Loyang Jin

Chapter 156 Surrender 1

What would she say?

In fact, she also likes him in her heart! But she was too proud to admit it. When I heard that he was getting married, I felt unhappy. My reaction just now was probably just to make him angry!

The emperor's grandson was thinking wildly in his mind, and his cold heart gradually became hot again.

Ling Jingshu's soft and clear voice broke the silence: "Your Highness, I came to the capital this time not only to treat Ah Xiao, but more importantly, to take revenge."


The emperor's grandson was stunned for a moment. The charm in his heart seemed to have been poured with cold water. It disappeared in an instant, leaving only confusion and shock: "What revenge do you want? Who is your enemy?"

Ling Jingshu had already thought of her words in a short period of time.

The humiliation and pain of her previous life is her biggest secret, and she will never reveal it to anyone. Even Ling Xiao had no idea, let alone the emperor's grandson. As a result, the feud between her and Empress Xu, Princess of Changping, cannot be mentioned at all.

We can only use the Lu family as a shield.

"My enemy is Lu An." Speaking of Lu An, Ling Jingshu didn't have to pretend, her eyes were filled with flames of hatred, and her voice trembled slightly.

She has always been smart and calm. Even the night she was accidentally kidnapped by gangsters, she never lost her mind. The anger that was almost out of control at this time made the emperor's grandson secretly frightened.


The emperor's grandson recited the name silently in his heart, his eyes were cold, and he asked lightly: "This name is quite familiar, I can't remember it for a moment. Who is his identity and what grudges does he have with you? Please tell me. Listen."

The Lu family is also a famous family. As the head of the Lu family, Lu An also serves as the governor of Jizhou. He is also quite a famous figure. However, in the eyes of the noble grandson of the emperor, he was not on the list of people who must be remembered.

Ling Jingshu took a deep breath, barely suppressed the surging hatred in her heart, and whispered: "Lu An is the head of the Lu family and serves as the governor of Jizhou. He is also my biological uncle. The Lu family is a famous family, and there are many members of the family living in various places. Become an official. Lu An’s younger brother, Lu Ping, became the head of the Ministry of War.”

The emperor's grandson thought for a while: "It turns out to be the Lu family. Lu An has been in Jizhou, and I have never seen him. I have some impressions of Lu Ping."

Lu Ping is naughty and good at maneuvering. Although his official position is not high, he is doing well in the capital. During the Chinese New Year, I came to the Prince's Mansion to give New Year gifts. The prince was in poor health, so he saw him on his behalf.

There were dozens if not hundreds of such officials in the capital, so he would not take them seriously.

Since the Lu family and the Ling family were in-laws, how could they become Ling Jingshu's enemies?

The emperor's grandson frowned and asked: "Ling Jingshu, Lu An is your biological uncle. Where does the hatred between you and him come from?"

Ling Jingshu didn't know what she thought of, and her pretty face gradually turned pale and lost all color. His lips moved, but no words came out.

Then, thick water vapor appeared in his eyes, which would turn into tears at any time.

The emperor's grandson looked in his eyes and became more and more confused, and had a strange and bad premonition. He always felt that he would hear something very unpleasant next.

"A few months ago..." Ling Jingshu bit her lip hard, her voice a little hoarse: "For my grandmother's seventieth birthday, my eldest uncle in the capital and my second uncle in other places returned to Dingzhou, and my aunt and her family, who have been married for many years, returned to Dingzhou. Luan is back too."

"I was still a two-year-old child when my aunt got married. Speaking of which, this is the first time I have met Lu An and my cousins ​​from the Lu family."

Speaking of this, Ling Jingshu paused for a moment.

The strange uneasiness in the heart of the emperor's grandson became more and more intense, and he couldn't help but ask: "What happened next? Why do you hate your uncle Lu An so much?"

Ling Jingshu's pretty face turned even paler. After a long while, he smiled miserably: "Your Highness is so smart, can't you guess it? Lu An is my uncle, what else can I hate to the bones, but dare not say anything about it?"

The emperor's grandson opened his eyes wide in disbelief. Looking at Ling Jingshu's pale face and her miserable and humiliated expression, the shocking suspicion that had flashed before came to mind again.

An unprecedented anger filled my heart!

That Luan is simply a beast in disguise!

Ling Jingshu is his wife's niece, and she is still a girl who has not yet reached adulthood. He...how could he have the thought of being worse than a beast? !

The emperor's grandson pursed his thin lips, looked fiercely, and uttered a few words: "He dares to insult you!"

At this moment, Ling Jingshu completely forgot that she was acting.

This kind of thing actually happened. She was imprisoned in the backyard of the Lu family's house for four full years. During those four years, she lived in humiliation and pain, and her life was worse than death.

As long as she thinks of this extremely painful past, she doesn't need to act and pretend. The bone-deep hatred and resentment were clearly visible on his face.

However, she did not lose her mind.

She knew clearly that this was her only and best chance. She wanted to persuade the emperor's grandson and make him completely believe what she said, so that she could use the power of the prince's palace to take revenge in the future.

"He had evil intentions towards me, but I didn't notice it at first. I just thought the way he looked at me was a little strange, not like an elder looking at a younger person."

Ling Jingshu lowered her eyes and her voice trembled: "Until one day, I went to pay my respects to my aunt. It happened that my aunt was not there and he was the only one in the room. I felt something was wrong and wanted to leave. But he stopped me... ...First he said some strange words, then he came close to me and started to move..."

As he spoke, his voice began to choke: "I was very scared at the time. I wanted to call someone but didn't dare. I am still a married woman. If someone sees this scene, my reputation in this life will be over. What awaits me Destiny is either to commit suicide to save one's reputation, or to go to a nunnery to chant sutras and worship Buddha for the rest of his life..."

"Fortunately, there were footsteps outside and he didn't dare to act recklessly. I was able to escape and escape the humiliation. But I didn't dare to tell anyone about this. I could only swallow this humiliation deep in my heart."

"But I didn't expect that Lu An would still be determined. He actually asked my aunt to propose marriage. If I really marry into the Lu family, I will never be able to escape his murderous hands in the future."

"I accompanied Ah Xiao to the capital, firstly to treat his eye disease, and secondly, to escape this marriage and the fate of marrying into the Lu family."

"He is my uncle and the son-in-law of the Ling family. My grandmother will never fall out with the Lu family because of me. If I want revenge, I can only find another way."

The anger in Emperor Taisun's heart gathered in his eyes, and he clenched his right hand into a fist.

Damn damn Luan!

How dare he do this to Ling Jingshu!

It would be difficult to understand the hatred in my heart without cutting him into pieces.

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