Loyang Jin

Chapter 149 Secret

Two days later.

The invitation sent by someone from the Su Mansion was placed neatly on the table.

The Su family is a scholarly family, and even the steward who delivers the invitations is polite: "In two days, it will be the hairpin ceremony for the second young lady in our house. The second young lady specially asked the younger one to send the invitations. At that time, we will also invite the young lady of the Ling family and the two young ladies. Come to my house as a guest with the ladies."

Mrs. Sun quickly responded with a smile.

After the steward left, Mrs. Sun couldn't help but praise: "As expected of a steward from the Su family, his manners and politeness are much better than those of a chamberlain from Princess Changping's Mansion."

Ling Jingshu smiled slightly and took over the conversation: "That's what the eldest aunt said. The family tradition of the Su family can also be seen."

Princess Changping is domineering and domineering, so the servants around her are naturally well-educated.

Mrs. Jiang also smiled and said: "Miss Su specially sent an invitation to the Ling family as a hairpin gift, but it was all for Ah Shu's sake. Ah Yan and I have benefited from it."

Ling Jingshu smiled: "Sister-in-law also came to tease me."

Everyone was talking and laughing, but Ling Jingyan was uncharacteristically silent and looked gloomy.

"Ayan, what's wrong with you these days?" Mrs. Sun glanced at Ling Jingyan in surprise: "You always look so depressed, and you can't even talk or do anything interesting."

It was really strange that Ling Jingyan couldn't be happy even though the invitation linking to the Su Mansion allowed her to go out and be a guest.

Ling Jingyan smiled covertly: "The weather is hot and dry, so I feel a little bored."

Ling Jingshu naturally knew what the real reason was.

An encounter with Prince Yan at the Prince's Mansion two days ago brought back the girlish concerns that Ling Jingyan had hidden deep in her heart. After returning, Ling Jingyan seemed a lot more lonely.

Mrs. Sun also noticed that something was wrong with Ling Jingyan's mood, and it was difficult to ask questions in front of everyone, so she quickly changed the subject.

After Mrs. Jiang and Ling Jingshu left, Ms. Sun deliberately stayed with Ling Jingyan and began to cross-examine her carefully: "Ayan, there are only two of us, mother and daughter, here. Stop being secretive and tell me the truth. These two ****What happened? Did something unpleasant happen to you in the prince’s mansion?”

How could Ling Jingyan be willing to tell the truth: "It's okay, mother, please don't make random suspicions."

Mrs. Sun rolled her eyes at Ling Jingyan: "You came out of my belly. Do you really think you can hide your thoughts from me?"

Ling Jingyan's heart skipped a beat, and her pretty face turned slightly pale.

Could it be that Mrs. Sun knew about her secret admiration for King Yan?

Mrs. Sun glanced at her daughter lovingly: "Ever since Ah Shu came to the capital, she has been in the limelight everywhere. In a short period of time, she has made friends with noble figures such as the Crown Princess Sun Changping. This second Miss Su also has a good impression of Ah Shu. As a courtesy. Even if you go out with Zhanguang as a guest, you must be upset..."

What a complete misunderstanding.

Ling Jingyan didn't know whether to laugh or cry at first, but then she thought about it and let Mrs. Sun misunderstand her, so as not to find other reasons to cover up. She lowered her head pretending to be dejected: "Mom, please stop talking."

Such a reaction is undoubtedly the acquiescence.

Mrs. Sun felt distressed and a little angry, and pointed at Ling Jingyan with her finger: "Look at you, you are one year older than Ah Shu, and I don't know where your brain has grown. It doesn't matter who takes advantage of whom, as long as It's a good thing for you to have the opportunity to go to places like the Prince's Palace and the Princess's Palace."

After a pause, he then said: "Looking at it like this, Ah Shu will definitely have a good marriage in the future. Maybe the wealth of our Ling family will fall on her. You should be more accommodating and coaxing her in everything."

Ling Jingyan nodded at first, then thought about it again and felt something was wrong. She frowned and asked, "Mom, what do you mean by this? Are you and dad plotting against Ah Shu?"

"What a plan! Why do you say it so ugly." Mrs. Sun glared at Ling Jingyan: "A'shu is the daughter of our Ling family. How can I, the eldest aunt, not care about her life-long events."

Ling Jingyan muttered: "Grandma and my fifth uncle should make the decision on Ah Shu's life-long events. It's not your and dad's turn to make the decision!"

Sun: "..."

Sun was so choked that she almost couldn't catch her breath, so she blurted out: "Your father and I have sent a letter back to Dingzhou for your grandmother and fifth uncle to make a decision."


Ling Jingyan was startled and her almond-shaped eyes widened: "Mom, you didn't even ask Ah Shu, so you sent someone to send the letter back privately. What if Ah Shu has no intention of being interested in the emperor's grandson?"

I also knew that Uncle Ling, who was obsessed with officials, wanted Ah Shu to marry the emperor's grandson. But looking back these days, Ah Shu seems to have no special thoughts about the emperor's grandson...

Mrs. Sun smiled nonchalantly and said: "Silly girl, no one else can ask for such a good marriage. How could Ah Shu not be willing to win the favor of the emperor's grandson?"


"It's nothing. The letter has been sent to Dingzhou. Your grandmother and fifth uncle will consider it carefully. We will wait until we get a reply." Sun told Ling Jingyan: "Don't tell Ashu about this. Do you hear me? ?”

Ling Jingshu is soft on the outside and strong on the inside, and is very independent. It's better to hide this kind of thing first.

Ling Jingyan nodded reluctantly.

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Facts have proved that Ling Jingyan is a person who can't hide her thoughts at all.

Being together day and night every day, holding back secrets to people we know and are close to, feels like there are a few cat paws scratching in my heart, not to mention how uncomfortable it is.

The two of them were sewing together, and Ling Jingyan would peek at Ling Jingshu from time to time, and then make a "hiss" sound.

The fifth time I poked my finger!

Ling Jingshu was so attentive and perceptive that she had long noticed something strange about Ling Jingyan. Putting down the sewing in his hands, he asked tentatively: "Cousin Yan, is there something you want to tell me?"

"Yes...no, no, no!"

It would be strange not to have one!

Ling Jingshu thought for a moment and whispered, "Is it related to me?"

Although it was a question, the tone was very affirmative.

Ling Jingyan opened her mouth, not knowing what to say, so she simply remained silent.

It looks like I guessed it right!

Ling Jingshu thought again and continued to guess, "Didn't it mean that auntie said something to you and told you not to tell me?"

Ling Jingyan's mouth was so open that she could almost fit an egg into it.

Ling Jingshu twitched the corner of her lips and said lightly: "It seems that it has something to do with my life-long event! Are your uncle and aunt still thinking about letting me marry the emperor's grandson as a concubine?"

Ling Jingyan: "..."

Ling Jingyan stretched out her hand, lifted her chin back, and then breathed out quietly: "You guessed this all by yourself, but I didn't say anything! I didn't tell you either, my father and my mother I have already written this matter in a letter home and sent it back to my old home in Dingzhou. Grandma and Uncle Wu will probably hear back soon. "

Ling Jingshu: "..."

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