Loyang Jin

Chapter 143 Coping

Showing courtesy for nothing is either cheating or stealing!

This unusual warmth gave Ling Xiao goosebumps all over his body.

Ling Xiao rarely interacts with outsiders, and is not good at hypocrisy. Everything in his heart is revealed on his face, which is like a blank sheet of paper. A little embarrassed, but more uncomfortable: "Thank you for your kindness, His Highness King Yan. However, Imperial Physician Wei has already prescribed the medicine for me and prepared the medicinal ingredients in the Huichun Hall, so there is no need to trouble Your Highness anymore."

As he spoke, he calmly retracted his arm... without moving.

King Yan's hand was unusually strong and held his arm, but he couldn't pull it back even with all his strength. Unless he was struggling hard, too much movement would inevitably hurt King Yan's face.

Ling Xiao felt frustrated and stopped exerting force.

King Yan seemed not to have noticed Ling Xiao's series of small actions, and smiled as if nothing had happened: "It's good that the medicinal materials are complete. In short, if you have any difficulties, just come to the King Yan's Mansion to see me."

Finally, he didn’t mention moving into Prince Yan’s Mansion again.

Ling Jingshu breathed an inexplicable sigh of relief and reminded Ling Xiao with a smile: "Axiao, His Highness Taisun wants to stay with us for lunch today before leaving. I have already made the decision and agreed to it. You have eyesight problems, so be careful when eating. Don't be in front of the two of us." I lost my manners in front of His Highness."

Just a few words, but everyone was taken aback.

Jiang had a delicate mind, and after thinking about it for a while, he guessed what was going on.

I felt surprised, funny, and helpless at the same time.

It was obvious that His Highness Prince Yan came specifically for Ling Jingshu. Moreover, judging from the posture of His Highness King Yan, although this is the first time for such trouble, it will not be the last...

Ling Jingyan also had a look of astonishment on her face, but she quickly understood, lowered her head, and pursed her lips.

Ling Xiao was simple-minded, but not stupid, and he quickly understood the meaning of Ling Jingshu's words.

This King Yan is a big trouble and must be dealt with carefully.

King Yan came for Ah Shu. No matter how smart and capable Ah Shu is, she is still a girl who has not left the government. It was inevitable that he would suffer a loss against King Yan, who had a noble status and was unscrupulous in his words and deeds. At this time, it's time for him to step forward!

A sense of responsibility and mission to protect his sister suddenly arose in Ling Xiao's heart. He straightened his chest subconsciously and said, "Yes, I understand."

Everyone chatted for a while.

Of course, most of the time, the person who "gossips" is King Yan. The emperor's grandson occasionally interrupted.

Ling Jingshu made up her mind to ignore King Yan. No matter what King Yan said, she would hang her head slightly and remain silent. Ling Jingyan, who had always been lively, was completely out of character today, with her head hanging down and unable to cheer up.

A married woman from the Jiang family sat together with a prince and a grandson. She didn't know what to say for a moment, so she simply stopped talking.

Ling Xiao's performance was unexpected, and he responded fluently to King Yan.

"...I can't see clearly. I rarely go out on weekdays and I like to be quiet. When I have nothing to do, I let the servants around me read to me. Sometimes it's classics, history and policy, and sometimes it's travel notes. I don't know if Your Highness likes it. What do you do for fun?"

King Yan smiled casually and said: "I have a lot of things to do. I go to court when I have something to do, and when I don't have anything to do, I just wander around Luoyang City. There are wine shops, teahouses, cockfights, dog fights, birds and flowers in the market. What are the fun places? , I know everything about this place where you can relieve your boredom. When your eyes are healed, follow me, and I will guarantee that you will have an eye-opening experience and enjoy yourself..."

"Uncle Sixth Emperor, the place you are going to may not be suitable for Mr. Ling."

The emperor's grandson said without hesitation: "I'm afraid Mr. Ling won't be able to tolerate the chaos in casinos, brothels, and boats."

King Yan: "..."

It was rare that King Yan was choked and speechless.

Being exposed in front of a beautiful woman really brings shame on one's face. However, he does go to these places often. The majestic King Yan, no matter how thick-skinned he is, cannot help but admit it...

The emperor's grandson took the opportunity to choke King Yan once, and the suffocation he had been holding in for a long time suddenly came out, and he felt refreshed and at ease. He glanced left and right and asked casually: "It's almost noon. Go to the kitchen and ask someone to bring food early. Prepare two pots of good wine."

"How can two pots be enough?"

King Yan said with a smile but not a smile: "It's rare for us, uncle and nephew, to have a chance to sit down and have a drink together. It's really hard to enjoy ourselves with just two bottles of wine. If there isn't enough good wine in the palace, I'll ask someone to bring some to Prince Yan's palace now."

The provocation in his tone was clearly visible.

The emperor's grandson resisted the urge to snort and smiled faintly: "Uncle Sixth Emperor is joking. Why is there a shortage of good wine in our house? We have as much as we can drink. Since the uncle is so interested, how can I not accompany him?"

The two people looked at each other, and there was a hint of gunpowder in their differences.

Ling Jingshu saw it in her eyes and was secretly relieved.

When the two of them competed, they naturally couldn't care about A Xiao.

Soon, the emperor's grandson and King Yan went to the dining room talking and laughing in harmony(?). Ling Xiao was also helped by the boy beside him.

Ling Jingshu and the other three were led to another smaller room. The precious rosewood round table is already filled with all kinds of exquisite dishes.

Ling Jingshu looked at the maids waiting on the side with a smile: "I have to thank you just now. We are eating and you don't need to wait on us. Please step aside first!"

The maids of honor withdrew in response.

Ling Jingshu, Ling Jingyan and Jiang were the only three people left in the room. There are also the confidant maids each brought with them.

The atmosphere suddenly became relaxed.

"Ah Shu, it was so unexpected just now." Mrs. Jiang exhaled a long breath: "I didn't expect that Prince Yan would appear in the Prince's Mansion."

Ling Jingshu sighed softly and responded helplessly: "Yes, I didn't expect King Yan to come."

It was already a month ago when we met at Dingxiang Tower. King Yan has not shown his face in this month. Who would have thought that he would suddenly appear today and look so warm and attentive that it makes people feel sick to his stomach?

Ling Jingyan bit her lip hard and said something sour: "Isn't it obvious? King Yan fell in love with you at first sight and knew that you came to the Prince's Mansion, so he came to the Prince's Mansion to see you. Yes. Xiao is so passionate and loves Wujiwu.”

Ling Jingshu rolled her eyes at Ling Jingyan: "Cousin Yan, please don't cause any trouble. Didn't I tell you about falling in love at first sight and falling in love with Wujiwu? I have never had any other thoughts about King Yan. He suddenly appeared like this, and my head was spinning. Big."

Ling Jingshu didn't talk much on weekdays, and most of the time she accommodated Ling Jingyan. It was rare to be so rude as she was at this moment.

The strange thing is that Ling Jingyan's feeling of frustration and resentment suddenly disappeared, and she answered naturally: "Isn't it good that you just dealt with it like that! No matter how warm-hearted King Yan is, he is treated with such a cold face. If you treat each other for a long time, you will naturally stop thinking about it. "

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