Loyang Jin

Chapter 150 Hairpin

Ling Jingshu and Ling Jingyan looked at each other in silence for a moment, and then suddenly laughed in unison.

Ling Jingyan seemed to have been freed from some heavy shackles. She suddenly became relaxed and whispered: "A'shu, I know this is because my father and mother are not kind. They hope that you will climb a high branch and then follow suit." . You will definitely feel unhappy when you find out. Just calm down for the sake of me and my eldest brother and sister-in-law, and don’t argue with them.”

"After all, this is your life-long event. If you are really unwilling, write a family letter as soon as possible. This will also prevent my grandmother and fifth uncle from listening to my parents' words..."

Ling Jingyan's sincere expression made Ling Jingshu feel warm in her heart.

"There is no need to rush to write back." Ling Jingshu smiled faintly and interrupted Ling Jingyan calmly: "My grandmother will make the decision for me on this matter."

She suffers from a strange disease that prevents her from getting close to men, and she cannot talk about marriage at all. As long as Old Mrs. Ling is not too old to get dizzy, she will never dare to think about it at this time.

Before leaving Dingzhou, Mrs. Ling had already told Mrs. Sun about this matter. Mrs. Sun was eager to use her niece to become a dragon and a phoenix, so she didn't really take this matter to heart at all!

A hint of sarcasm flashed in Ling Jingshu's eyes.

It was difficult to say these words clearly to Ling Jingyan.

Ling Jingyan was quite surprised to see that Ling Jingshu was so confident, and couldn't help but ask: "Ah Shu, if you can marry the emperor's grandson, it will be a good marriage that no one can ask for. How dare you conclude that grandma won't do it?" Are you thinking about this?"

Mrs. Ling is no less dedicated to revitalizing the family than her father!

Ling Jingshu refused to answer the question and casually changed the topic: "Forget it, let's not talk about this. Tomorrow we will go to the Su family as a guest, and the eldest aunt has already prepared the wedding ceremony!"

Ling Jingyan's watery almond-shaped eyes widened in protest: "Hey, please don't change the subject. You must be hiding something from me."

Do you think she is stupid? How could he not see such an obvious Zuo Guyan?

Ling Jingshu lowered her face and looked over seriously: "Cousin Yan, you are right, I do have something important that I haven't told you. However, this matter is of great importance, and I can't say it at this time. Wait until I can On that day, I will never hide it again, and I will tell you first, okay? "

Ling Jingshu spoke very frankly and sincerely.

Facing those sincere, candid and clear eyes, the unhappiness in Ling Jingyan's heart immediately disappeared: "Okay, if you don't want to talk, I won't ask."

After a pause, he added: "Anyway, I don't like what my parents are doing. I'm on your side."

Ling Jingshu felt warm in her heart, pursed her lips and smiled.

The next day, Su Mansion.

For young girls, hair extension ceremony is a very important ceremony.

On this day, the elder female relatives of the family are invited to the door, and young girls of the same age are also invited to attend the ceremony together. The haircut ceremony also means that the girl has grown up and can talk about marriage.

Early marriage was popular at this time, and most women got married when they were fifteen or sixteen years old. Those who are still unmarried after the age of eighteen are regarded as old maids who cannot get married. For girls in the boudoir, the haircut ceremony will also become the most solemn and most beautiful memory before getting married.

Even ordinary people's families will try their best to take care of it when their daughter gets her hairpin. Not to mention a high-profile mansion like the Su family.

Su Mansion opened its main entrance early in the morning to welcome guests, and there was an endless stream of distinguished guests.

Ling Jingshu, Ling Jingyan and Jiang arrived at the Su Mansion at this time.

This was the time when there were the most guests. Fortunately, the Su Mansion was well prepared. The mother who was in charge of welcoming the guests came forward politely and courteously. After taking the gift list, she led Ling Jingshu and others to the inner house of the Su Mansion.

The mother in charge asked the maid to go in and let the news go, and then accompanied Ling Jingshu and the other two people to wait outside the Chuihua Gate.

Ling Jingshu looked around calmly.

The Su Mansion is not as majestic as the Prince's Mansion, nor is it as luxurious and exquisite as the Changping Princess Mansion. However, the scholarly family that has been passed down for hundreds of years also has its own profound heritage.

There were many guests coming and going, but the arrangements were well organized and there was no rush at all. This alone is enough to be admired.

After waiting for a while, the little maid hurried over and whispered a few words to the mother in charge.

The steward's mother smiled and said: "Second Miss's boudoir is not far ahead. Please follow me in."

Ling Jingshu responded with a smile: "Thank you, mom, I'm leading the way."

The mother in charge smiled and said some polite words while leading the three people into the inner house. After walking through a long verandah and turning two corners, we arrived at Miss Su Er's yard.

At this time, the hairdressing ceremony has not officially begun, and Su Ying is sitting in the boudoir.

There were many young girls in the room, chatting and laughing lively in low voices. There are several familiar faces, all of which appeared at Princess Changping's banquet.

Miss Jiang San was also among them.

After Ling Jingshu and the others came in, Su Ying stood up happily to greet them: "I've been waiting for you since early morning, and now I'm here."

No matter how much truth there is in the words, such warm words always sound pleasant to the ears.

Ling Jingshu responded with a smile: "Today is your big day, why shouldn't we come earlier? It's just that we were delayed a lot of time on the road, and the streets outside Su Mansion were crowded with carriages from various mansions. We almost made it. I couldn’t squeeze in, and I was sweating all the way!”

What he said was humorous and interesting, making everyone laugh.

Jiang Rongyue waved to the three of them: "I have reserved a seat for you. Come quickly and sit down to talk."

A room full of young women, your words and my words are lively enough.

Soon, another distinguished guest arrived.

"Second Miss, Princess Changping and Princess Anya are here." The maid came to report anxiously.

The Su family was originally a well-known scholarly family, but after the emergence of the Crown Princess Su, their reputation increased even more. For Su Ying's hairpin ceremony, the two most noble princesses of the Zhou Dynasty actually came.

When the princess arrived, Su Ying couldn't lose her etiquette and hurriedly got up and walked out of the boudoir to greet her. Everyone also followed Su Ying to welcome her out.

Ling Jingshu naturally stood at the back.

Su Ying is the protagonist today. There is also the pushy Princess Changping, and there is Princess Anya, whose name is only heard but not seen... In such an occasion, it is of course better to keep a low profile.

"I have met Princess Anya of Changping." Su Ying smiled and bowed with her hand folded.

Princess Changping wore a gorgeous and complicated palace costume, with exquisite makeup and a charming and bright appearance. With dazzling eyes and infinite charm, she said with a sweet smile: "Quickly, don't give up the gifts. Today we two sisters are here to celebrate your haircut gift, so don't give me so many gifts."

Su Ying thanked her and stood up straight.

Ling Jingshu saluted with the others, and when she raised her head, she quickly glanced at Princess Anya.

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