Loyang Jin

Chapter 157 Surrender 2

"The Lu family is powerful, but the Ling family is far behind. What's more, I'm just a weak woman with no power to restrain a chicken. It's extremely difficult to avoid Lu An and seek revenge. I thought about it, I finally made up my mind to come to Beijing.”

"I didn't expect that I would encounter gangsters on the way to the boat. I didn't expect that I would be saved by His Highness later. His Highness saved my life, and later rewarded me with a famous post, so that my sister and brother could see the Imperial Doctor Wei as soon as possible. These I will never forget your kindness in this life.”

Ling Jingshu raised her eyes to look at the emperor's grandson, her eyes were slightly red, but her eyes had returned to calm: "Your Highness, this is my biggest secret, and it is also the greatest humiliation and pain in my life. Please keep it a secret for me regardless of whether Your Highness is willing to help me. "

The emperor's grandson exhaled a long breath, his face as cold as an ice sculpture, exuding a breathtaking chill: "Don't worry, I will definitely keep it secret."

"Thank you, Your Highness."

Ling Jingshu bowed politely and thanked her, and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

The first step has been taken. Next, she still has a lot to do.

"It doesn't take much effort for me to help you deal with the Lu family." The emperor's grandson had recovered from the shock and regained his usual calmness and sharpness: "But, why should I help you?"

The emperor's grandson stared at Ling Jingshu closely and asked slowly: "In other words, what price can you pay for revenge?"

It doesn't matter that she doesn't like him now.

As long as she is willing to nod and marry him, he will avenge her and completely eradicate the Lu family. He will give her all the favor and make her live a life of food and clothing, prosperity and wealth.

There will be plenty of time in the future for her to slowly fall in love with him.

The emperor's grandson's eyes were blazing, like an eagle staring at its prey.

His eyes were so explicit, clearly revealing his thoughts.

Ling Jingshu's heart sank slightly.

Fortunately, she never underestimated the shrewdness and formidability of His Royal Highness. This situation has been anticipated for a long time. So there was no panic at this time.

Ling Jingshu did not avoid the emperor's grandson's gaze. She raised her eyes and looked back, and the clear words passed into the emperor's grandson's ears word for word: "As long as your highness the grandson is willing to help me avenge my hatred, from now on, my life will be Your Highness. No matter what your Highness asks, I will do anything for you."

The emperor's grandson looked a little stiff and frowned.

He didn't know how many times he had heard such expressions of heartfelt surrender.

Ling Jingshu looked firm and spoke resolutely, obviously speaking sincerely.

However, this was not the answer he wanted at all.

What he wanted was her person and heart, not her life and loyalty.

"There are a thousand guards in the Prince's Palace, and I have five hundred personal guards. They are all agile, obey my orders, and are loyal to me. There are many secret guards who hide their identities outside the Prince's Palace. They secretly Act as an informant everywhere and perform tasks for me to find out information.”

There was a trace of imperceptible anger in the voice of the emperor's grandson, and his words seemed harsh and hard to hear: "As for the officials who are privately loyal to the prince's palace, there are countless them. They have different official positions and serve in various ministries. I give an order. , someone will do the errands for me."

"You are just a weak woman who cannot lift a shoulder or resist. I can't imagine how accepting your surrender will be of any use to me in the future."

"You just surrendered so lightly, and you wanted me to deal with the entire Lu family for you. This wishful thinking is too loud! What gives you such confidence, making you think that I will agree to such a ridiculous request? ?”

Later, his tone was almost bitter.

Being humiliated and scorned so ruthlessly, Ling Jingshu did not become angry, nor did she hide her face and run away crying.

"Your Highness's concerns are justified." Ling Jingshu's voice was very calm: "There is nothing in this world that can be obtained for nothing. No matter how shameless I am, I would not dare to have such extravagant expectations. I am indeed just a weak woman. I am not as good as the guards and those secret guards. Not as good as those officials, but I also have my advantages.”

"Oh? What advantage?"

The embarrassment of being rejected before, mixed with the resentment in his heart, made the emperor's grandson's tone become colder and harsher: "Do you mean to say that your beauty can seduce people, such as the Sixth Emperor's Uncle?"

As soon as the words were spoken, a trace of annoyance flashed in the eyes of the emperor's grandson.

In this case, it would undoubtedly be a great humiliation for a girl who has not yet left the cabinet. He just... was just out of anger for a moment, and that's why he said such angry words.

What's more... King Yan is really interested in her. What if he rejects her surrender and she becomes disappointed and turns to King Yan?

No matter how powerful the Lu family is, it is still just a family. For the aloof prince and grandson, it is not difficult to get rid of the Lu family.

With King Yan's temperament, in order to please the beauty, he would only act faster and more ruthlessly than him.

Unfortunately, words spoken are like water thrown out, and it is impossible to take them back.

Ling Jingshu raised her eyes, looked at the gloomy-looking grandson of the emperor, and said softly: "Your Highness misunderstood. I never had any intention of surrendering to King Yan. From the beginning, the person I wanted to surrender to was Your Highness."

The emperor's grandson's expression remained unchanged, but his eyes lit up and the corners of his lips raised slightly.

"To be honest with you, Your Highness, Lu Ping has secretly taken refuge with King Yan, and the Lu family can be considered as members of King Yan's party. If I want revenge and deal with the Lu family, I will never go to King Yan."

Ling Jingshu continued: "King Yan will not attack one of his own people just because of a stranger. Once this kind of thing spreads, it will lose people's hearts. King Yan has ambitions and a city, and it is impossible for him to do this kind of self-destruction." It’s a stupid thing about my reputation. If King Yan reveals his secret to Lu Ping, not only will I not be able to take revenge, I will also be able to scare him away.”

"So, I have always kept a distance from King Yan. I have never thought of taking refuge in him."

The raised corners of the emperor's lips twitched a few times, and he snorted imperceptibly: "You are very considerate."

I don't know if it's sarcasm or approval, or both.

Ling Jingshu restrained her face and responded calmly: "I am a weak woman with no helpers and no background. But I am not willing to be humiliated and want to take revenge, so I have to work hard and think carefully."

"You are too self-effacing."

The emperor's grandson didn't know what he thought of, and suddenly laughed: "If you are a weak woman, you may never find a tough-minded woman in this world."

How could Ling Jingshu, who stood upright in the rain of arrows without moving and killed the gangster with a sharp knife while the gangster was injured, be a weak woman?

How could Miss Ling Jiu, who was smart and calm and never bowed down to the powerful, be comparable to those ladies from famous families who recited poems and painted paintings all day long?

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