Loyang Jin

Chapter 155 Confession 2

Ling Jingshu obviously felt that this sentence came out of nowhere, and frowned slightly: "What is the purpose of Your Highness suddenly mentioning King Yan? I have only met King Yan twice, and I am not familiar with him at all."

Although his tone was not very respectful, the emperor's grandson's mood improved strangely, and his brows relaxed: "Uncle Sixth Emperor has an unstable temperament, is moody, and is very difficult to deal with. He probably has some interest in you now, and he will have to pester you. Just ignore him for a while."

Ling Jingshu did not respond, but looked at the emperor's grandson with strange eyes: "Your Highness specially summoned me here. Is this just what you want to tell me?"

of course not!

The emperor's thin lips pursed tighter. He was obviously full of words, but when it came to his mouth, he was so stunned that he couldn't say a word!

What an awkward and annoying temperament!

The emperor's grandson was secretly annoyed with himself. I missed this time, I don’t know when we will meet alone next time. No matter what, he must reveal his true feelings.

The Emperor Taisun took a deep breath, cleared his throat and said, "Actually, I specifically asked you to come here because I have something very important to tell you."

The person's pronoun was unconsciously changed to the casual and intimate me, and the tone of voice was also deliberately soft.

It's a pity that the effect is not good, the lines on the face are still tight, and the tone of voice is also stiff and strange: "Mother-in-law told me about the wedding last night, and I already have a favorite candidate in mind. Or the Su family Cousin, or cousin of the Jiang family..."

Speaking of this, the emperor's grandson's tone was somewhat obscure.

Being in an imperial family, one is born with wealth and splendor that is difficult for others to match, but there are also many helplessness. Doing whatever you want is the most luxurious thing in the world.

Even if you are the grandson of the emperor, you cannot always get everything you want.

The emperor's grandson paused and continued: "For life-long matters, you must obey your parents' orders, and I am no exception."

Ling Jingshu's expression remained unchanged, and a suitable smile even appeared on her lips: "Miss Su and Miss Jiang are both talented and beautiful ladies from famous families. Congratulations, Your Highness."

She didn't feel jealous after hearing this, nor did she feel any weird at all!

The Crown Prince's dark brows furrowed slightly, and his tone naturally showed some displeasure: "Besides congratulations, don't you have anything else to say to me?"

You don't mind at all when you hear that I want to marry another woman?

Ling Jingshu suppressed her smile slightly and raised her eyes with clear eyes: "Hearing such good news, I am very happy for Your Highness. When His Highness gets married, the little girl will definitely give you a generous gift to show your love..."

The smile on the Emperor's grandson's face was gone, his breathing was a little rapid and unsteady, and his right hand subconsciously clenched into a fist.

Although he has never had sex between men and women, he is also somewhat unfamiliar with the matter of sexual intercourse. But he is still sharp and sharp.

Ling Jingshu's calm and understated look showed that she was not caught off guard by the news that her sweetheart was about to get married and remarried, nor was she shocked, shocked, sad or sad...

She is so calm and calm!

He had been in conflict and pain all night, and now he seemed to be a fool!

She has no thoughts about men and women at all towards him.

All the next words were stuck in his throat.

The emperor's grandson's whole body trembled slightly, a complex anger flashed across his face quickly, his voice was also lowered, and he asked again stubbornly: "Ling Jingshu, you really have nothing else to say to me. explain?"

Those cold and deep eyes seemed to be burning with scorching flames, covering her tightly in them.

How could she not guess what he really wanted to hear?

He hoped that she would be disappointed and painful because of his remarriage. He hoped that she would say she didn't mind him marrying someone else. He hoped that she would marry him as a concubine.

It was not difficult to guess what he was thinking, it was clearly shown in his eyes.

As long as she nodded according to his wishes and showed a little sadness, a little shyness and a little joy, she could completely win over the heart of the young man in front of her.

She wanted to take revenge, and relying on the power of the Prince's Palace was the best way. Marrying him is also the most labor-saving shortcut.

With her wealth and acting skills, she can use various methods to deal with him. The strange disease that prevents her from getting close to men can also be one of the ways she protects herself...

Beauty is a woman's greatest weapon. As long as she is willing, she can climb this big tree!

However, she disdains and does not want to do such a hateful deception!

Ling Jingshu clenched her hands, then slowly loosened them, and said in a gentle voice: "What do you mean by your highness's question? If your highness is dissatisfied with my answer, please tell me directly. This little girl is stupid and I really can't guess. "Through His Highness's Thoughts."


She was so smart and saw through all his thoughts. She was just pretending to be pretentious at this time, just because she didn't want to make each other look ugly!

The emperor's grandson looked at the girl in front of him intently, and suddenly felt that the familiar face was so unfamiliar.

My mind went blank and my whole body was cold.

All the tension, anxiety, hope and joy were extinguished by this basin of ice water.

He wanted to rush forward, grab her arm forcefully, and ask her about her feelings again.

The remaining pride in his body stopped him. He just stood there stiffly, staring at her intently. His eyes seemed focused, but in reality he was in a trance.

Ling Jingshu was actually not as calm as she appeared on the surface.

She stood there in silence, but the thoughts in her mind were spinning rapidly.

The emperor's grandson is so arrogant and arrogant. He was rejected by her in such a tactful and clear way, so he probably wouldn't have done anything drastic! You won’t force anyone to do anything difficult for you!

If he gets angry and turns his face, it will be inconvenient for Ah Xiao to cure his eye disease in the future.

After an unknown amount of time, the emperor's grandson finally opened his mouth and spat out a few words: "Stay back first."

Ling Jingshu unexpectedly did not take the opportunity to resign. Instead, she took a step forward and whispered: "Your Highness, can you give me some more time. I have something important that I want to tell Your Highness."

Important matter?

The emperor's grandson's already cold and desolate heart suddenly moved, his eyes regained brilliance, and there was a hint of unconscious hope in his voice: "What's the matter?"

Ling Jingshu lowered her head slightly, avoiding his surprise and scorching gaze: "This matter is of great importance. After I finish speaking, regardless of whether His Highness agrees or not, please keep it a secret for me. Never let others know."

A secret that only he knows?

The emperor's grandson's heartbeat accelerated rapidly, and blood surged into his mind. He responded without hesitation: "Okay, I promise you. What the two of us said today is only known to you and I will never tell the third person."

Ling Jingshu thanked her with a grateful face. He paused for a moment, seeming to consider how to reveal the secret.

The emperor's grandson was not impatient at all, and there was ardent expectation in his eyes.

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