Loyang Jin

Chapter 151 Anya

Today the Holy Emperor has four sons and two daughters.

The princes are Prince An, King Kang and King Yan, and the two princesses are Princess Changping and Princess Anya.

Princess Changping is the direct daughter of Empress Xu and the eldest daughter of the emperor. She has been pampered since she was a child, and she has also developed a domineering and wanton temperament.

In comparison, Princess Anya is much bleaker.

Princess Anya is the daughter of Wei Jieyu, and her background is much lower than that of Princess Changping. Moreover, Princess Anya was born prematurely, and Wei Jieyu almost died in childbirth. After raising it for a long time, it slowly recovered. Wei Jieyu's body was also completely damaged, and she had nothing to do after that.

The emperor felt pity and love for this young girl, but there were still some obvious differences compared to Princess Changping. Don't talk about anything else, just build the princess's mansion. Princess Changping's mansion was chosen long ago and was built when Princess Changping was ten years old. It is extremely luxurious.

And Princess Anya is already twelve years old this year and still lives in the palace. The mansion is still being selected for construction, and it seems that it will have to wait until Princess Anya recruits a consort before she can move in.

Princess Changping and Princess Anya came to the Su Mansion together. The two sisters held hands and were quite intimate.

Although Princess Anya is young, she has picturesque and charming features, but she seems to be slimmer than other girls of the same age. Only reaching Princess Changping's shoulders, she looked younger than her actual age.

Ling Jingshu's eyes passed over Princess Anya's fair and small face, and she couldn't help but think of the handsome face of Imperial Doctor Wei.

Princess Anya's black and white and unusually clear eyes are quite similar to those of Imperial Physician Wei.

To be able to give birth to a daughter as beautiful as Princess Anya, I really don’t know how beautiful the famous Wei Jieyu is...

Princess Anya was quite quiet and well-behaved. After entering the room, she sat next to Princess Changping and remained silent.

Compared to the radiant and chattering Princess Changping, Princess Anya is like a quiet bright moon.

Ling Jingyan looked at it for a few times, then whispered in her ear: "Ah Shu, this Princess Anya does look a bit similar to Imperial Physician Wei!"

Ling Jingshu nodded and laughed softly: "They say that a nephew is like an uncle. Princess Anya is the niece of Imperial Physician Wei, so it's not surprising that she looks similar."

"However, this Princess Anya is really quiet and few words." Ling Jingyan continued to mutter: "Since entering the house, she hasn't spoken a word yet!"

Ling Jingshu hummed.

The two of them were whispering when they saw a mother in charge came in with a smile on her face and said loudly: "Second Miss, the auspicious time is coming soon. The Crown Princess has also arrived. The master and Mrs. ordered the young lady to change into new clothes immediately. Inner hall.”

Ling Jingshu followed everyone to the inner hall of Su Mansion.

The elders and relatives of the Su family were all there, and the Crown Princess sat elegantly at the head. Beside the Crown Princess stood a slender and handsome young man.

The emperor’s grandson is here too!

Ling Jingshu glanced at the emperor's grandson subconsciously, and the emperor's grandson happened to look over at this time.

Their eyes touched slightly in the air. They quickly moved away.

When everyone entered the inner hall, the first thing they did was to salute the Crown Princess. Even Princess Changping and Princess Anya were no exception: "I have met the emperor's sister-in-law."

Ling Jingshu finally heard Princess Anya's voice. It still has a bit of a childish voice, but it is clean and sweet.

The Crown Princess smiled and said, "I didn't expect Changping and Anya to be here today. Hurry up and sit down next to the Queen's Wife."

There are about a dozen seats in the spacious inner hall. There were dozens of visitors, and not many of them were qualified to sit down.

Changping happily agreed, and he and Princess Anya sat next to the Crown Princess.

The others then came forward one by one to salute and say hello.

The Crown Princess has a graceful demeanor, is kind and friendly, and makes people feel like a spring breeze.

When it was Ling Jingshu and others' turn to salute and say hello, the Crown Princess's eyes flashed, the smile on her lips faded a little, and her tone was a little lukewarm: "Today is a good day for Ying'er and Ji, I didn't expect that Miss Ling Jiu would also come in person. Come and say congratulations.”

I specifically spoke to Ling Jingshu, but her tone was not very warm.

For a moment, everyone's attention was attracted and fell on Miss Ling Jiu.

They had never noticed it before, but now that they had taken a closer look, everyone could not help but be secretly amazed.

This Miss Ling Jiu is so beautiful and beautiful. She also has a calmness and composure that is far superior to girls of the same age.

I saw the corners of her lips raised, and she responded with a smile: "Returning to the Crown Princess, I was at a banquet at Princess Changping's house a few days ago. I was fortunate enough to get to know Miss Su Er. Miss Su Er invited me to attend her hairpin ceremony at that time. , I had someone send me a formal invitation two days ago, so I came here to express my congratulations today.”

The words are soft and sweet, neither fast nor slow.

The Crown Princess's smile paused slightly, and a trace of anger welled up in her heart.

This Ling Jingshu looks meek and respectful, but in fact, that's not the case at all.

What she said just now was clearly telling herself that Su Ying personally invited her to be a guest, not that she came here specifically to curry favor with the Su family!

"Ying'er is a girl who is usually proud and arrogant, but I didn't expect that she and you are quite compatible." The Crown Princess said with a smile: "We just met her once, so I invited you to attend her haircut ceremony."

I don’t know what tricks this girl used to confuse Ah Yao, but even Su Ying was hooked up with her.

Sure enough, he had ulterior motives. It seemed that he was determined to get to the Prince's Mansion!

The slight contempt in the Crown Princess's eyes could not escape Ling Jingshu's eyes.

Ling Jingshu secretly sneered in her heart.

The Crown Princess had always been prejudiced against her and deliberately embarrassed her in front of everyone. Fortunately, she never had the thought of trying to catch up with someone else. Otherwise, with such a shrewd and mean mother-in-law, she would have been frustrated and useless for the rest of her life!

"Yes, there is such a thing as compatibility between people." Ling Jingshu looked as usual and said with a smile: "Miss Su Er and I were particularly in love, and we felt like old friends at first sight."

The Crown Princess wanted to say something more, but the Crown Prince behind her suddenly coughed softly: "Mother Concubine, Cousin Su will be here soon!"

I started protecting you so early!

The Crown Princess resisted the urge to curl her lips and responded with a smile: "Well, the auspicious time is coming soon. Ying'er should be here too."

Such an interruption made the previous conversation unsustainable.

Ling Jingshu took the opportunity to step aside.

Jiang and Ling Jingyan remained silent, but secretly felt a cold sweat for Ling Jingshu.

The Crown Princess's attitude towards Ling Jingshu could not be called kind. What he said just now was even more precise. Savor it carefully, and the more you think about it, the less it tastes.

Uncle Ling and his wife have been planning for Ling Jingshu to marry into the Prince's Mansion all day long. But she didn’t know that Ling Jingshu didn’t have this intention at all, and she didn’t know that the Crown Princess was so prejudiced against Ling Jingshu!

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