Loyang Jin

Chapter 145 Follow-up

As expected, Mrs. Sun was already anxious in the mansion.

When Ling Jingshu and his party walked into the inner hall, Mrs. Sun couldn't wait to greet them: "What's going on with you guys today? Why are you back now? You must have caused some trouble in the Prince's Mansion!"

Mrs. Sun waited in the house for most of the day, feeling restless and anxious. I almost sent someone to the door to see what was going on.

"Auntie, don't worry." Ling Jingshu smiled slightly and said in an unhurried voice: "We didn't cause any trouble, we were just left to have lunch before we came back."

Just don’t cause any trouble!

Mrs. Sun was worried for a long time, and finally breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this.

After everyone sat down, Mrs. Sun asked carefully about the trip.

Ling Jingshu had been prepared and told the story of His Highness Prince Yan's appearance in an understatement. She spoke very skillfully, intentionally or unintentionally misleading Sun into believing that King Yan's appearance was accidental. Leaving them to have lunch in the mansion was just a "casual mention" by the emperor's grandson.

While Ling Jingyan listened, she secretly admired and marveled.

Ah Shu is really amazing!

Even when she listened, she felt that King Yan was just passing by...

Mrs. Sun was dubious when she heard this, and glanced at Mrs. Jiang subconsciously. Asking Mrs. Jiang with her eyes, is what Ah Shu said true?

Mrs. Jiang smiled calmly and said, "It's indeed a coincidence. I didn't expect that a few of us would be lucky enough to stay at the Prince's Mansion for lunch today."

As expected, Mrs. Jiang understood her mother-in-law’s thoughts best. After hearing just one sentence, Ms. Sun smiled happily and nodded repeatedly: "Yu Niang is right. No matter how you say it, it's always a good thing. It's also honorable to say it out."

Ling Jingshu and Jiang exchanged a knowing smile.

In the Prince's Mansion.

The emperor's grandson was drunk and unconscious, and was "helped" by the guards back to the house to lie down. After sleeping for less than a moment, his handsome face suddenly turned pale, his brows furrowed in pain, and then he vomited it out.

The palace maids and chamberlains on the side hurriedly came forward to help him wash his mouth, change clothes, and make the bed. They were busy for a long time before they finally calmed down.

When the Crown Princess rushed over after hearing the news, she saw the Crown Prince's handsome face pale and frowning in pain. When he smelled the alcohol that had not dissipated in the room, he immediately frowned and glanced at Wang Tong sharply: "Wang Tong, come here."

Wang Tong had already expected this scene and stepped forward bravely.

"What's going on?" The princess stared at Wang Tong, as if Wang Tong was the culprit who got her grandson drunk: "A Yao seldom drinks alcohol on weekdays, and even if he drinks, he should be in moderation. How could he be so drunk today? ?”

Wang Tong cleared his throat and reported: "The thing is like this. Today, the King of Yan came here. He became interested in chatting with His Highness Taisun, so he drank a little more. Later, both His Highnesses drank too much. The subordinates have already Someone helped His Highness Prince Yan to the guest room to rest."

King Yan?

The Crown Princess frowned again: "Well, why is King Yan here?"

This question is even more difficult to answer.

Wang Tong thought about it for a while and replied very tactfully: "I don't know the specific reason. However, His Highness Prince Yan went to visit Mr. Ling today, and he warmly invited Mr. Ling to have lunch with him."

The Crown Princess was so shrewd and sharp, her eyes flashed and she sneered again and again: "It turns out that she is also here for Miss Ling Jiu. She has only been in the capital for two or three months, and she is quite capable of attracting bees and butterflies."

His tone was full of contempt and disgust.

Wang Tong didn't dare to say anything, he lowered his head and thought to himself.

The Crown Princess has a very deep prejudice against Miss Ling Jiu! It was obviously His Highness Prince Yan who took the initiative to pester me, so why did Miss Lingjiu become the one who attracted the attention of others?

Fortunately, the emperor's grandson was drunk and unconscious at this time, otherwise, he would be unhappy after hearing such harsh words.

The Crown Princess didn't say anything more, she just told everyone to take good care of the Crown Prince, and then went to the guest room where King Yan rested.

At this time, King Yan was no better than the emperor's grandson. After vomiting for a while, I felt dizzy and had to lie down and rest.

After hearing the news that the Crown Princess came to visit, King Yan was brave enough to get out of bed to greet her. Unexpectedly, as soon as my feet touched the ground, I felt like the world was spinning and my feet were unstable.

If it weren't for the quick eyesight and quick hands of the chamberlain on the side, King Yan would have made a fool of himself.

"Brother Sixth Emperor, why are you getting out of bed when you are so drunk? Go back to bed quickly and lie down and rest!" The concern on the Crown Princess's face didn't look fake, and her acting skills were so good that it was hard to tell the truth from the lie.

King Yan blinked sharply and finally saw clearly who was coming. He grinned and said, "It turns out it's the emperor's sister-in-law who's here... Don't worry, the emperor's sister-in-law, I'm not drunk. I'm very sober now."

The smell of alcohol hit my face.

I couldn't even stand still, so I had the nerve to say I was awake.

A sister-in-law is like a mother. King Yan was a few months younger than the Crown Prince. The Crown Princess was not very polite to King Yan. She rolled her eyes at him and said, "Yes, yes, you are very sober. Why don't you go out now?" How about a lap?"

King Yan shook his head and said proudly: "Okay, I'll run out and show the emperor's wife... ugh!"

My stomach started churning again and I wanted to vomit!

The Crown Princess resisted the urge to roll her eyes and quickly withdrew.

"Sister-in-law, I'm really not drunk... vomit... why did you leave..."

The Crown Princess listened to the faint gibbering mixed with the sound of vomiting coming from the room, twitched the corner of her mouth and ordered: "Order the kitchen to prepare more sobering soup."

"King Yan is mischievous by nature and likes to eat, drink and have fun. It's not uncommon to get drunk. I don't know what went crazy with Ah Yao today. He must be fooling around with King Yan."

The Crown Princess was so angry that she came to the Prince and complained angrily: "Ah Yao used to be very sensible and steady, but she has never done anything like this. Ever since Miss Ling Jiu appeared, Ah Yao has changed a lot. "

The prince looked at the princess disapprovingly: "What you said is inappropriate."

"First of all, Ah Yao is still only fifteen years old, and he is still a young man in full swing. Getting drunk once in a while is nothing. As the saying goes, people are not ridiculous and waste their youth."

"Besides, what does Ah Yao and the Sixth Emperor's drinking have to do with Miss Lingjiu? Your temper is not good for taking anger out on others."

The Crown Princess originally came to complain, but she didn't expect to be scolded by the Crown Prince unceremoniously. She was very angry and snorted softly: "Anyway, I think Ah Yao's marriage should be settled earlier."

The prince did not object, and only said: "The elders and younger ones are in order. We have to wait until the sixth emperor's brother has made an appointment before it's Ah Yao's turn."

The Crown Princess's face finally looked better: "The Queen Mother has been busy choosing a concubine for the Sixth Emperor brother recently, and there should be news soon. I also have two suitable candidates for Ah Yao's concubine. I am free today, Just in time to discuss it with His Highness.”

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