: "Miss Ling Jiu, don't worry too much. Mr. Ling's congestion has long been accumulated, causing him to be blind for many years. Now with the three-pronged approach, Mr. Ling's reaction has indeed improved. . However, it was originally expected to be cured in three to four months, but now it seems that it is not enough, it may take about half a year. "

"In short, the decoction should not be stopped three times a day. The ointment applied to the eyes should also be replaced in time every day. If the decoction or ointment is used up, follow the prescription and go to Huichun Hall to get medicine."

Ling Jingshu listened attentively and responded one by one with a smile.

The look of no one around was particularly dazzling to his eyes.

The emperor's grandson glanced at Imperial Physician Wei and said nothing.

King Yan's eyes flashed slightly, he twitched the corners of his lips, and said pointedly: "The great doctor of Wei can heal even the eye diseases that have been blind for many years. It's really admirable. Speaking of which, I often walk around. I often hear people mention the name of Imperial Physician Wei. I don’t know how many ladies in the capital secretly admire Imperial Physician Wei!”

Ling Jingshu couldn't help laughing.

King Yan said this in front of her, quite like pointing at the monk and saying bald donkey.

Dr. Wei tried his best to treat Ling Xiao. As a sister, she felt grateful and could not help but be more enthusiastic and respectful towards Dr. Wei. This is also the respect that patients’ families should have when facing doctors.

But when King Yan said this, his mood immediately changed...

Imperial Physician Wei smiled faintly, cupped his hands and said, "Weichen has been studying medicine since he was a child, and was lucky enough to be admitted to the Imperial Hospital. As an imperial physician, it is Weichen's duty to treat illnesses, save people, practice medicine and donate medicines. Weichen has no intention of inviting people to be named. It's just that. The ordinary people who have been treated by Wei Chen are grateful to the doctor, and they occasionally praise him. Unexpectedly, they are heard by His Highness, and Wei Chen is really frightened. "

"As for what His Highness said about a boudoir girl admiring Wei Chen, His Highness probably misunderstood. Wei Chen has already sworn not to marry for the rest of his life, and will devote all his time and energy to the study of medical skills. For such things, Wei Chen never cared about it and never cared about it. "

Vow not to marry for the rest of your life?

Ling Jingshu was secretly surprised and couldn't help but glance at Dr. Wei, who looked calm and calm.

Such words are not something that can be said casually.

Are the rumors true? This handsome and unparalleled Imperial Physician Wei actually suffers from an inhumane hidden disease? Or is there something unspeakable?

After hearing these words, King Yan's expression subtly softened a lot, and he grinned and said: "I was just making a joke. How could you take it seriously? Also, when you were eighteen, you swore not to marry for life, and so far you have not It’s been six years. When you were young and frivolous, you didn’t say a few ridiculous things. How can you take such things seriously?”

"You are the only one in the Wei family. Even if you don't like women, you still have to have your own children to carry on the family line! Otherwise, even Wei Jieyu will feel uneasy."

Wei Jieyu came from a humble background and was a maid next to Queen Xu. Later, he was favored by the emperor and became quite favored. After giving birth to her daughter Princess Anya, she became known as Jieyu.

Now that the emperor is old, he rarely gets close to women. Because of Wei Jieyu's gentle, considerate and beautiful appearance, the emperor always summoned Wei Jieyu to his bed once or twice a month.

There were dozens, if not hundreds, of well-known concubines in the palace. Although Wei Jieyu did not have a high status, she was always favored and no one dared to underestimate her. Only King Yan, the direct descendant of Queen Xu, would mention Wei Jieyu in such a casual tone.

When Imperial Physician Wei heard King Yan mentioning his eldest sister's name, his expression remained unchanged: "No matter what, I have to thank His Highness for your kindness."

King Yan still looked at Imperial Physician Wei, with a hint of reluctance: "What kind of woman does Imperial Physician Wei fall in love with? You might as well tell me. How about I protect your match?"

Although King Yan had a smile on his face, he could not hide his aggressive nature.

Ling Jingshu lowered her eyelids to hide the flash of disgust in her eyes.

No matter what the reason was, it was always a fact that Imperial Physician Wei refused to marry. What does King Yan mean by pressing forward step by step? Don’t you think that she cares about Imperial Physician Wei, and forcing Imperial Physician Wei to get married will make her give up?

It's so ridiculous!

Not to mention that she would never get married in this life, even if something happened in the future and she changed her mind, that person would never be King Yan.

Doctor Wei's voice was calm: "Wei Chen has no plans to start a family, so your Highness doesn't have to worry about it."

The emperor's grandson frowned slightly and said in a deep voice: "Uncle Sixth Emperor, everyone has his own ambitions. Since Imperial Physician Wei doesn't have this heart, you should stop joking."

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