Loyang Jin

Chapter 152 Opponent

The haircut ceremony is grand and complicated. On this day, you have to change several sets of clothes. Every time you change clothes, you have to dress up again.

In the hairpin ceremony, the woman who gives the girl hairpin is the guest of honor. Generally speaking, the chief guest should be a female elder with outstanding virtues.

The Crown Princess is Su Ying's biological aunt and has a distinguished status, so it is natural for her to be the guest of honor.

For Su Ying, it was also an extremely honorable and honorable event for Su Ying to have the current crown princess as her and her hairpin's guest of honor.

What makes her even more happy is that her grandson's cousin is also here today...

Su Ying, who was wearing a hair-length dress and a thin layer of makeup on her face, looked elegant and elegant. When he glanced at the young man beside the Crown Princess from the corner of his eye, a light blush appeared on his pretty face, which was particularly beautiful.

After watching the ceremony for a long time, Ling Jingyan lost much patience and quietly tugged on Ling Jingshu's sleeve: "Ah Shu, my feet are almost sore after standing for so long."

There were many people in the inner hall, and she had to raise her voice to chant when she was tying hairpins. Ling Jingyan tried her best to lower her voice and did not attract anyone's attention.

However, it's not the right time to chat.

Ling Jingshu held Ling Jingyan's hand and comforted her in a low voice: "Just bear with it for a little longer and it will be fine."

Ling Jingyan hummed and remained silent.

Ling Jingshu's eyes fell on Su Ying again.

Su Ying's haircut ceremony was so grand and grand, and the Crown Princess specially came to be the guest of honor. I'm afraid it was not just to support her mother's family! The emperor's grandson has reached the age of choosing a concubine for the wedding. The princess is particularly picky about the girls (such as her) who appear around the emperor's grandson. Apparently she already has a suitable daughter-in-law candidate in mind.

Now it seems that this candidate is none other than Su Ying.

Su Ying has outstanding talent and appearance, a gentle temperament, and is the niece of the Crown Princess. She is indeed the best candidate for the Crown Princess...

Ling Jingshu's thoughts were wandering when she suddenly met a pair of cold and deep eyes again.

The pair of eyes that had never fluctuated before now shone with a complicated and unspeakable light.

Ling Jingshu lowered her eyes almost immediately, avoiding the emperor's scorching gaze.

The mother-in-law just deliberately made things difficult. She was so arrogant and arrogant, and she must be very angry in her heart. The emperor's grandson sighed secretly, and the words King Yan said flashed through his mind inexplicably.

A graceful lady, a gentleman is fond of quarrels. What should I do if I am reserved all day long, but the girl I like is snatched away by someone else?

After the haircut ceremony was completed, everyone breathed a sigh of relief and then stepped forward one by one to congratulate and wish them well.

Su Ying seemed to have matured a lot in just half a day, and her actions became more modest and gentle.

The emperor's grandson, who had been silent all this time, also took two steps forward. His normally expressionless face softened in a rare way: "Cousin Su, today is a good day for you to have hairpins. Congratulations."

The two are direct cousins. They have grown up together since childhood. They are familiar with each other, and their affection is different from others.

Su Ying's eyes flashed with joy and she said softly: "Thank you, Your Highness."

The emperor's grandson twitched his lips: "Just call me cousin. You used to call me that when you were a kid. Why are we so different now?"

Su Ying blushed slightly and changed her name to cousin again.

Although Su Ying often visited the Prince's Mansion, there were not many opportunities for Su Ying to see her cousin. Especially in the past two years, as we get older and men and women are different, the opportunities to meet each other become less and less.

Today was her haircut ceremony, and secretly she was looking forward to seeing him.

Unexpectedly, he really came today...

A strange emotion arose in Su Ying's heart, and a trace of red cloud passed over her fair and tender face.

The Crown Princess saw this scene in her eyes and couldn't help but raise the corners of her lips.

This is the most suitable pair made in heaven!

Su Ying is her niece, who she grew up watching. Both appearance and talent are the best choice, elegant and gentle. Compared to Jiang Rongyue, she prefers Su Ying as her daughter-in-law.

Judging from Ah Yao's reaction, it was clear that he had some affection for Su Ying, his cousin. Find an opportunity to reveal this thought to Ah Yao in private. Ah Yao probably won't object...

Even if Ah Yao is really fascinated by Ling Jingshu, he should know that with the Ling family's family background, Ling Jingshu is absolutely not qualified to be the principal concubine. If Ah Yao really insisted, the most she could do was give in and let Ling Jingshu pass as a concubine.

Once you've passed the gate, it's not too late to train him properly.

The Crown Princess became more and more relaxed as she thought about this.

After having a sumptuous and exquisite lunch at the Su Mansion, we stayed for a while in the Su Mansion's inner house.

With the Crown Princess Changping and others present, Su Ying had no time to get away. After seeing off the Crown Princess and others, Su Ying returned to the courtyard with an apologetic look on her face and smiled at everyone: "I'm really sorry for you guys today. I haven't had time to talk to you all."

"Sister Su, that's too polite to say."

Jiang Rongyue playfully took over the conversation: "Today there are many distinguished guests from the Su Mansion. The Crown Princess is your guest of honor, the Emperor's grandson personally comes to congratulate you, and Princess Changping and Princess Anya are also here. It's natural for you to be busy. Yes. How could we blame you?"

These words sounded like nothing at first, but upon savoring them carefully, there was a hint of undetectable sourness.

The girls present exchanged knowing glances.

The emperor's grandson was of high status and a first-class handsome young man. There were quite a few wealthy daughters who had thought of becoming the grandson's concubine. Among them, Jiang Rongyue and Su Ying have the most outstanding talents and family backgrounds, and they are also the strongest rivals in the competition for the concubine.

In terms of family background, Jiang Rongyue is slightly better. In terms of talent and appearance, Su Ying stands out.

Girls with lower family backgrounds can also marry the emperor's grandson as concubines. Jiang Rongyue and Su Ying would never be concubines. Either she will marry as a grand concubine, or she will retire sadly.

Today, the Crown Princess was the guest of honor for Su Ying with great fanfare, and the meaning behind it was self-evident.

No wonder Jiang Rongyue felt disgusted.

Su Ying didn't seem to hear the sourness in Jiang Rongyue's words, and smiled slightly: "Sister Jiang, please don't laugh at me now. There will be more than a month until you get married, and I don't know how lively it will be then. Aunt My cousin and I won’t be absent, maybe even His Highness the Prince will be there too!”

These words were gentle and gentle, and there was no hint of anger.

But if you think about it carefully, the last sentence is clearly another counterattack against Jiang Rongyue.

It’s true that my aunt is partial to me, but my uncle is even more partial to the British government!

Jiang Rongyue choked for a moment because she was neither soft nor hard, and soon started laughing again: "His Royal Highness the Crown Prince wants to rest and recuperate, how can he leave the house so easily. Sister Su, please stop joking."

Ling Jingshu looked on with cold eyes and couldn't help but laugh secretly.

Two teenage girls are jealous of the emperor's grandson. I wonder how the emperor's grandson will feel if he finds out...

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