Loyang Jin

Chapter 144 Drinking together

If King Yan was so easy to deal with, she wouldn't have a headache!

Ling Jingshu glanced at Ling Jingyan, and then changed her words to: "What Cousin Yan said makes sense, I will try to go out as little as possible in the future. If I really can't escape, just ignore her like I did today."

Then he pretended to smile casually and said: "I have been to the Prince's Mansion several times, and this is the first time I have stayed for lunch. I don't know how happy I will be when I go back!"


Mrs. Sun wished she could climb the towering tree in the Prince's Mansion as soon as possible.

Jiang showed a knowing smile, and his originally gloomy mood was relieved a lot: "That's all, the world has a lot of food to eat. If you have any problems, put them aside for now and let's fill your stomach before talking about it."

Ling Jingshu agreed with a smile.

Needless to say, the chefs in the Prince's Mansion are very skilled, and the dishes are very exquisite and delicious. After a long day, everyone was indeed hungry and had a delicious meal.

After the three of them were full, Ling Jingshu ordered a few maids to sit down and eat.

After everyone had filled their bellies, a palace maid came in to clear the table. Ling Jingshu and the others returned to the previous guest room and waited.

This wait lasted for more than an hour.

Even Mr. Jiang, who has the most calm temperament, could not help but feel agitated by the wait. He couldn't help but frown and said, "It's not even three quarters yet. Why haven't Ah Xiao and your two highnesses had lunch yet?"

Even if it’s just a few drinks, it won’t take so long!

Ling Jingshu also frowned slightly and said in a low voice: "Maybe His Highness Taisun and His Highness King Yan got out of their mood after drinking, so they were delayed for a long time."

interest? It's almost as good as drinking out of anger.

As a young man, there will inevitably be times when your blood boils up.

The cold and steady Emperor Taisun and the thoughtful King Yan are no exception.

At first there was a lot of verbal exchanges, but after the two bottles of wine were down, the anger gradually started to build up. I don't know who thought the wine glass was too small, so he ordered someone to change the bowl, and then I drank one bowl and drank the other.

King Yan is good at eating, drinking and having fun, so his ability to drink is not a problem. The emperor's grandson, who spoke little, was not weaker than King Yan. The two of them drank wine for more than an hour, but it was hard to tell who was better.

"Ah Yao, look at you, your face is red from drinking. If you can't drink, don't be brave anymore." King Yan teased thinking he was sober, but in fact his face was red and his eyes were distracted.

The emperor's grandson was not much better than King Yan. He was almost speechless, but he refused to admit defeat: "Uncle Sixth Emperor is joking again. I'm blushing. It won't be a problem for me to drink ten or eight more bowls." "Wang Tong, why don't you come and pour me wine?"

The commander of the dignified bodyguards turned into a wine boy. Wang Tong could only shake his head in his heart and smile bitterly. He couldn't help but persuade him: "Your Highness, you'd better stop drinking. If you drink any more, you'll get really drunk... …”

Before he finished speaking, the emperor's grandson glared over.

Wang Tong had no choice but to shut up and pour the wine honestly.

Ling Xiao, who had already filled his stomach and was sitting aside listening to the two drinking wine, also had a distressed look on his face. He also said a lot to persuade the two of them not to fight for wine, but it was of no use at all.

He couldn't persuade anyone, and he couldn't leave the table early, so he could only sit and wait dryly.

"Here, drink this bowl!"

"Just drink!"

Then there is the gurgling sound of Haoqi Qianyun.

How long will this drink last? Ah Shu and her cousins ​​have been waiting outside!

Ling Xiao couldn't stay any longer, coughed and said: "The two highnesses are in high spirits today, and I don't know how long it will take before they can enjoy themselves. I can't drink. Sitting here will only ruin the two highnesses' interest in drinking. Why don't you let me Please take your leave first, and your two highnesses will drink slowly."


King Yan and the emperor's grandson didn't know what their motives were, but they refused in unison.

King Yan rushed to say again: "There is no reason to leave the table halfway. You are here today to be a witness for the two of us. Let's see who has the better drinking capacity."

But what does it have to do with who drinks better?

Ling Xiao sighed silently in his heart and reluctantly agreed.

Another half hour passed.

There were already more than seventy, eighty, or ninety empty wine bottles placed beside the legs of the table.

The emperor's grandson was lying on the table. King Yan's eyes were shining, and he laughed triumphantly: "Hahaha, even with your drinking capacity, you dare to compete with me. You have experienced how powerful I am today..."

Before he finished speaking, he let out a long wine burp. Then he lay down on the table and couldn't move.

Wang Tong had expected such a scene and couldn't help but hold his forehead and sigh.

So drunk!

When the news reached the ears of the crown prince and princess, he, the commander of the bodyguards, didn't know how to explain it.

"Commander Wang, can I leave now?" A clear young voice sounded in Wang Tong's ears.

Wang Tong composed himself and smiled apologetically at Ling Xiao: "Of course. Mr. Ling, please help yourself. I have to take care of His Highness, so I won't send you off."

Ling Xiao breathed a sigh of relief, stood up, and was helped back to the guest room by the servant.

Ling Jingshu and the others, who had been waiting anxiously, immediately gathered around.

"Axiao, have you been drinking too?" Ling Jingshu smelled the strong smell of alcohol and couldn't help but frowned and said: "You are taking medicine to apply to your eyes, how can you drink?"

Ling Xiao laughed dumbly: "Ah Shu, you misunderstood. His Highness Taisun and His Highness King Yan have been drinking, and I have not touched any alcohol. The smell of alcohol on my body is because I have been sitting next to them. The two of them drank without knowing it. No matter how many bottles of wine, I will inevitably get a little drunk."

Ling Jingyan was speechless: "You didn't drink a sip, you just smelled of alcohol sitting next to you. So how much alcohol did the two of them drink?"

Ling Xiao thought about it seriously and replied uncertainly: "There are about a dozen pots! Anyway, when I left, they were both drunk and lying on the table."

Everyone: "..."

Thinking of the cold and solemn emperor's grandson, drunk and flushed, I felt a little happy inexplicably.

Ling Jingshu raised the corners of her lips, then quickly suppressed her smile, and whispered: "We have stayed in the Prince's Mansion for long enough today, and it's time to leave."

In case the Crown Princess would be unhappy after getting the news, she would cause trouble for them.

Jiang understood it and nodded immediately: "Ashu said, we should leave now."

Everyone did not bother to go to the Crown Princess to say goodbye and hurriedly left the Crown Prince's Mansion. After getting on the carriage, they almost breathed a sigh of relief.

Ling Jingshu thought for a while and asked with a serious face: "Sister-in-law, cousin Yan, I have something to ask of you."

Jiang laughed: "If you have anything to say, just say it. There is no need for the word "seeking each other" between us."

Ling Jingshu tugged at the corners of her lips, but there was not much smile in her eyes: "What happened to His Highness Prince Yan today, I can't hide it from my eldest aunt. However, I can't tell too much. When my aunt asks about it, just tell me Let me tell you!"

Jiang and Ling Jingyan looked at each other and nodded in agreement.

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